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24-07-2016, 02:50 AM
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: NOLA
Posts: 146
That's a shame that no one was able to relate to you Lynn. Lot of denial all around even when evidence reveals itself
The end of fear, the relief of suffering, the development of the soul. "We all live in the real world, the key is to understand it and that brings power which brings potentiality."

03-08-2016, 08:51 PM
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 93
I was a young mom of two energetic boys, and at one point was heavily influenced & inspired by reading about the Marian apparitions at Medjugorie.
So even though I have a tendency to hypoglycemia, I tried to do a day of fasting. I got soooo tired and washed out that by 2 pm I was barely able to keep my eyes open. I put the boys in their childproof room to play where I could hear them and lay down in the next room "just to close my eyes a second." I sort of nodded out but started having this weird half-asleep dream, but it was really SORDID. All sexual imagery, and dark, and twisted. I don't remember the details but it was NOT love 'n light...!
All of a sudden, WHACK !!!! Something / someone SLAPPED me HARD across the face, oh so hard. I startled up, ready to give the boys what-for in this teachable moment, only to hear them still playing nicely in the next room. I was alone. I went to the mirror, my face was red where I had been slapped. The rest of my face was white as a ghost. Yeah, I broke my fast right there and then.
I later told my story to a friendly priest, asking if he thought it was a devil or angel that had slapped me. He said he didn't know, but heck, if he'd been there, he'da slapped me too: a young mother trying to fast on top of everything else???
(Trust me, it was funny the way he said it, he didn't mean it really, he was just trying to make me see my first responsibility was to my boys ...)

08-09-2016, 08:09 PM
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Posts: 4
I hadn't really experienced much prior to meeting my wife (her mother is a gifted medium and I think my wife shares this gift in some form... she, however is slightly skeptical, I am not as she tends to burn out lightbulbs with her energy on bad days.)
Her parents were gone one weekend and my wife stayed at their place (her childhood home) to watch their dogs. I stayed with her one night and while I was sleeping, I woke up to feeling someone standing right next to the bed.. it was cold. Then the cold subsided and got warm again.. her dog kept looking out into the hallway. He'd get up and walk to the bedroom door and stand there for a minute then come back. This cold and feeling of someone standing next to the bed kept waking me and the dog up all night. I explained this to her mom and she said she gets the same thing - says it was her son (my wife's brother) who passed a few years before. Must be watching over his little sister, freaking me out!
Another time at our apartment I just got into bed, put my arms up and hands behind my head on the pillow, when I felt 2 fingernails trace from my left bicep to the middle of my forearm... I was too afraid to move. It was light enough to see in the room and there was nothing there. I poked at my wife (on my right side) to tell her, but she was zonked out. I ignored it and went to sleep.
- In that apartment we both had the same short dream, but never told each other as to not freak the other out, that some one/thing walks out of the closet and stands at the foot of the bed... we both had it several times.
- Her mom cleansed the apartment when we first moved in and she visited because she got an off put feeling about the place. Later, when we told her about these occurrences and the bad feeling about the closet, she had re-cleansed the entire apartment AND the closet. We hadn't had an incident since then till we moved.
Lastly, at our new house, my wife has woken me up on a couple different occasions from very loudly speaking in tongues... it's very deep throaty toned and sounds as though she's speaking while breathing in. It's unbelievably creepy and I wake her when she's doing it because she will keep "talking" for about 5-10 min. She has a sweet, gentle voice and this does not sound like her at all... Thankfully it hasn't happened in a while!
I've also posted a thread at the main Ghosts & Hauntings page about the most recent occurrence - thread is titled "3:29am"

01-10-2016, 05:12 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 5,142
I was staying at a spiritual retreat centre and the whole place was full of energy. Before I went to bed I sat in the very old library surrounded by dusty books and armchairs and asked if any spirit present could make itself known...
That night I woke up to a horrible yellowish face in my mind's eye. As I woke up in a panic the face become clearer and I realised it was not only with my non physical eyes that I could see it, but with my physical eyes. Thus not only was it part of my dream state per se, it was actually in the room with me. It was the single most frightening experience I've ever had.

30-12-2016, 12:09 PM
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Posts: 20
I wouldn't say that my experience is negative, but it certainly freaked me out. I was sleeping over at a cousin's house with 2 other cousins. It is well known that her house, or pretty much the entire street, is haunted. Anyway, my 3 cousins slept outside in the lounge, while I decided to sleep in my cousin's room because I didn't want to sleep on the floor with them. Her bedroom was directly opposite the dining room.
So, all the lights were out, everyone in the house was asleep. But I was still wide awake in bed. All of a sudden, I heard tapping on the wooden wall, right next to the bed, and a mumble of a man's voice. I bolted off the bed, and turned on the light. Nothing there. So, I went back to bed. Then, I heard it again. Soon after, I heard laughter outside, coming from the dining room. This was accompanied by what sounded like the dining chair being dragged along the tiles.
My curiosity overcame my fear. I went outside to check if it was my cousins. I nervously walked over to the lounge room, only to find that my cousins were all fast asleep. So I went back to bed.
Eyes wide open, I laid down in bed anticipating another 'occurrence.' All of a sudden, I heard the laughter and chairs dragging again. I desperately ignored it, and went to sleep with the lights on.
The next day, I asked my cousins if they heard anything, since they were sleeping outside in the lounge, very close to the dining area. No one heard a thing. They all thought I was losing my mind. My older cousin and her husband, who slept in the room next to me, also did not hear anything. I was so utterly shocked, because the noise was THAT loud and nuanced. I swear, I heard it all, and was definitely NOT making it up.

30-12-2016, 08:28 PM
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 140
When I was about 7 or 8 years old, my mom and aunts took me on a ghost tour in St. Augustine. Everything was fine, just a little creepy for me as a child, until we came to a cemetery. The guide was talking about a boy who sits in a tree there and my mom and I looked at each other and BOLTED across the street with our backs turned. Something was there, we could tell, and it completely freaked us out.
Another freaky experience I had was when I was starting high school. Because I'm handicapped, I went there a few days before the first day so that I could tour the school, meet the staff, and see that everything was accessible to me. We went to the auditorium and the other people stayed relatively close to the doorway, but I went in further. I felt something that made me feel really uncomfortable and I couldn't stay in there for very long. It turned out that most of the students and teachers unanimously agreed that the school was haunted. I had quite a few experiences there.
The most recent one was when my mom and I were house hunting with my dad. We went to this one house and my mom and I felt this heavy entity there. I remember feeling so anxious and I just had to leave. Needless to say, we didn't make an offer on the house. There was also a really creepy picture of a nun in the bedroom, which didn't help at all.

02-01-2017, 07:54 PM
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 191
I haven't had any bad experiences, but one time a ghost or entity, I'm not sure which, walked through my apartment with actual human footstep sounds. That was startling but not really scary.

03-01-2017, 12:07 AM
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 36
Originally Posted by Lynn
Lets see first childhood memory age 6 at an open casket grave funeral. Being carried to the car screaming and crying "I can see them, they all want to talk to me". To have my Dad so firmly say to me "never ever talk about this. " That was all that was said, so I grew up seeing and talking to the "dead" but never understanding it all til I was 16. I would ask the Father at Church what was wrong with me, he would say the same "do not talk about this child" and dismiss me. Scary childhood for me, but it kept me a loner and inwards.
I understand where you're coming from. My mom was in the camp of, 'if you ignore it it will go away and do NOT tell anyone. You will freak people out, don't say a word.' My dad was a lot more understanding but didn't know what to say, he told me to tell them 'my dad told me not to talk to strange things'. My grammy was the one who told me, 'it's real, they are there and yes they want to talk to you but you don't have to listen until you want to. Might part of the reason I'm such a total introvert now.

03-01-2017, 12:08 AM
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 36
I’ve been scared by spirits several times over the years, especially when I was a child. As an adult I mostly jump and then swear. By this point I’ve been an occultist and medium for far too long to get freaked out by much, mostly just surprised. I’ve been told its quite funny watching me curse something out that surprised me. Gave this nasty spirit an earful one time…fun times.
Moving on, I’m both glad (not to be alone) but also sad that others have experienced the red-eyed thing. Here’s my experience of it:
I was lying down in bed, when I opened my eyes, I don’t know what woke me up, but I was facing the window. It was a big window that faced the yard light. The light was muted by this figure huge, robed blacker than the night, with red shinning eyes. It was coming through my window, flowing into the room. I choked on my own breath, I was shaking. I couldn’t yell out I was so scared all I could do was pushing into the wall behind me.
It came into the room and started towards me, I couldn’t do anything. And then these little shadows came from around the room, under my bed and they went at the thing, jumping and dancing around it. I could hear the hissing and the little things weren’t backing down at all. Full out fighting and the thing swiped at them but they wouldn’t stop and then it pulled back and I screamed and screamed. I could hear my dad running up the stairs, he came into the room and yelled for my mom as he took off down the stairs.
I could hear the door opening as my mom came into my room.
Later I found out my dad had seen ‘someone’ in my window and had run down to catch him, but when he got outside there was no ladder to my window and no footsteps in the snow but an imprint like something had laid down in the snow. It really freaked him out, he still tells the story.
I slept in my parent’s bed that night and they moved me into my sister’s room the next day. It was an old farm house where cats always lived and over the years many had passed. I truly believe those shades of cats saved me. I still get tears in my eyes when I think of them fighting for me.

03-01-2017, 12:16 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Southwest, USA
Posts: 25,760
I know better than to share the worst...or to even think about them,
or read about others' weird experiences.
I keep that door closed and locked.
.*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)
Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru.
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