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14-02-2020, 01:31 AM
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 60
noise of a cordless phone about to die on cell phone and laptop
I have been experiencing many spiritual phenomena since the fall when someone whom I did not know passed came in my dreams which I wrote about on various posts.
I have had lights going on and off, computers making noises I never heard before, things falling, being woken up in the middle of the night by noises etc...
But this one phenomena is beyond my comprehension.
My cell phone started to make the exact noise of a cordless phone when the battery is about to die. I was getting this about 4-5 times a week and thought nothing of it for a while but I was starting to get annoyed. The person on the other end never heard it. It did it regardless of the battery charge (it would not make that noise on a cell phone but worth mentioning)
I started researching this and finally clued in that it could be paranormal.
Then I started logging in what was said just before the beep and they all could be related to the story of this person. Once it beeped right after my friend pronounced his name.
Last week I went to a medium consultant and I recorded the session on my laptop on audacity with the medium's permission. I get home and then I heard the exact same noise of a cordless phone when the battery is about to die on the recording just after someone's name was spoken (the twin brother of the person who had passed). There was no such noise in the room and it is absolutely identical to the ones heard on my cell phone.
I had previously told his twin brother about the noises and he had asked me to record it. I told him that I could not really as I would have to record every single phone conversation I was having so it was not practical.
So in a way, what the brother was asking for is what happened but please can someone explain to me how this is possible??? The beeping noises have gone from one device to another unrelated electronic device.
I do not like the fact that this is the noise of a cordless phone '' about to die'', I am not sure is there is a hidden meaning behind this.
I would also like to know if they are EVP or sound specialists out there who can analyze this noise.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.

09-03-2020, 12:34 AM
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 2,603
Originally Posted by ann299
I have been experiencing many spiritual phenomena since the fall when someone whom I did not know passed came in my dreams which I wrote about on various posts.
I have had lights going on and off, computers making noises I never heard before, things falling, being woken up in the middle of the night by noises etc...
But this one phenomena is beyond my comprehension.
My cell phone started to make the exact noise of a cordless phone when the battery is about to die. I was getting this about 4-5 times a week and thought nothing of it for a while but I was starting to get annoyed. The person on the other end never heard it. It did it regardless of the battery charge (it would not make that noise on a cell phone but worth mentioning)
I started researching this and finally clued in that it could be paranormal.
Then I started logging in what was said just before the beep and they all could be related to the story of this person. Once it beeped right after my friend pronounced his name.
Last week I went to a medium consultant and I recorded the session on my laptop on audacity with the medium's permission. I get home and then I heard the exact same noise of a cordless phone when the battery is about to die on the recording just after someone's name was spoken (the twin brother of the person who had passed). There was no such noise in the room and it is absolutely identical to the ones heard on my cell phone.
I had previously told his twin brother about the noises and he had asked me to record it. I told him that I could not really as I would have to record every single phone conversation I was having so it was not practical.
So in a way, what the brother was asking for is what happened but please can someone explain to me how this is possible??? The beeping noises have gone from one device to another unrelated electronic device.
I do not like the fact that this is the noise of a cordless phone '' about to die'', I am not sure is there is a hidden meaning behind this.
I would also like to know if they are EVP or sound specialists out there who can analyze this noise.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
I have gone into the astral plane as a non-physical consciousness many times. The only thing that I can do is mess with electronics, like cause a robot vacuum to activate. Small sensitive electronics like that. Or an electronic security door to open, only if it is to distract a human being from a self contradictory state of being, because their fear and denial of their own fear makes it a path of least resistance in order to allow for such a thing to occur. It is law of non-interference. Whatever is for good will is all allowed. Because I am non-physical consciousness, of pure positive energy in that moment. Right now I am physically focused and present here in this physical time space reality. So I can communicate with words. But when someone is non-physically focused, as a non-physical consciousness, they don't communicate with words or sound or sight or touch or smell. They communicate with consciousness. Thought forms. They send thought and you can allow yourself to receive it or not. How? By virtue of how you are feeling emotionally. If you feel bad emotionally, you are incapable of receiving. IF you feel good emotionally, you can receive consciously and very clearly. So simply relax and allow. The communication to occur. If you wish. By expecting. As positive expectation is simply a choice and this ability to communicate with non-physical consciousness has always been there. It is well known that people do not die, but rather we should say that we do not see them, but they are not dead.
Again they are a non-physical consciousness, they communicate via consciousness. Thought forms. That you can allow yourself to receive, by focusing and expecting and thus allowing.
They offer thought and you can receive. And you can offer thought and they are fully aware of your thought. They can hear you speak even. and be aware of you and know what you are saying. But you wont hear them speak sound, because they are not limitted by physical reality. And they usually do not intend to be limitted by it either. So it's all up to you. Usually non-physical entities cannot do much, so what you are experiencing is some extra special attention from this non-physical entity. Consider it a blessing. And loving kindness. To let you know, "hey I'm still around" and you can receive the communication if you want, more consciously. By understanding your own consciousness, as they are also a non-physical consciousness, and they can communicate with your consciousness aswell. If you allow yourself to receive the communication by focusing on their consciousness and presence and expecting to receive communication and allowing.

09-03-2020, 01:22 AM
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 60
Thank you for your answer, I actually found it quite helpful.
I have had gates opened in different cities where I was supposed to pay, or activate something (it happened four times). I do not go through gates that often.
I had have the radio station change by itself, I have had my computer make hissing sound which I have never heard before.
I believe it when you say that they know our thoughts because once I was sitting around and wondering how he actually killed himself (I know I should not think about this but I did) and then it was shown to me right away in energy form that was very clear to me.
I told his brother the next day that this is how he did it, the phone was silent. He admitted that I was right but the family did not want this information disclosed.
A few days later, my girlfriend who knew him also asked me how he did it, I refused to answer, she kept asking and asking, and then the phone line cut. Needless to say, she did not ask ever again.
Would you have a guess of how this particular sound was chosen (a cordless phone about to die)? Sometimes I wonder if this is a warning for me.
thanks again.

10-03-2020, 04:33 AM
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 2,603
Originally Posted by ann299
Thank you for your answer, I actually found it quite helpful.
I have had gates opened in different cities where I was supposed to pay, or activate something (it happened four times). I do not go through gates that often.
I had have the radio station change by itself, I have had my computer make hissing sound which I have never heard before.
I believe it when you say that they know our thoughts because once I was sitting around and wondering how he actually killed himself (I know I should not think about this but I did) and then it was shown to me right away in energy form that was very clear to me.
I told his brother the next day that this is how he did it, the phone was silent. He admitted that I was right but the family did not want this information disclosed.
A few days later, my girlfriend who knew him also asked me how he did it, I refused to answer, she kept asking and asking, and then the phone line cut. Needless to say, she did not ask ever again.
Would you have a guess of how this particular sound was chosen (a cordless phone about to die)? Sometimes I wonder if this is a warning for me.
thanks again.
Lol completely the opposite of a warning. The non-physical consciousness requires your clear minded and good feeling relaxed emotional state of being of atleast peacefulness to be able for you to receive communication. So if people focus on things that make them feel bad and things which are irrelevant or unhelpful for them and they use this consciousness as an excuse to feel bad then they limit their ability to communicate or receive the communication or presence or availability or joyous co-creation with this consciousness in that moment that they feel bad. But even more so, they limit their ability to be conscious of their own greater non-physical consciousness or inner being, aswell.
The reason the electronics behave the way they do, is not based on choice as much as it is based on the pure positive energy motional state of non-resistance of the consciousness. So this happens by virtue of the intention to connect consciously flows through the natural path of least resistance. Which means it always honors the free will of any given human being, by nature of the pure positive energy state of being. So if people think they are there to explain what or who killed them, they cannot answer that question, because it is a self contradictory question or assumption or a flawed premise that assumes that they are dead, and thus the very question causes the individual to express its choice and free will as "I believe they are dead, they no longer exist." and this consciousness cannot force anyone to believe in their existence if they do not want to and also if they do want to, but unintentionally limit their ability to recognize their existence. By denying it, by assuming they are "dead". Which obviously they are not.
But they are not gonna waste your time (the consciousness is not limitted by time) by hanging out with those aspects of your time and space reality where you choose to believe and thus choose (intentionally or not) to live the experience of them no longer existing.
And then when there is a greater probability of you acknowledging their presence, they will simply be there with you, and offering their presence of consciousness and communication, in that moment of your time and space, because the consciousness is not limitted by time and space. Also not limitted in awareness. For even we as a physically focused human being consciousness are not limitted in our awareness, but we simply have the ability to limit our awareness, and we often do so unintentionally, it's often said to be part of our human nature to do so, but it does not have to be that way. It is simply always a matter of choice, even tho most people are used to limitting their awareness so often that they do not even realise they are doing so, even whilest they are doing so. And so often they also are not aware of the choices they can choose, because they are not aware of their own emotions, which indicate the energy motional state of being and reflection of their choices. Such as someone asking you "how did they die?" may be accompanied by an emotion of worry, which indicates their limiting of their own consciousness. Which is what negative emotion indicates. And positive emotion indicates a greater allowed realisation of all that any given individual is being and becoming evermore naturally and effortlessly and joyfully and freely and knowingly here and now.
So if people know this, they can simply understand. If they really want the communication, they have to allow their own natural joyous state of being in alignment with their full blown realisation of their own true nature of being. Which is again indicated by positive good feeling emotion. And from this non-resistant greater allowing state of being, the communication can happen and occur effortlessly normally and naturally. For it is always available to them, in any given moment in time and/of space.

11-04-2020, 05:55 PM
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 60
These noises are still happening on my phone, although less frequent now. I feel like it was a warning for the Covid-19 situation. It was the noise of a cordless phone '' about to die'' and as I mentioned before, I did question that and I feel like it was a warning for what was to come and that many people were about to die.

12-11-2021, 06:00 AM
And I believe that.... Something very evil is going on.....
I think your getting GOOD warnings!!
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