Originally Posted by BetThisOnesFree
... I still feel like this presence is totally around me but I have learned almost completely how to deal with it.
Do you want it to go? I’m not being critical by saying this even though I will be frank about it being my take on it that you would be far better off w/o it, but it is your decision as to when to tell it to scram. It may be that this is part of your learning about these things to let it hang around for awhile for some reason. The important thing is that you learn it doesn't have real power. You do, however, have innate real power that you can access, just as all do.
Originally Posted by BetThisOnesFree
All I do nowadays is when I sense it I just lightly say "you may be here, near me, and you may try to scare me, but your presence does not have an effect on me, and you will not prevent me from doing anything I want to do" and then Ill just kinda make myself do whatever it is I want to do, and just pretty much ignore it, and that works great. Its even an empowering feeling!
Isn’t this feeling empowered totally cool? ❈❈❈ Appreciate that you’ve just begun to feel empowered. Being genuinely empowered is sooooooooooo much stronger than anything the negative energies could every offer us.
Regularly recreate this empowered feeling for your self. It is an actual energetic connection to higher awareness. By doing this you are beginning to script your reality, creating your energies instead of just being reactive. You might try saying, 'you may be here ...' w/ increasing firmness.
As we expand our awareness, raising our frequency, the stalled 4D jokers will still be around, but they just become irrelevant. Nuisances at best. They avoid those who’ve expanded their consciousness much as their energies are no longer palatable for them. The stalled 4D jokers like easy targets who are churning out low frequency energy (thoughts & emotions). I bet that you’ll soon find that this joker will leave of its own accord when it figures out that you’re not slipping back to the fear thing. One day you’ll just notice it’s gone.
Originally Posted by BetThisOnesFree
But hold on, you said that the universe takes us literally, surely this is not so that if I mistakinly told my "spirits" to go and never come back they would listen ?? I dont even remember doing this but isnt your spiritual team supposed to be like all wise and knowing? Would my spiritual guides have left permanently if I did do something like that by accident?
I didn’t mean that you had told your spiritual team to scram as I don’t know how broad your command was. I was just noting that this is why one uses a specific vetting instruction that applies to just the negative energies.
Yes, the Universe takes us absolutely literally. Why I mentioned that one could accidentally give too broad an instruction is to discuss why it is necessary to use something such as the specific vetting instruction (OF the light, IN the light, & working for Best Highest Purpose) when dealing w/ spirits.
One doesn’t want to inadvertently order beneficial nonphysical energies to scram.
From what you’ve described neither the first knight image the psychic IDed as a trickster energy or the one that replaced it (growing black circle) were likely to be your genuine & benevolent spiritual team.
Our spiritual team is wise & trustworthy. However they aren’t there to do our energetic work for us or to overly hold our hand, so to speak. They are there to merely guide us to make the discoveries for our self.
They & the Universe simply fulfill our orders or manifestations, they don't edit them to what they should be & this is why we need to be specific. Don’t worry about dismissing your spiritual team permanently even if you did issue instructions that were overly broad for all spirits to leave. If one accidentally did this, one can simply ask for all nonphysical beings who are Of the light, IN ... to be allowed to contact you. Reissuing applicable instructions.
It is up to us to contact our spiritual team. There is a rule that they can’t be intrusive. You can actively ask your spiritual team for guidance & direction for specific things & for your journey in general. It is a good practice to get in the habit of contacting our spiritual team via HS on a regular basis. I like to just say HI, sending them an energetic greeting. Like anything else, this is a learned skill & the
more that we communicate w/ HS & our spiritual team the more we strengthen this energetic connection.
I didn’t think you were a ‘nutjob.’ Organized religion has worked long & hard for 1000s of years to convince us that we are powerless against energies such as demons to keep us scared, scared, scared & reliant on them. Until we know how this stuff works & that the stalled 4D jokers are the pitiful idiotic punks of the energy world we are unprepared to deal w/ them. Many have had these issues & fears. These energy punks aren’t really powerful, but they are very adept at scaring us (just like earthly bullies) & steering us into generating more of the low frequency emotions that they desire if we don’t know their game. When we know their game & move out of fear, GAME OVER.
I love the new sheriff in town attitude. ✥✥✥ Genuinely stepping into taking charge of the situation. I suspect that in the not too distant future you will have the ability to help others in dealing w/ these same issues. This is likely why you had such an up close & personal experience w/ this joker. If you have the time & are inclined to do so, blogging about this process as you move into empowerment could be reaffirming for you & useful for others who are a few steps behind you & still feeling that they are powerless.
The 11:11 is often an awakening signal. A book about this is:
“11:11 The Time Prompt Phenomenon”
Marie D. Jones & Larry Flaxman. $15.99. ISBN: 978-1-60163-047-6
Fear Deconstructed-
Higher Self-