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Old 06-09-2023, 01:13 AM
CassandraApollo CassandraApollo is offline
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A couple ghost stories to share

Was in a graveyard that I've visited many times and never felt or saw any ghosts. It's a lovely peaceful place. This one day, I saw something move behind one of the many Crape Myrtles on the property. When I look directly at it, there was a ghost man looking at me. He looked surprised that I could see him. I smiled and waved. Later when I mentioned what I saw to someone who lives nearby. She said, oh yes that's a groundskeeper from when the property was a plantation.

Another time I was walking in a park in San Antonio, TX. I saw a man riding a light-colored horse. I blinked and they were gone. I called a friend who lived in that area. She said the park was a fort at one time and she was not surprised by what I saw.
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Old 08-09-2023, 12:17 AM
Traveler Traveler is offline
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Very cool. Fifteen years ago I lived up in Northern Virginia, not far from Manassas Park Battlefield which was the site of the Battle of Bull Run, the first major battle of the Civil War. A lot of men died at that site. During the Christmas Holiday, the park puts up a Christmas Light display is popular. When our daughter was small it was an annual tradition for us. On year, we headed out there after dinner and I was really tired. I kept dozing off as we drove through the park looking at the lights. And finally towards the end I just conked right out. I woke up just as we left the park and were headed down the side road that drove past the actual battlefield to get back on the highway and head home. Hubs was driving really slow as it was really dark. As we were driving past the battlefield, I saw a soldier, in uniform walk across the road just ahead of our headlights.
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Old 20-12-2023, 07:54 PM
Karma_Eleon Karma_Eleon is offline
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I have had a few encounters as well.

One, his name was Raymond, was at my first own apartment, and he decided to follow me around. Often saw him wearing his tan corduroy pants out of the corner of my eyes (never directly). He'd be in the back seat of my then car, for example, or I'd see him at a store.

So one day, I had a friend visit, and I told her about Raymond, and just then, out of the blue and without any detectable physical reason, a whole row of books in my shelf fell over. Friend got a bit spooked...

Some time later, around Christmas time, I was visiting a friend at her home, and we were all (her, her husband and her son, me, and their dog at my feet) sitting at the living room table, having coffee and chatting. Their Christmas tree was at the other end of the room, and none of us were anywhere near it.

But when I told them about Raymond and what had happened when that other friend had visited me, an ornament fell off the tree and shattered!

That is when I actually scolded Raymond, telling him toppling my books over was one thing, but breaking other people's property was a no go. Shortly after that, I had a sit down with him and sent him home (into the light).

Never found out why he was still around, but I was still young - but come to think of it, I still am not asking that question when I meet ghosts (but I now feel more about their motives)

Because there are more:

When this house, where we now live, was about ready to move in (long delays in renovating due to COVID, energy crisis etc), I came here one day with the intention to clean, dust, mop, washing windows etc. So there I am, in the room that is going to be our bedroom, when I feel this presence, kind of gruff, almost aggressive, wanting to know what I was doing. I smiled, explained that I was cleaning the house, and I got the feeling that this was the initial owner of the house, trying to protect what he had built.

The next day, I went to get sage and I came to smudge the house, cleansing and during my little ritual I promised him I would take good care of his house, and told him he could now move on. At the same time I called protective energies to the house and affirmed that it would be a happy and healthy new home for all of us.

I have not seen or felt him since, but there is an unknown to me ghost tabby cat visiting often

And about cat ghosts, when I went back to the place we just moved out of, my girl cat Geraldine, who passed after Christmas last year, was wandering around lost, because she could no longer find us. I took a moment to sit with her and told her we were fine, she could move on to the rainbow bridge, and I think she did.

Last time I visited my parents at the cemetery for All-Saints Day, there was a young child wandering around, she came around my sister to hold my hand, also lost. (Just realizing this now, not at the time, there actually is a child's grave near my parents' resting place)

And just as she asked me how to find the light, the priest said something about eternal lights in heaven and the sun broke through the cloud cover, so I pointed and said "that way", and she left, happy.

I have to say I never feel threatened or uneasy in those presences!

(edited to add - there seems to have been a problem with this post, I can see it on my screen but it does not seem to appear in the post count of the thread...)
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Old 29-01-2024, 07:47 PM
Karma_Eleon Karma_Eleon is offline
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(my previous post on this thread, from a while ago, though visible to me, never seems to have made it onto my post count or the post count of this thread - and I read somewhere if you post again afterwards, it appears - so testing this theory. If it does not, I might re-post)
Be impeccable with your word.
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Old 31-01-2024, 12:41 AM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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Cassandra - When I lived in San Antonio, Texas, USA, for those that never heard of it...a friend was constantly seeing 'spooks' -
that's what she called them...from so many diff time periods...in diff clothing of their period. :)

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 04-02-2024, 07:40 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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My cousin took a group of schoolchildren to a church for a visit.
They had to walk through the graveyard to get to the church.
My cousin could see an elderly gent bend down at one of the graves.
She gathered the children and told them they must pass through the graveyard very quietly so as not to disturb the old man and let him have his peaceful moment.

"what man miss " they all wanted to know !!
She pointed and showed them "over there".
But none of the children could see a man.
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Old 25-03-2024, 01:59 AM
CassandraApollo CassandraApollo is offline
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Miss Hepburn

The park I was in is, San Pedro Springs park. Yes, San Antonio is a special place.
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Old 15-04-2024, 03:59 PM
desert rat desert rat is offline
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I have had ghosts move and hide stuff . I have had them effect my volt meter where i could not use it . I have posts on this forum on this from years back . One is titled some thing like a ghost moved my smart phone or some thing like that . Many years ago I saw some one I think wanted me to see him . It was at a funerall for my girlfriend . I think he was some kind of guarding angel or some thing like that .
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