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Old 02-08-2011, 11:01 PM
Smiler Smiler is offline
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Yr very welcome Cheeky . I still cry some times and I feel for others ..I am a community personal age carer professionally and have been a life line counselor ~ it does not stop me from doing my job well and professionally though.( to me its compassion and empathy as well as connecting)

We are all different ~ that is what makes this world totally un-boring I think :).

Most of us are human ( oophs that;s my Dry Humor... just popped out..lol)

:) xo
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Old 02-08-2011, 11:12 PM
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Taking Charge Of One's Thoughts & Emotions

Originally Posted by Medium_Laura
... I'm a very straight forward person. ... I find it hard to sugar coat any help or messages from spirit.

What I get, I say. It's not meant to be hurtful but an eye opener at best :)

Frankness can sometimes be misinterpreted as mean, but it isn’t. It is just dealing w/ an issue in a candid direct manner.

One can get replies that are empathetic along the lines of Oh you poor dear ... but these often just reinforce us staying in a disempowered state feeling sorry for our self. Empathy from others is useful to help us realize that others have dealt w/ the same issues & so can we, but it is VERY important to move into taking action. We can all use an endlessly creative variety of excuses for reasons not to take action.

The real issue in moving out of low frequency disempowered states of all kinds is beginning to TAKE CHARGE of one’s own energies. Nobody else can do this for us. Others can only give us useful tips.
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Old 02-08-2011, 11:20 PM
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Appreciating The Dynamics

Originally Posted by cheeky_monkey
I hear you Laura, I'm sorry I'm so sensitive. It's not you who has the problem, it's me, I've got into many arguements because of my emotions and the way I handle discussions, so my apologise. You have to be a bit hardened to survive these day I realise.

Being straight-forward is completely different from being 'hardened.' Being frank is sincere honesty not being desensitized or inured in a way that damages our empathy.

You have an unlimited ability to deal w/ your emotions IF you want to.

Distanced Observer- http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/sh...685#post176685
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Old 02-08-2011, 11:48 PM
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Thanks Mattie. I'm not a B*** I'm just straight-forward :) Sympathy is nice but you get further with "how to" and not "aww poor you".

Edit: I just saw your post above. hehe reading my mind!
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Old 03-08-2011, 01:08 PM
Smiler Smiler is offline
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Maybe I am reading cheeky's OP differently ~ I actually don't see Cheeky as dis empowered~ but more in need of understanding of the hows and why's ~ different approaches create different feelings and at the end of the day we all view from our own experiences with our guides and backgrounds ..how we grow is determined by individuality in my opinion.

big HUG
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Old 03-08-2011, 02:44 PM
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Things just happen in our lives...good and bad. We just have to deal with it the best we can and get over it.
Much which seems bad or unnerving happens to all...some more than others. Is life, not a curse - don't have to find a reason it happened. It's just the way life hands us things.
Don't dwell on things keep looking forward.
Best to you, Cheri
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Old 04-08-2011, 12:31 AM
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Giving Candid Advice

Originally Posted by Medium_Laura
... I'm not a B*** I'm just straight-forward :) Sympathy is nice but you get further with "how to" and not "aww poor you".

Don’t let it faze you one bit if others think you are a B**** by being candid. It is very likely that your comments will plant a seed that will grow & flourish later. Not necessary for you to water it!!!

Others’ perception of honest advice is their issue. One never knows if those seeking advice are just wanting co-dependent style sympathy to reinforce their victim status or if they are ready to ditch the victim position & move into doing something about it, BEing empowered. If they are still in the poor me stage it may be that they have to be at this point for a bit longer to get to the position to motivate. It isn’t the responsibility of the one giving useful tips as wayshowers to assess this.

This dealing w/ how to move out of the disempowerment is very similar to how modern therapy has progressed from the old fashioned approach of delving endlessly into attempting to find how a problem progressed to the modern cognitive behavioral therapy approach of helping the person develop useful coping skills.
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Old 04-08-2011, 12:33 AM
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Useful Exploration Of Whys & Hows

Originally Posted by Smiler
... I actually don't see Cheeky as dis empowered~ but more in need of understanding of the hows and why's ~ different approaches create different feelings and at the end of the day we all view from our own experiences with our guides and backgrounds ..how we grow is determined by individuality in my opinion.

This useful self awareness of understanding how & why is part of empowerment.

I stated, ‘The real issue in moving out of low frequency disempowered states of all kinds is beginning to TAKE CHARGE of one’s own energies.’

When one thinks they are cursed this is VERY disempowered. Cheeky_monkey acknowedges that some ‘negative stuff’ was ‘self induced’ & they were ‘always expecting the worst‘ & inclined to drama being emotional, getting into arguments. This is all the territory of being disempowered.

Mentioning being disempowered isn’t to beat up on cheeky_monkey at all, but to help CM to dispassionately assess their current state & to move into being empowered. It is, of course CM’s choice as to what to do.
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Old 08-08-2011, 01:08 AM
Smiler Smiler is offline
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Hi Mattie

Quote: ‘The real issue in moving out of low frequency disempowered states of all kinds is beginning to TAKE CHARGE of one’s own energies.’

I most certainly believe in taking charge of one;s own energies ~ I realize the OP had the word cursed in it ~ I assumed ( incorrectly of me ..no one should assume another ) That cheeky was having a hard day etc ( Have had them at certain points myself in life~ I call mine a PITY PARTY ..and I do recover quickly once I have it out of my system..Self Therapy by talking I guess.) I never thought any one beat up on Cheeky ...

And I apologize if it was taken that way~ Many paths lead to Rome as The saying goes. Its our intent that counts.


Quote: Maybe I am reading cheeky's OP differently ~ I actually don't see Cheeky as dis empowered~ but more in need of understanding of the hows and why's ~ different approaches create different feelings and at the end of the day we all view from our own experiences with our guides and backgrounds ..how we grow is determined by individuality in my opinion.

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Old 09-08-2011, 05:46 AM
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OP Discusses Feeling Long Time Curse

Originally Posted by Smiler

Quote: ‘The real issue in moving out of low frequency disempowered states of all kinds is beginning to TAKE CHARGE of one’s own energies.’

I most certainly believe in taking charge of one;s own energies ~ I realize the OP had the word cursed in it ~ I assumed ( incorrectly of me ..no one should assume another ) That cheeky was having a hard day etc ...
Quote: Maybe I am reading cheeky's OP differently ~ I actually don't see Cheeky as dis empowered...

It is always useful for many to offer their POVs as one never knows what is going to resonate for a person seeking assistance.

To give more context to my comments about CM being disempowered:
The title of the OP is ‘What's going on? Curses?’ The OP then goes on to recount things that happened since the age of 4 for someone who is at least 24 that seem to be considered a curse. In the latter part of the OP it states, ‘I feel i have been cursed by some religious group or someone has placed a spell on me.’ This makes it fairly clear that CM feels she is cursed.

CM notes that suicide has been considered & that she considers her self to be so cursed that, ‘Maybe by dying that will break whatever curse has been placed on me to not only affect me but those around me.’ She views her being cursed as so potent & pervasive as to affect others too, blaming her curse for friends dying. In the replies she notes she is volatile emotionally & prone to drama (arguments). This ongoing belief that she has been cursed since the age of 4 is a serious ongoing situation.

If the above isn’t disempowered I don’t know what is. My noting she is in a disempowered state isn’t to criticize or hammer CM, but to discuss what I see as her current status in the hopes that it will help her move out of this state into taking productive action. It is to CM’s credit that she is reaching out for help & this is useful. She could be in a more disempowered state if she wasn't reaching out for help, but that she is reaching out doesn't mean she is empowered, but just beginning to take a few steps towards moving out of disempowerment.

I really hope she has the opportunity to seek more assistance in the future to move out of the feeling that she is so cursed that it is ruining her life & causing friends’ deaths.

There is noting wrong w/ assuming. When reading something like this one is trying to get the picture of where the OPer is coming from. It is necessary to make dozens of assumptions based on their statements to attempt to try to reply.
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