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Old 04-01-2017, 03:17 AM
PlatitudePluto PlatitudePluto is offline
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Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
I know better than to share the worst...or to even think about them,
or read about others' weird experiences.
I keep that door closed and locked.

I know I probably should but I guess it's true what they say; curiosity kill the cat.
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Old 21-01-2017, 08:31 AM
missmetal missmetal is offline
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I wouldn't say these are "scary", but about 8 years ago I was sitting on my bedroom floor at my parents house, changing CD's on my stereo. I had my door open and my mum was in the next room wrapping up some xmas gifts. We were chatting to each other while doing our own thing, then all of a sudden I hear a little kid YELL through my door to me "HELLO!",(not yell in an angry way, just like someone was excited to see a friend.)

I sat in silence and so did my mum, for maybe what felt like a good solid 2 minutes, I yelled out "mum was that you?"....And she said back "no, I thought it was you?".
It was definitely not either of us, the voice was so pure and innocent, like a 5 year old boy or girl.
(it was hard to tell from the voice tone what sex the child was, but now that my husband also experienced it 6 years after that, its absolutely a little girl).

The childs voice was so loud, it made me jump and look straight at my bedroom door way 2 ft from me. I thought my niece or nephew was here to visit it was THAT loud and real.

Husbands story;

We ended up moving into my parents house for about 6 months while we were saving and looking for a house.
One night while we were in bed, he heard someone whisper in his ear "are you going to be ok?". He froze and looked at me, but I was asleep on the opposite side to him. He woke me up and asked me if I was playing a joke on him, but I had absolutely no idea since I was just rudely awoken. Haha!
We also felt a very strange presence in the back part of that house.... Especially in the hallway near the bathroom & my bedroom door...

(footnote: previous owners of parents home were firefighters (personal fire alarm bell still in studio room hubby and I lived in but disconnected at the wire)... Possibly they bought home a spirit of deceased little girl?)
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Old 28-09-2021, 11:44 AM
icomment icomment is offline
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Talking My thoughst on conmunicating with Ghots

I have used some ghost hunting equipment I got from spiritshack to communicate with the dead, and you would be spooked by the things you have in your home. old homes tend to have more ghosts than a newly built homes.

sings to look out for:
cold homes
musty smelling homes
any souvenier that you have brought back from a forging country
and don't underestimate the noises you be hearing in your home, if it is not you or your partner then it's definitely not your neighbours.
when you can not sleep at night or wake up in a sweat.

these are all the signs that something is not right in your home and it is definitely worth investigating.

What do you think?
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Old 28-09-2021, 11:49 AM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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Originally Posted by icomment
...What do you think?
Time to offer solutions!!!

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 30-09-2021, 10:17 PM
Traveler Traveler is offline
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Originally Posted by falcor
went to a graveyard in the middle of the woods and ran an echovox session and got mad evps. got a 4 min video of it on my channel.

I saw a soldier walk across the road in front of us one night when we were coming home from looking at the Festival of Lights at Bull Run Park as we drove past the battlefield in Manassas Va several years ago around Christmas. It wasn't scary at all though. It may have been just a residual haunting because the soldier didn't look at us at all. The battlefield has a lot of ghost activity, I've heard.
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Old 30-09-2021, 10:18 PM
Traveler Traveler is offline
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A few years back I was sitting up in bed reading and happened to look up to see a silver orb float along the back wall near the ceiling and through the exterior wall on my right to outside. First orb I've ever seen. Kinda cool.
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Old 02-10-2021, 07:46 AM
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Just have to "say" I just love this thread, reading of other people/member's experiences. So many! Wow!

Ok so I have a few that was scary to me. The bottom line the most scary I would say was when an ex's girlfriend as in romantic or just friendship terms, suddenly began to appear in spirit form in my home. Two people claimed to have seen her but I never did. Another medium would dream of her and then told me fearing I was in danger.

I would say it was most scary as it was coming after my daughter who was very young at the time.

This female spirit would push me and her. it was not that I would suddenly trip over something I could feel the push.

As they began to describe her looks thinking I could resonate I could not. I had not been in contact with my ex for years. I knew he had done Rehab because he had called me to say so and to then too apologize to me for his wrong doings in the past and I forgave and wished him well. That was the last time I had heard his voice.

He had before that seen me pregnant by accident running erronds.

Last thing he did to get in contact with me was to write me a letter stating i was the love of his life. I dont know how true that was.

While in treatment before he somehow got to know this female who was to show up in my home in spirit. What had come to the medium (before we had been in contact) was too that she had been pushed down the stairs by a man and other men had mocked her and it had been frightening and humiliating. What had been communicating to was that these were drunks, but that was a part that the medium did not caught.

Just before waking up one morning I heard her voice saying he protected you, he didn't protect me. There had been this one time in an accident, I opened my eyes and found he had shielded me and there was pieces of glas everywhere and him asking if I was OK.

I think he was protective of me as well because I was too young in my mums view to be in a serious relationship (but she preferred that instead of having me out partying like a wild animal, not that I did) and still then she said she knew by the way he looked at me that she just had to let it happen. It would not have mattered. I had my own will, but I guess that was her way of giving her conscent. I do feel he felt as if he had to answer to her, and so he did not want to let her down.

My conclusion is that the female spirit knew, as well as I did, that he had been a good drunk and he would not have stood for her being treated that way, but becauase he was trying to keep himself sober and she and those men were not - he had to cut off contact.

She was very hostile looking said someone who saw her in my home in spirit and having it against me and my daughter. I don't know how clear she lookad at things in the flesh, in life, if she thought my daughter's real/biological father was my ex but both he and I and everyone else knew that was not the case, but maybe in her mind it was or something she was suspiscious of.

He had said to others and in rehab that he felt at his best when we had been a couple. dont know if she had heard that.

When we had been a couple we had been engaged and planning a wedding and that was when it all exploded all of a sudden. I had not expected us to break up. I thought we were in a pleasant time in our relationship. Just before it happened I did not see it coming. He did not own up to his responsibility for it and I always thought he was 100% to blame. It went from that to worse, he got back to drinking and would call me drunk. later we were to be friends, but not active on my part, more so to do with circumtances knowing the same people and living in the same city for a period, bumping into one another at times. I always thought it would go away over time in a natural way. I did not think much about it then. We had a brief reconsilliation few years after the break up, but I had to call it off, it wasn't his fault then, it was all mine. I did not have a romantic set of emotions for him, and I was not in a good place within myself to be in any relationship. I knew it was me. I apologized to him as I had been the one to start all this (having kissed him, suddenly). After that he would check in on me now and then more so to do with the few others we both knew as I was cutting him out of my life and thought I did the right thing - for him - and for me. I did not want to hurt him. I wanted him to fall in love again and have a family and all that. We had ended things on friendly terms.

It was hard for me to put aside my own rage when trying to communicate to her as mother-instinct was very strong.

What they would say, those who saw her, was that she would just look at you with such hate and the hate directing (this is what mediums felt was towards me and my daughter). If and when she had a chance she would push us so we would both fall down the steps different times, several times. I think I also saw her or some female just before I woke too clearly lean over my daughter's bed as she was sleeping but then she was gone, but I can't be 100% sure of that.

It was not just at home where I was being pushed (the push would come always from the upper back area), it would too happen at work and one time I was in a mall and it happened there too but at the time I held my hand so tight, held on, that nothing came of it and later I was not entirely sure what had happened. I remember having turned around but there had not been someone that close behind me.

She kept rebooting herself visiting us again, as if nothing had happened (and here we had done go-to-the-light and I don't know what) and that scared me too and Bobjob helped me.

She's at peace now, or so I hope. She hasnt been around here no more to hurt us anyhow :)

I do think I got a view of who she really was. In the flesh before all her troubles began and she escaped in her drinking. It was a very sensitive and very artistic human being and I could feel that she had once been good.

I think she was trapped where she had been and that I was a connection to her from her own connection to my ex. It could have been that she had stayed in the fragile mind she had been in when passing over and so that was why it had been so difficult then.

It could also have been that, unknown to me, we were part of the same soulgroup, and so that was where the original connection came from.

Last edited by asearcher : 02-10-2021 at 03:57 PM.
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Old 09-10-2021, 06:29 AM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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Today, got pinched really hard on my right arm.

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        Happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind.
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Old 18-10-2021, 12:33 AM
jazzy911 jazzy911 is offline
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These stories are so interesting to read!
Two different times I saw creepy faces watching me in the door way of my bedroom. The first one was a short creature with a round gray face. The second one was about 9 feet tall with a green hue. Both were smiling at me with sharp teeth.
Nothing has tried to attack me, thank goodness, I felt protected both times.
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Old 18-10-2021, 09:43 PM
desert rat desert rat is offline
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All the ghosts I have encountered have been the ones that hide stuff. Fun silly ghosts. No bad stuff. I think stuff flying across the room is Hollywood enhancement.
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