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Old 01-04-2024, 03:00 AM
rose-red rose-red is offline
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Evil spirit returning to torment me or just neurosis?

When I was younger (ie 8-10ish),I was incessantly tormented both in dreams and in waking hours by an immaterial entity that I surmise may be some sort of ghost or spirit. This took the form of seeing its silhouette in the distance,catching its reflection in a mirror for a fraction of a second,even hearing it whisper my name at times,though no one else seemed capable of sensing it. I did also see it more clearly in dreams,where it almost always tried to attack or maim me. It took the form of a horse-like skull atop large humanoid skeleton festooned with saurian spikes,and was always very violent,and often berated me for my idiocy. Its chthonic appearance and abilities of human speech is what leads me to suspect it may be some manner of ghost or shade.

These terrors stopped suddenly when I was around 13,and until very recently,I haven't been bothered by it since. However,it appeared after its long absence to torment me in a dream several days ago,and ever since I've haunted with the same sense of dread and foreboding that I last experienced years ago,alongside my faculties in the divine arts seeming to decrease and overall misfortune of this general sort. Is this something I should take seriously and if so,what is to be done?
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Old 01-04-2024, 12:27 PM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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I don't know. I hope someone can help, tho.
I learned 2 words!

Synonyms: chthonic (adjective as in infernal) Strongest matches. demonic, devilish, hellish, malevolent, wicked.
Saurian - lizard-like

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 15-04-2024, 03:43 PM
desert rat desert rat is offline
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The common belief is that while asleep we all go out of body , astral projection but as a general rule we dont remember or remember as a dream . My guess is that you are interacting with this being while out of body . Take control of your dreams . Tell your self before going to sleep some thing some thing like , I will take control of my dreams I will ask this being why it is haunting me , what it wants , ect. I think a lot of ghosts are misunderstood . It may have a message for you or it could be something bad . A few people that can consiciously astral project get some kind of kick out of beating up evil spirits . Just what I have heard . Or this could be some form of human created thought form . Left over energy with our any kind of conssicious . All or most of us do this with out knowing it . Strong neg. emotions can create thought forms . There are methods of getting rid of them . Check you tube .
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