View Full Version : what does this sign mean? To wait or not....

17-05-2016, 07:09 PM
I am specifically working on trying to heal a broken relationship. So recently, I have started employing a new technique for my manifestations. I have been using affirmations and simply letting them go. I asked the universe for a sign because my progress with this whole situation has been very slow (while in the past I have received almost immediate results). I really did not think much of my request and did not take it seriously but I quickly asked for it and then forgot about it. I asked for the universe to somehow play the song from the Little Mermaid "I wanna be where the people are" for me because this is a song I would sing with the person I am trying to heal the relationship with. So today, after moving back into town, I went to my cousins house for the first time. She invited me to her daughter's play (which won't be till August) and it happens to be the little Mermaid. Surely, this song will be sung there. I took this as the manifestation of my sign. The song might not have played but it is guaranteed to in the future (August). Additionally, the little mermaid DVD was on the counter when I entered the house. How should I interpret this sign? Should it just be that the universe is manifesting my desires and they will be here soon? Or should i be that I will not be able to heal this relationship entirely/ this person will not come back into my life till August? See, I ask because in August this person and I will be heading back to school where we live 5 mins from each other. Right now, we are both home and not speaking to one another but we are about 35 mins from each other so there is no contact. Most people have suggested our relationship will rekindle in the fall (August/Septemeber) so I find it interesting that the universe sent me a sign that I am basically guaranteed to hear that song I requested but not till August? I was really hoping to rekindle my relationship before then as I do not want to go the whole summer without fixing the relationship. However, I know the universe delivers at the right time every time.. I was just wondering how should I interpret it? Do you think this person won't come back till August? Or I shouldn't take it so literally and just realize that the universe is letting me know (in just a slightly different way than I expected) that it is listening, delivering my signs, and working on my other desires?
I know this may seem like a goofy sign to some, but seriously what are the chances??? I just don't know how to interpret it... if i should take it literally and believe nothing much will happen till August or that its all happening now and the relationship will be healed before then (because thats my true desire/intention)

Thank you everyone for your help. P.S. I am new here this is my first post :smile:

Awakened Queen
17-05-2016, 08:27 PM
I think you can take it as a sign that the Universe is working on this situation, but do not place any time line on it. Just step back and let everything happen as it's meant to. When we try to control and set the time line, we stagnate the energy. Let it go and let it flow:smile:

17-05-2016, 08:34 PM
Welcome to the forum briborr...
