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Old 10-09-2011, 11:51 PM
Lynn Lynn is offline
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Remembering 9 11

September 11th 2011 – Ten Years Later

Wow it’s hard to believe that 10 years have come to pass by. For some I am sure the memories feel as fresh at this time as they did that fateful day. Having worked with the living and the deceased from September 11th I know well the emotional toll that day did take.

Looking back to September 11th, I wanted to share the path that day took for me. I was a Mother of two, one a toddler and one a not yet a year old. The TV for the day was on Tree House, and there were “News Flashes” saying that the program might be interrupted (but out of respect it’s a child’s channel no details were shared”) so I knew and felt it was something BIG. I was home alone and living rural and isolated from others as me mate was in town so I was cut off really from what was going on in the World. That day neither child went down for a nap. No matter how hard I tried no nap. Bedtime finally came and off they went to sleep.

It was finally later in the evening I got them both to bed and I had time to view the TV News. I put on the News Channel and the first words I heard were “we do not know where Airforce One is at this time” and immediately I thought OMG the President of the United States has had harm come to him. The next image I saw was the plane going into the Tower. NO WORDS just the image. In all honestly when I learned it was a “Planned” event the thoughts were to how simple it was in nature and how truly sad it was as well. I remember seeing the rescue crews rushing in thinking there would be many to save….but I felt only great loss. I remember the thoughts of there are no mass survivors to rescue; no ER Room’s will be over run. A feeling of nothingness and almost eerie calm. It was 10 pm when I finally learned what most of the World already knew. Shortly after me mate came home and said did ye have the news on all day today….I was no….did not want the kids to see.

From there the work for me started. I would feel one’s seeking help and I went into working with Spirit and helping where I could there. I had no computer at that time so had no contact with it all up close. Til a call came to me, seeking some help, in understanding WHY he was still alive. He worked for a financial company and all his coworkers at a meeting perished. He missed his wake up call to be at the meeting. YET when he checked with the Hotel the call came to his room was received by him. YET he missed the meeting. To this day he still wonders on WHY he is here. Struggles with that some. It simply was not yet his time to go is all I feel.

The site of the Twin Towers has been well blessed and well cleared. Those whom passed there have moved on to their new home. Now that year 10 has come maybe we can start to truly move past the fear’s that surround it all.

LOVe and Light

If the crow has chosen you as your spirit or totem animal, it supports you in developing the power of sight, transformation, and connection with life’s magic.
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Old 11-09-2011, 02:38 AM
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I lived in Northern Virginia at the time and my daughter was a toddler too -- not quite 4. I wasn't watching the news either. My daughter was still in bed and I was sitting on the couch with coffee trying to wake up, reading the paper. I first got a call from my mom in Richmond asking if I'd heard the news and to turn on the tv. The news was that a plane had hit the Pentagon. I was in a state of shock -- it was just surreal. I got email from friends and family wanting to know if I was ok. I was, I didn't live anywhere near the Pentagon. I was about 35 miles outside of DC. My husband was in Sunny Vale California for the week and could not get through until almost noon, he finally got thru on his cell phone. The land lines were down from everybody trying to call loved ones. He was able to fly back home on the corporate jet. I felt such a deep loss and mourning that threw me in a tailspin for at least 6 months.

I'm glad to hear that there are no trapped souls in Ground Zero.
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Old 11-09-2011, 02:44 AM
Lynn Lynn is offline
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Thank you iolite

That is what I want this thread to be about....where we were and how we remember hearing about what happened. How it touched us persoanlly as on some level I feel it so did many.

If the crow has chosen you as your spirit or totem animal, it supports you in developing the power of sight, transformation, and connection with life’s magic.
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Old 11-09-2011, 03:52 AM
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I was at work that day when a co worker came to me and said, turn on the radio an airplane hit the Twin tower, by the time we found the station the second plane had hit, and we couldn't believe what we heard, we were in a state of shock for the next few days and even now it
feels like it was just yesterday. September 11, is also my sons birthday
and we will never forget what happened. Hopefully nothing like this will ever happen again
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Old 11-09-2011, 04:14 AM
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Watching The Towers Collapse

A friend who had lived in NYC called me after the first plane hit & told me to turn on the news networks. I was watching it live when the second plane hit & when both towers collapsed.

As a US citizen it was piercing.
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Old 11-09-2011, 04:54 AM
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I woke up in the morning to find images of the September 11 attacks flashing across the tv screen. I was 9 physical years of age at the time.

I remember watching my mother walking into the living room and saying "oh, what on earth are you watching? Get that horrible show off that tv, your too young to be watching things like that..." only to flick the channels again and again and the same images were on every single channel of every network. I will never forget the look in her eyes, it was blank, uncomprehending. Her expression said it all "how could this happen?!"

I knew what shock looked like, so I made the decision to be honest and I told her that I knew that it wasn't a tv show and let her know that I wasn't too young to watch all of those people die. I also remember that I made it clear to her that no one can bring those people back and that the sooner everyone accepted it, the better.

I remember all I could think was that I was tired of all the sensless violence and slaughter. I saw no need for any of it and it saddened me that people (the terrorists) could do such a thing. I wondered if they had a conscience, or whether they were just so selfish that they thought only of themselves. I wanted to help the people there, but I was in another country (australia,) so I felt helpless and frustraited and angry for a long while.

My mother dealt with it all by trying to protect me from the "threat" of the news of the attack. She made sure I didn't look at the tv for the next 3 weeks, and refused to talk about the event for a majority of that time while soaking up all the news reports.

I drew this about 12 hours before the attacks happened. Even though it's unfinished and pretty messy, I keep this sketch as a kind of remembrance of the event and as a way to pay my respects to all those who were lost.


The marionette "angel" has a string of bullets curled around its waist.

In a way I think this picture is a bit of a tribute for the victims of that attack, like a symbol of justice to come or a warning against being fearfull in the future. It is an eerie thing and has more than one deep meaning hidden under its surface.

May they all rest in peace and may we live on without fear
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Old 11-09-2011, 05:26 AM
zipzip zipzip is offline
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I was at work and a coworker came up to me and said that a plane crashed into one of the towers. He was working as well, but tried to give me updates every 5 minutes. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Going home that night, all the radio stations just had news reports of what was going on in NYC. That constant wailing of that horn is so eerie to me now.

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Old 11-09-2011, 06:04 AM
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I was at home with my son and daughter, they were 11 and 9 at the time. My husband was on travel, he works for the government/Navy. I checked my email before I turned on the TV. A friend told me to turn it on that something had happened. We live near two Navy bases and a nuclear plant. I just remember standing fixated, wondering what was going on, my kids did see some of it...I had them go play in their rooms... I tried to reach my husband and couldn't all communication was out...I knew he would be flying back and I wanted to make sure he didn't get on a plane...I didn't here from him until after 6 pm...All day I watched as the towers burned than fell, how flight 93 had crashed in a field, how the Pentagon had been hit...so many innocent people, so many.....lost...
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