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Old 14-03-2022, 09:30 AM
Belovedhubby Belovedhubby is offline
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Smart phone communication

After I got back home a few hours after my wife had left her body in the hospice, I sat down on the couch and cried, i then noticed out the corner of my eye my smart phone display was flashing on off on off etc, I picked it up and tried to switch it off but it wouldn't go off even after trying to do the usual method of pressing volume and off together etc, the phone became unresponsive so i put it back down again, then i saw her Whatsapp profile picture pop up and even though i hadn't done anything and Whatsapp wasn't even open, it remained like that flashing on and off for a few minutes before returning to normal, a few minutes after that I can only explain a feeling of euphoria came over me and a knowing that it was my wife, i felt inside that she was telling me that she had made it and was alright. I had talked to her about spirituality and I always tried to reassure her that there was an afterlife and she would see that life does not ever end. I only say this here because most people would say that grief does strange things to people and put it down to that but I felt and will always feel that she was sending me a message from the other side. We were inseparable in life and we both hated being apart from each other, we always came together like magnets, we both felt at home with each other.
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Old 14-03-2022, 10:37 AM
Passing Through
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Is not for anyone else to make heads or tails out of your own experiences. Best I can say, is I'm glad you were able to process as you did. The connection you shared is something that is obviously continuing to live on. Really appreciate the share.
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Old 15-03-2022, 12:18 AM
bobjob bobjob is offline
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I do hope you'll recognise and accept what's happened as signs that your wife is alive and well in the world of the spirit - because she is and she's sent you her message of survival!

blessings on you both

Your experience won't prevent you missing her presence but it should help you cope better knowing this is only a short stop along the way and you'll be together again before too long. blessings
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Old 14-04-2022, 12:26 PM
johnpery johnpery is offline
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Cell phones today allow people to connect in ways they couldn't when landlines ruled the telecommunications world. They allow grandparents who don't live nearby
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Old 14-04-2022, 02:46 PM
bobjob bobjob is offline
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Originally Posted by johnpery
Cell phones today allow people to connect in ways they couldn't when landlines ruled the telecommunications world. They allow grandparents who don't live nearby
Did you read the title of this thread's Forum 'Paranormal & Supernatural'? It's not a conversation about the usefulness of cell-phones.
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Old 14-04-2022, 05:02 PM
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A beautiful story Belovedhubby,I am so sorry for your loss.......
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Old 25-11-2022, 06:06 PM
briam briam is offline
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smart phone communication

This sort of happened to me a few months ago we had a new neighbour across the way he looked a lot younger then me and had mixed race friends and family come know and then although id never got a chance to speak to him, i feel this is something he tried to do with my mobile phone on his passing, the one morning i was getting ready to go out i grabbed hold of my mobile phone but for some reason the touch screen would not work it was as if it had frozen i was getting a little frustrated and i said to my self oh damn it il have to sw it off to reboot it when a set of of triple 666 flashed up on the screen i thought what the as i was about to walk out the door a saw a small crowd of people around my neighbours flat and there was this black ambulance i knew right away what it was , you cannot really say anything to the relatives as it is a very sensitive time for them a passing of a relative but that's not the weirdest thing six month prior to this happening i had a dream i was this person, i even remember what he was saying as he crossed over he thought he was been taken by the devil and that it was the devils work i have no proof what he died from but i suspect but you cannot prove it. all i know is what the other side looks like during our earth day its very black and white and two dimensional since spirit does not have eyes like a physical person this see with there higher mind and are very telepathic i remember this because i was not mind wiped i came into this life with help from control but that is another story
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