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02-08-2011, 07:00 PM
What's going on? Curses?
When i was little, about 4 years old i went to vienna to visit relatives and visited a cathedral. The thing is we were greeted by monks well i say monks but there was one kind faced monk who spoke to my mum and behind him to the right was an evil looking monk. He honestly looked like the monks from the film 300. I was scared that i grabbed my mum and stood behind her. I don't think she saw this evil monk because she wasn't scaed at all, she just carried on talking to the kind looking monk. I lit a candle in the cathedral for all the people who had been persecuted at the hands of the church in the old days.
Also on my forth birthday i got chicken pox, on my fifth birthday i got mumps. When i'd play barbies, a couple of times i would see a screen shot of 3 evil monks looking at me, it only happened twice but my vision for a split second was disorted by these images which were being impressed upon me. Also a man who could blink and turn blind visited me in my bedroom one day and i thought he was my dad's friend. He wasn't as i soon found out but got a hiding from my dad who i imagine thought i was making up lies.
When i was 10 whip marks began developing on my back, well that's what they look like to me.
When i was forteen a member of my family had an abortion without me knowing, hours before it took place i saw a huge star in the sky during my morning paperround which came towards me. When the baby would have been born we both saw a ufo, and by this time we were on holiday on the other side of the equator.
At about the same time, a friend of mine apparently suicided by jumping off a building. It was tragic, i had only said hello to him on passing him a day earlier and he seemed fine.
When i was almost 17 i have teeth braces removed from my mouth. Then almost immediately after this i had a dream i had broken teeth in my mouth. I fainted and broke my jaw and teeth a few weeks later and the first thing i realised when i came round from fainting was that i had broken teeth in my mouth.
Then when i was 18 days before the millenium another friend apparently suicided. Again very tragic, with unanswered questions attached, i decided i wanted to learn more about mediumship. At this point i wasn't thinking about the past so much and had forgotton seeing the evil monk in the cathedral or the whip marks, birthday illnesses etc.
Shortly after my friend's death, i went to a club and began conversing with a spirit/ghost/entity which appeared totally human. I only found out that it wasn't human(at least anymore) when he had left the club (yes using a door too) and a friend came over and told me she had seen me talking to no one. The man i spoke to looked like a kind version of the evil monk i had seen. But at the time i had totally forgotton about the evil monk when i was a child.
On my 19th birthday i was supposed to be going clubbing but friends cancelled on me so i took a trip on that summer evening to the church where my friend was buried. I sat and meditated by a tree hoping to see it's aura. Instead I heard a child/woman whisper my name twice, second time to confirm to me that i wasn't mistaken.
After this and even before this, I experienced alot of syncronicity and coincidences. It was like my psychic ability or the world around me was becoming more rhythmic. I would think of someone from my past for example and see them within a short space of time of that thought.
Then when i was 24 and still trying to develop mediumship, i saw a headless crow fly out of the cupboard at a friends house, and dematerialise. I definately wasn't hallucinating. Surprisingly to even me, i fell asleep shortly after as if a sleeping gas had been put in the room. From the cupboard where the crow appeared were pictures of Mary and Jesus.
On a side note, whenever i vist family abroad the UK, where I live always experiences freaky weather, the last being 2007 with the floods, and the boxing day tsunami of 2005, i had gotton a strong feeling that something like that were about to happen.
In 2007 i also heard a little girls voice, muffled but i began doubting the experience and asked God to give me another experience to confirm i wasn't just hearing things. In 2008 it was granted and i heard a male voice speak so loudly in my ear that for the following 3 weeks i had an acidic liquid secreeting from my ears (my right ear especially). Thankfully I went to the doctor who gave me antiobiotics which worked.
I feel i have been cursed by some religious group or someone has placed a spell on me. I'm sorry if this is not necessarily the correct thread for this to be placed but i am very worried for the future of my family and myself, aswell as my friends who have now walked away from me (perhaps in fear, i don't know).
I beg any experienced mediums or professionals to explain what is going on?
I have never played with the oujia board or done a spell. I wanted to do a love spell when i was a young teen but didn't have the ingredients so forgot about that idea. But basically what i am saying is i don't know what i have done to warrent all of this. My family and friends have and are suffering and i don't know what to do to make things better. I've thought about suicide being the answer, i don't know. Maybe by dying that will break whatever curse has been placed on me to not only affect me but those around me.
I don't have much money, i can't work and despite the effort i have put into life in the past, my life is in tatters. I know i can be quite a horrid person at times but i haven't committed murder or anything like that so don't understand why i experience all of these negative events.
I've stopped trying to develop any mediumship ability that i have, basically i'm scared to. Trying to take things humoursly, i guess i deserve an award for most cursed here.
If kind compassionate souls can help, I'd be so so so grateful. I don't know why this is happening. When i see other people, their lives are normal. I wish mine and my family's were too and i can't help but feel responsible for my friends dying. What do i do? Please any kind souls here please answer.

02-08-2011, 07:07 PM
I explained it to you once in a PM which you said I helped you greatly. Yet you come back to repeat all the negative instead of finding positives in your life. Can you list now all the GOOD things that have happened in your life?
Also I sense that there were times where drugs were an issue for you. Is this correct?

02-08-2011, 07:12 PM
Any other responses?

02-08-2011, 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by Medium_Laura
I explained it to you once in a PM which you said I helped you greatly. Yet you come back to repeat all the negative instead of finding positives in your life. Can you list now all the GOOD things that have happened in your life?
Also I sense that there were times where drugs were an issue for you. Is this correct?
I find your response very hurtful. If you were so intune then maybe your guides could tell you that my past drug use has caused memory problems and since talking to you I have remembered things I had previously forgotton about. I was hoping by giving mmore information I could get someone here to help me shed some light on what's going on.
Now to answer your questions. Good things eh? Well plenty of good things have happened but I feel like I'm in a situation where I take one step forward and two steps back. Now to go back to answering your question. I have lived a life free of extreme poverty (all lack of money has always been an issue for my parents), when I was contemplating suicide one time, a wild bird entered our house and I took it as a sign that I was not to take the tablets I had infront of me. I have felt what I perceive to be the love of God, extreme emotions, especially crying with joy when I feel a presence whether it's in my head or not, I don't know.
When I broke my jaw my collar bone bent too and I was worried that I couldn't wear certain tops without looking odd. Then I don't know how it happened but one day a few months after my accident I looked at my collar bone and it was healed, back to normal, not bent anymore. I rejoiced at this, even though my face was still disfigured.
When my pet birdy died, I heard my mum's voice clearly alerting me to his death. Then a few weeks later I lit a candle praying that he would be happy in spirit and although i lit five candles that night, the only one i prayed to, was the last candle to go out that night by atleast half an hour. I took it as a sign that God had heard my prayer and was reasurring me.
I have become quite isolated from society and one day an old school friend came to visit me. We sat in my parents garden drinking wine and I found a mummified rose. It was perfect in everyway, and looks like it was carved by a master out of wood. It was a gift from nature/God which really touched my heart. Aswell as seeing my friend, it made my day and more.
Whenever I find a bargain, I am chuffed, so those are other good things which please me. I've met some of the kindest people just waiting for a bus or going into town.
I have a mum and dad who I feel blessed to have. I have reasonable health (i hope) but fear that my whinging will bad luck to either myself or my family.
I feel God's presence every now, oh yeah, when i was 20 my mum was planning to leave my dad and had trusted me not to say anything till the day she was leaving. She was moving far away so i wasn't able to visit her. One night a week before she moved, i went out with a friend to visit another friend. Like these days, i didn't go out much so going out that night was out of the norm. My friend was giving me a lift home and when we arrived in the street where i live, he saw some animal being attacked by a cat. We immediately thought it was a rat. I got out of the car and said goodbye to him and went to towards the 'rat'. I saw it was a domestic pet but didn't realise it was a hamster as i wasn't familiar with hamsters at the time. I clapped my hands really loud and the cat got scared and stopped attacking the hamster. The hamster ran in my direction and i scooped him up in my hands and took him home. For two weeks i wouldn't get attached to him as I was worried when i told the locals that someone would claim him. I handed out leaflets to people who lived around me but no one came forward so i decided to buy him a cage rather than keep him in the box he was in. Like now I didn't sleep too well and was awake most nights missing my mum who had left to go to another county. He became my companion and seemed very happy with me. It was as though it was divine timing, him arriving when he did. Any other time and it would just have been one of those things but to arrive a week before my mum was going to another county felt special to me. He was my heaven sent baby boy and the stories i could tell about him, well we'd be here all day.
Anyway those are most of the good divine things which have happened. If I think of anymore I will add to them.
As for the drugs, I've been very open in the forums about taking cannabis for years, and the detrimental effects it has had on me are numerous. If I could go back i would never had touched the plant, it cost me so much, or I allowed it to. Now my mind is foggy, off balance and my memory as I said earlier is so poor, that I forget so much. Thankfully it isn't so bad that it's not safe to live alone, ie i don't forget to lieave the oven on and stuff like that. But I do forget about things people have said sometimes and this is where some people have taken advantage and tried to say they have told me things which they haven't. It makes me scared to find work in case people see me as vulnerable and try to get me into trouble or cause bad things to happen.
Sorry I was rude earlier Laura but my memory is poor and either I have deleted the PM you had sent me or I just can't find it. If you could highlight what you said, I'd be grateful. I'm sorry if I've angered you. I don't have a paypal account but if you have a British bank account I could put a little money in your account as a token of thanks. I still haven't forgotton the donations I have to make shortly. I'm sorry, I have a lot on my mind and alot to try to remember, well alot to me. Perhaps it's my organisational skills, so my apologise for that too.
Bestest wishes, with love and blessings

02-08-2011, 09:41 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 4,170
*hugs * Cheeky Monkey ~ You may find some of the early writings of Lobsang Rampa interesting.

02-08-2011, 09:53 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 4,170
PS Cheeky did you ever think that you are being protected and guided before hand and it is not a curse? But a blessing. :)
Intuition~ prophecy~ feeling~ and Visionary skills .
Love :) xo

02-08-2011, 09:55 PM
While I was not intending it to be hurtful at all, it seems to me that you would rather think about all your past hurts instead of all your past successes. I hope you find your answers. Sorry that I psychically picked up on your drug use, again, not intended as a smack but more as a reason as to why you kept thinking in the negative form for so many years.
We all go through stuff in our lives. How we get through it and find the positive is how we succeed.
Wish you all the best.

02-08-2011, 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Medium_Laura
While I was not intending it to be hurtful at all, it seems to me that you would rather think about all your past hurts instead of all your past successes. I hope you find your answers. Sorry that I psychically picked up on your drug use, again, not intended as a smack but more as a reason as to why you kept thinking in the negative form for so many years.
We all go through stuff in our lives. How we get through it and find the positive is how we succeed.
Wish you all the best.
Thanks Laura, I guess the cannabis did trigger some negative stuff. Yeah it was self induced, well some or most of it was, sorry.

02-08-2011, 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Smiler
PS Cheeky did you ever think that you are being protected and guided before hand and it is not a curse? But a blessing. :)
Intuition~ prophecy~ feeling~ and Visionary skills .
Love :) xo
Hey Smiler, yeah I did actually. You're spot on. I know if anyone likes me romantically now, it's certainly not because of my face. That's one positive I take from my accident. I will research what you suggested over the next couple of days, thank you so much for your help and suggestion.

02-08-2011, 10:02 PM
I also don't have our PM correspondence anymore - I just remember you saying that I helped you think more positively. I hope you keep remembering that. Think of all the good, not all the bad. Our thoughts bring to us what the Universe thinks we want more of. So if you want more bad, dwell on it. If you want more good, dwell on that. :)
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