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Old 28-06-2016, 10:15 AM
shoni7510 shoni7510 is offline
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The worst for me was the day I was admitted to hospital and at night I could not sleep. This happened in 2013. There was a queue of ghosts all waiting to give me their stories. One of them opted to demonstrate it and cut my lips with a knife. It was so painful that I just wanted to scream and I sensed that there was still a long queue waiting. I began to pray to Jesus and he immediately moved in and covered me and I never heard from the ghosts again.
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Old 02-07-2016, 09:02 PM
Sarian Sarian is offline
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I've had a few...I remember as a child in my dark bedroom, seeing a black mass which to me seemed blacker than black coming towards me. this happened many times into my teens. creeped me out a bit.

One time I woke up because I felt someone staring at me and saw this hideous man or something arched over me. Of course, I wondered if I was dreaming but I remember waking up, but who knows.

In my 30s, one night I was up late and went to bed around 1 a.m. I was laying there trying to fall asleep when my nightgown rolled up very quickly up to my neck, perfectly, even though I was laying down but what alarmed me the most was the thing that was on me. It sounds absolutely ludicrous, I know, but it was what appeared to be a reptile rat. It seemed like some sort of reptile but had bristly fur. I felt paralyzed to move but finally broke free and jumped out of bed and my nightgown rolled down. Later that same night, I woke up and I was on my stomach and my arms were across the bed and I could not move again. I felt something on me and disgusting as it was, I was covered with a sticky sweat. I could not move while whatever was going on was going on. To this day I don't know what to make about that My boyfriend insists I had to be dreaming lol, maybe, who knows. Seemed real and scary to me.

My older brother moved into this house. I went to visit for the first time and I was shown the upstairs and I could not go into some rooms. I did not even want to walk past them. I told my SIL something wasn't right and to please not use this one particular room as a bedroom for her kids. I continued to go there but I felt very unsettled. One night my brother and sil were watching TV and the tv started changing channels fast and repeatedly. Then the ceiling fan stopped and went the other way. One day my SIL came home and was upstairs near that one room and she heard "I'm here." she checked to see who it was, there was no one. It said it a few more times, getting louder.

My brother was taking a shower one morning and the shampoo bottles started to spin around. Scared the life out of him and he got out of there fast. It is a big old house and was made into a two family home which they owned. A woman and her 2 boys moved in and rented the other half. In probably less than a year, one of the boys killed himself. He was just a young kid too. My brother and his family sold the place and moved out.

I've had other experiences but these were the first to come to mind.
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Old 03-07-2016, 01:23 AM
Rsandee Rsandee is offline
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It was almost a year ago, it was some kind of student introduction week, a week filled with events and parties. At the first day, I had just met my group members and were ready to head out into the city, it was then that I received a call that my grandmother had died. I took a train home, I remember staring forward with disbelief the whole way back. When I came home from visiting my grandfather, I slept with the intention of not going back to the city, even though I had been looking forward to that week for a long time, I valued family more than my personal interest. I remember that I slep normally, I had absolutely no trouble sleeping as I still couldn't belief she was dead, even though I saw her lifeless body at my grandfathers home. The next morning, I woke up and remember thinking "she has left us", it was then that something happened in my mind, it was like something was expanding, I looked in front of me and saw what could only be described as pure light. I couldn't believe my eyes, even when it was happening right in front of me, but it isn't just my sight that was important, my head was filled with positivity and rekindled interest in going back to the city. I could finally understand and accept that she died.

Fast forward a few days, I would join my family during the day and my new friends at night until the week was over on Friday. When I wanted to go to sleep this time however, I felt my room wasn't the same anymore, it was my first time sleeping there since my experience with the light and it introduced me to a night of negativity and darkness. It was the night before her funeral, but I don't think that had anything to do with it, there was a feeling of dread in my room and it got so bad that I went to the living room to sleep on the couch. It didn't help however, I kept feeling that there was something, and that something was terribly, terribly wrong. I think I actually felt something touching my leg at some point. I'm way too old for this and I actively forced myself not to, but it actually got so bad that I just slept in my parents their bedroom because that was the only place I thought it would be safe, and it was. I had to wake them up first and they completely understood, because I would've never done something like that if I didn't mean it and believed what I said. The next day after the funeral I came back to my room and opened all the windows, I said that this was my room and that whatever else was in there should leave because I don't want to share it. The feeling wasn't there anymore when I went to sleep that night, no idea if it was because of what I did.

Does anyone have any experience with this or these kinds of events? I tried to search for more information many times this last year, but I can't find anything or anyone that knows more about this than I do, which is next to nothing. This was actually my only, my best and my worst supernatural experience all at the same time.
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Old 03-07-2016, 09:32 AM
sea-dove sea-dove is offline
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Originally Posted by Rsandee
It was almost a year ago, it was some kind of student introduction week, a week filled with events and parties. At the first day, I had just met my group members and were ready to head out into the city, it was then that I received a call that my grandmother had died. I took a train home, I remember staring forward with disbelief the whole way back. When I came home from visiting my grandfather, I slept with the intention of not going back to the city, even though I had been looking forward to that week for a long time, I valued family more than my personal interest. I remember that I slep normally, I had absolutely no trouble sleeping as I still couldn't belief she was dead, even though I saw her lifeless body at my grandfathers home. The next morning, I woke up and remember thinking "she has left us", it was then that something happened in my mind, it was like something was expanding, I looked in front of me and saw what could only be described as pure light. I couldn't believe my eyes, even when it was happening right in front of me, but it isn't just my sight that was important, my head was filled with positivity and rekindled interest in going back to the city. I could finally understand and accept that she died.

Fast forward a few days, I would join my family during the day and my new friends at night until the week was over on Friday. When I wanted to go to sleep this time however, I felt my room wasn't the same anymore, it was my first time sleeping there since my experience with the light and it introduced me to a night of negativity and darkness. It was the night before her funeral, but I don't think that had anything to do with it, there was a feeling of dread in my room and it got so bad that I went to the living room to sleep on the couch. It didn't help however, I kept feeling that there was something, and that something was terribly, terribly wrong. I think I actually felt something touching my leg at some point. I'm way too old for this and I actively forced myself not to, but it actually got so bad that I just slept in my parents their bedroom because that was the only place I thought it would be safe, and it was. I had to wake them up first and they completely understood, because I would've never done something like that if I didn't mean it and believed what I said. The next day after the funeral I came back to my room and opened all the windows, I said that this was my room and that whatever else was in there should leave because I don't want to share it. The feeling wasn't there anymore when I went to sleep that night, no idea if it was because of what I did.

Does anyone have any experience with this or these kinds of events? I tried to search for more information many times this last year, but I can't find anything or anyone that knows more about this than I do, which is next to nothing. This was actually my only, my best and my worst supernatural experience all at the same time.

quite possibly your contact with that higher frequency light may of opened you up for a short time in a way to then become more aware and hence aware of dark things too.

i once myself experienced the light which is connected to death, it was truely beautiful. I just wanted to enter into it myself but it was there for the other who'd just passed and so I shared this experience with her.
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Old 03-07-2016, 10:44 AM
sea-dove sea-dove is offline
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This reminds of of telling scary stories around a campfire as a child lol.

I've had many experiences, some great ones and some scary. I'll share my scariest with something I hope I never ever meet again but before i do that I'll tell you a bit about myself.

Im a healer and lightworker and have dealt with many different beings and negative ones in the past. Before my scariest experience I had believed that could handle any negative being get it to go away if one confronted me, I'd dealt with demons like incubuses well and got them to go away and not come back but it turns out I was over confident which I was about to find out.

At the time unknown to me I was being affected I think by something dark (I had like a vampire energy or something around me), I also maybe been watching too much of stargate which also could of influenced me some about what I was wanting to do.

I was working on my astral projection at the time and decided to try to project myself into an egyptian sarcophagus as I wanted to lay in it and sleep in it astrally. So I went into a meditative state and started to try to project, thinking of egypt and willing myself into a tomb.

Nothing seemed to be occuring, I was just experiencing blackness so i decided to pull my energy fully back to my physical body as I then just wanted to go to roll over and go to sleep. The moment though I pulled my energy fully back to my physical body, there was a demon in my bedroom with me.

Then next moment he's on top of my physical body attacking me.

I had never thought of before of the possibility of a being following me back to my physical body and my bedroom, nor had I even considered that the ancient egyptian sarcophagus had probably some rituals done in which they were protected. I'd really screwed up with doing what I tried (one of my many screw ups I did when learning to work with energy)

At this point this isnt at all an issue to me as after all the last negative being to turn up in my bedroom, one who took on a beautiful goddess disguise but was actually an old hag, I'd sent off screaming burnt by the divine light I had projected at it to test the being, causing it to loose its form and flee. so what.. so what, I had a demon in my bedroom I was just going to get rid of.

The demon was about my own height but very very stocky and all over musclely, huge muscles. It was on top of me on the bed, holding my arms above my head with its hands on top of my hands. It didnt have hands like ours at all but had something which was like a sideways pad but wasnt like a normal animal pad.

It's thighs were huge with their muscles, so thick they reminded me of tree stumps. It had its thighs either side of my legs and it was kneeling over me. It was too strong for me to squirm out of its grasp on me though I tried.

I started to channel and project divine light at the demon fairly sure this would probably be enough to make it flee fast, it though to my surprise it hardly flinched at it.. I may as well been just pouring water onto the thing. okay I thought to myself, I need to do something stronger.

Years ago I managed to stop a road rage incident in its tracks with an enraged guy (who was so mad I'd accidently taken his parking spot that he parked behind me and left his car sitting across a busy road right in centre of the city while he came at me with fists raised to beat me up. I did this by projecting love at him, which then had him appologising to me instead of bashing my face in. So, using this was my next defence against a negative being. This will work I thought to myself... we all know love energy and demons doesnt mix well.

The demon started blowing an energy into my face, it was very thick and dense and made the air not breathable.. I still wasnt at all worried as I started focusing on my own heart and building up energy there to project at the ancient epyptian demon.


it failed to make the demon go and the demon still had me in its grasp with its body over me. Im starting to get desperate now.. so tried saying the lords prayer at it. It still didnt go. The simple saying Lords Prayer had no power over this demon.

Now I was in trouble and needing help, unable to help myself and unable to breath so starting to get concerned. Time to put out a "help me" call to the angels, so I did, no response. To GOD.. no response, To archangel Micheal "help me!!" innerly starting to scream, no response.. Sai Baba, no response.. now I was frantic and feeling close to a passout as I needed to breath). I started calling anything or any master I could think of which could possibly help.

I called to Babaji for help .. amazingly to my surprise as I hadnt had any dealings with that master before or even called to him before, though I have felt a connection to him when reading about him (past life connection?), he aided me. The being was ripped off my body and vanished.

I immediately then jumped off the bed, bawling my eyes out in fright. I was shaking so much and still terrified over what had just happened. The demon had almost killed me!! I would of died if I hadnt received that help.

I wanted to phone a friend but it was too late. No way was I going to be able to go to bed and sleep after this. I staggered up my hallway, wondering if I truely was suffocating physically like I thought I had been so decided to go and look at myself in my bathroom mirror.

A horror sight greeted me, by my face I obviously had been deprived of oxygen. My face was still of a ghastly hue of various shades blue, red and a washed out colour and around my lips and lips, were still blue some.

I sat up all night till morning before i finally went to sleep. Needless to say I will not be messing around with any Egyptian tombs ever again. Those egyptians obviously were able to invoke guardians we just are not used to dealing with.
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Old 09-07-2016, 01:57 AM
Stardust56 Stardust56 is offline
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when i was 15,my grandmother gave me my grandfather's bed.We both thought it was my grandmother's. The spirit of my grandfather was in the bed that was given to me.He often times told me to get out of his bed. One night he through me across the room. and took the foot of the matress and flip it .We had to give the bed away.
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Old 09-07-2016, 11:16 PM
Cat56 Cat56 is offline
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My worst experience was accidentally summoning a malevolent spirit in an old church when I was 17.

Daughter of Sekhmet
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Old 10-07-2016, 01:06 AM
Rsandee Rsandee is offline
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Originally Posted by Cat56
My worst experience was accidentally summoning a malevolent spirit in an old church when I was 17.

How did you manage that?
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Old 22-07-2016, 08:32 PM
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About 18 years ago I had the same nightmare night after night for about 1 month. Due to this, I was not getting any sleep, was waking up every day groggy and tired, and I was working in my Master thesis, so you can imagine my despair.

In these dreams I was harassed, manhandled, made fun of, hit, abused, by a ugly and powerful demon. Every night I had a physical fight with the demon, almost to the point of exhaustion. The whole thing ended when [for some mysterious reason that I understand now] I started invoking the name of Jesus Christ in one of dreams and the thing left with the tail between his legs; The next day I went to the jewelry store and bought me a gold cruxific that my mother wears now for her protection (I can protect myself because I have Jesus and his angels on my side)
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Old 24-07-2016, 02:33 AM
Lynn Lynn is offline
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Hmmm as a Medium I have so many, so what stands out ?

Lets see first childhood memory age 6 at an open casket grave funeral. Being carried to the car screaming and crying "I can see them, they all want to talk to me". To have my Dad so firmly say to me "never ever talk about this. " That was all that was said, so I grew up seeing and talking to the "dead" but never understanding it all til I was 16. I would ask the Father at Church what was wrong with me, he would say the same "do not talk about this child" and dismiss me. Scary childhood for me, but it kept me a loner and inwards.

Most exiting experience and most rewarding was a Church sanctioned exorcism and house cleansing. I do not go to call things "Demons" as honestly if there was such a force would we be living ? Person had the Spirit energy removed, the house got cleansed and has a Spirit Monk that walks the grounds now.

Most interesting was Morse Code message from an experimental Russian WWII sub. I started to write out dots and dashes in one long row....thinking when I came back into me, it was nonsense. My Son looked at it and said that looks like Morse Code and it was. The message was a goodbye to their families and loved one's and it was forbidden to send, but sent it was.

Nothing came of the message being sent, it was no heard by anyone during the war.

In the message I was given longitude and latitude to location, and unknown to me there was an exploration team looking for such sub's. I posted the message on an active WWII forum and I was contacted by the exploration team, the sub was found. I kept my name out of all of it.....but I know well they wanted to be found.

Most loving event, the spirit of whom I was in a past life being at the cliff edge where I died many years earlier and pushing my now husband back from that edge home, to where we later met here. It turns out he in that past life was my husband then, and now in this life is my husband.

I work with the living and I work with the dead.....I walk in two worlds.

If the crow has chosen you as your spirit or totem animal, it supports you in developing the power of sight, transformation, and connection with life’s magic.
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