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Old 31-08-2021, 04:00 AM
Green.Heals Green.Heals is offline
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Activity in my Home

Hello, is there anyone here that can please tell me what is going on in my home please?

I have had a lot of things going on this year with a possible Mirror Soul situation, and his Higher self is here. I was told his higher self is here to protect me in the 5D from lower vibrational spirits.

A couple people have told me I am glowing this year, so I don't know if I am or have begun attracting things again. I am living in a new place.

Just in the last 1.5 months or so I've had the following:

Sometimes the bed shakes when I am in bed asleep, not very often, and maybe that is just a figment of my imagination. I also had fairy activity. I was reading up about it, and told that sometimes fairies are pixies, and my place was a mess, and I got spooked, and during a prayer as I do them twice a day, upon waking and before bed, I asked to please not allow the fairies to be here, even if they're good, as they freak me out. They've gone. Also, they were coming up in reads over a 1.5 week span.

Today, I was having a nap, and listening to a movie that was very loud, and than a woman whispered my name to me, which woke me, and the movie had been turned WAY down, it was a new movie - playing on youtube, but I also don't remember turning it down. I could have. But that spooked me. It was not a voice I know of, but I felt like someone could have been standing in my door way. I was worried I was going to miss my "check in" in the evening, if I slept past the time.

The thing that is errie about this to me, is that when I'd been living in another city a few years ago, I had MAJOR paranormal activity, that spooked me so bad for 1.5 years, I slept with the lights on. & one thing that happened was I had a demon use my mother's voice to say my name when I was sleeping. & my name is a different variation of what it used to be, I changed it, but when my name was said at the time, it was my old name, the name no one uses on me anymore. This afternoon, this whisper used my old name. Also, I had not spoken to my mother in about 5+ years, nor did she live in that city.

Another thing too, is I bought some more sage to burn about a month ago, and I could not smell it, nor did I feel any change to the air, which is probably a good thing. It is fairly pungent I feel, and I thought it odd, you know I couldn't smell it.

Tonight I am burning the sage, & I can smell it, and it feels so much better.

At the beginning of last week, the internet shut off, though everything was connected. It got fixed, but so strange. Than a few days later, my laptop kept going black, and would not come back on, this was just after I'd had the battery changed. I mean maybe it is nothing. But strange. I feel I've fixed this problem.

In the last month, I've also begun to take better care of myself.

I am just curious if it is going to be a problem, or starting to unfold to a bigger issue...?

Can anyone see anything please? Maybe my hypervigilance is just going off on me a bit, but yea...I cannot handle "bump in the night"
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Old 31-08-2021, 10:01 AM
one-light one-light is offline
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There's a lot going on there Green.Heals - we can't stop looking in mirrors, maybe recite loveley'gorgeous'beautiful'light - or love and light when looking at yourself - fill the house with love - plenty of plants to raise vibes... and the words light shield please or clear my space comes to mind...

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...
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Old 01-09-2021, 04:57 AM
Green.Heals Green.Heals is offline
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Thanks maybe I'll try that, I do my protection prayer twice daily, and ask for only beings of high vibrational love & light only.
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Old 01-09-2021, 09:01 AM
one-light one-light is offline
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I'll write a bit more here because there'll be others on as well as you with similar problems looking on - and it might help a few...

When I was trying to raise my/our house vibes we got and old record player, they still sell them and play LOVE songs to lift the vibes - this is a good one 'love is in the air' - and get plenty of different house plants and speak nice words to them, as I do with my plants occasionally 'you look lovely' raising the vibes 'vibrational energy' of the property and all in it.....


Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...
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Old 24-09-2021, 09:36 PM
Green.Heals Green.Heals is offline
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I'll try that as well.

My bed was shaking again last night as I lay in it, and I said my prayer to the arch angels, and it stopped it. I asked for only high vibrational beings, so, obviously it is not.

My guess is demon activity.
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Old 25-09-2021, 12:07 AM
Green.Heals Green.Heals is offline
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I also feel like this could also be evil pixies or something because I had faeries showing up in my energies the last couple of months, and well something else just went missing as of this morning...or rather last night. Which is really annoying.
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Old 26-09-2021, 10:01 AM
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Them using other people's voices and know things that only you would know about and using it against you - as in using that voice of your mother and the announchment of the old name - yes that is for sure low energy, I think, can be different where they are on the ladder.

Are you in a place where these energies has a much better ease to come forward than not?

I ask because in my home all sorts of paranormal things use to happen. Previous owners came around after some years to say some things too when they had lived there. We did not say anything to them as we did not want to compare any stories, we was waiting for their "reports" only to see if it had been the same.

Two of them would say that what you describe as well, faking voices, the one thinking it is the voice of the other when it was not. This happened again and again, they said. Often during the nights. I could spot at least 1 of the family members to seem sensitive and it was this one in particular that had heard this.

We live in a triangle of bad happenings and water. I was trying to get out of here for years but we did not agree and so I simply had to stay and see if I could work it out.

Today very rare something happens and the home feels different, the energies here.

Bobjob was the one to inform me about the connection-part. Onelight about getting those vibrations up. Others has too been helpful here, about all kinds of things.

These days I pray by routine but I got to pray in my own way using my own words as using too old words - I can't connect to those, they dont feel like home to me, but that dont seem to matter, as long as one speaks from the heart, I think? I don't know if I should practise more on the more old ones and hope they will be natural to me in time.

It is too that I connect with both the living and the dead when I have for instance something in my past where I have gone through the same or similar experience, this connection is not active in my mind, but it comes through - so then I know. it does not have to be in my home, once it happened in a hotel, sometimes two other homes - it is more to do with the person, the energies, and not the place itself.

I know we all possess negative emotions but it is when you feel the lack of the good vibe also exisiting that it gets creepy, when you still feel the good then you are better strenghten when dealing with the low lever energies - at least I am, that is why I am trying to work my way around the negative aspects of it and connect to the good before I go and try to work on the negative, but the negative is the first shield. It could be the very thing that got them trapped.

The way I see it is that it is not just on the other side some of us don't see the light, we don't see it in the flesh either when we have som unsorted trauma in us, and then if we are unfortunate we go to the other side with this still unsorted trauma - til we start digging and then we see the light at the end of the tunnel of darkness. I think too I have been in the low levels world as I had something like that in me, unsorted.

The mother in the movie conjuring she had done so much research of that house and its previous owners that she was too much connected to the point they found their way in. So if you do connect - do it only so much or so little that you are in charge and don't feed it, don't think about it even if I know it can be hard, if you are feeding it with your fear it just gets bigger and have a bigger appetite - know that you are always still in charge. But us humans - we see a problem, we get stressed up about it, we want to solve it, we want to find the logic - and so with all that energy going into the connection - it only strenghten it.

Low level energy can only do so much. Poltergeist activity which is too what you could be having can make damage.I still dont know if it was me alone doing that, supressed emotions, this usually goes on with children and teenagers. I dont think I am responsible for it all - as for a period we had trouble with a female spirit who at first would physically push us.

There are steps that the Warrens couple described with the low level energies and so you could see what stage yours are in. Mine would only go so far and then retreit and then come right back again, sneaking about. There could be some pretty long periods of nothing happening or feeling of it and just when you thought it was gone for good it began again, first carefully and then growing.

The things you have described sound as if it has not gone too far even if I understand your concern about it.

There are other stuff you can do to like using salt etc.

If you do live on the grounds of thins coming alive easier then you should now that also good vibes energy is there as well. We have both energies. When I called for help I could feel both sides.

This why my home could one moment be blizzard cold for no reason and why I would suddenly feel a shift in the energies and it felt warm and good - the good guys coming in, LOL.

I had to go and sort things out with my own aura, my own past that I had not dealt with the right way before (Ah, the subcounscious, just press it right in there) -and I think me finally dealing with it the way I should hae done in the past, even if I thought I had done it right (I hadn't) made me less vulnerable to low lever energies. Plus I would pray directly to God and let God chose the helpers, so I go on that road and so far it seems to be working. (keeping my fingers crossed).

My family life was also in trouble, right under the surface, made us vulnerable, think that too was a reason for the low level energies to be stronger. We had to deal with the issues.

I do believe in just what Onelight too write about - getting the vibes up like that. Not so long ago I watched a documentary and they used a group of people cheering on and having a happy and light music on - just to get that vibe on before someone began to channel, perhaps to assure they were not getting in someone from the low level neighbourhood?

My suspiscion (I dont claim it is so, still searching, still learning) is this: even the low level energies, depending where they are on their ladder, they are smart too. They have psychic abilities too. It is not something just the good guys have, I suspect even if I would love it if that was the case. I have personal experiences when having done past life meditations that it was either part faked because a low level energy "individual" got right there, watching or connecting or what ever, and then knowing - and afterwards - some pretty weird things began to happen for real. connected to those past life memories, and it wasn't me doing that. Kind of a cheap trick but then again they are not exactly known for their high morals.

We think that both the good side and the bad side are maybe limited in not knowing what is ours only to know, but I think they know. How else did that someone know about your mothers way of saying your name and faking it?

But just know you are in charge - even if one does not feel like it with poltergeist and what not around- and you can do this :)

Last edited by asearcher : 27-09-2021 at 01:27 AM.
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Old 22-10-2021, 03:40 AM
Green.Heals Green.Heals is offline
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Hello, thanks,

I have some weird things going on this year.

I have had a lot of sadness, and stress this year. I have trauma in my life, and had been working on some of it. The deep stuff hasn't been worked out yet.

I will be working with a healer again soon, and in therapy to better understand it all.

Whatever lower level energy that it was, it was there, and than gone. It was worse a number of years ago, when I had an open portal in the apartment below mine, that lasted just about daily for a year in a half, and I slept with the lights on for almost 2 years in that time. That portal was closed, and it has been another few years since, and I've moved a couple of times.

Idk, I think, I've also been told the bright you shine, the more darkness you attract as well. Like bugs to light.

I am now in another place, the same place I was in earlier this year, and well, the cat is not as afraid as she had been, when I had my TF's spirit around...I figure he left around the second week I came here, due to the way the cat kept her eyes on me. lol

She still hides, and there are things here I think still. I don't think they're lower. I think it is just my spirit team, they're trying to get me going a certain way consistently.

That is all I can fathom about what was going on at the other place.
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Old 24-10-2021, 07:44 PM
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Thanks for sharing, hope you will feel better soon with all this, sounds like a good plan to me with the healing and therapy.

I did not know that the more you shine the more darkness one attracts too, thanks for letting me us know.

I have experienced too that when the low lever energies were in my home so was the good team. I will never ever forget an incident when that became so freaking obvious, even today when I think about it I can't believe what happened.

Hope too your cat will feel better soon, more relaxed with the good team around.

Last edited by asearcher : 25-10-2021 at 07:34 PM.
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Old 25-10-2021, 01:34 AM
Traveler Traveler is offline
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Originally Posted by Green.Heals
I'll try that as well.

My bed was shaking again last night as I lay in it, and I said my prayer to the arch angels, and it stopped it. I asked for only high vibrational beings, so, obviously it is not.

You can reach a state while asleep that raises your vibration and actually feels like the bed is shaking.

You can call on Michael to be with you 24/7 too. And you can ask for angels to guard your house to prevent anything that isn't of the light from entering as well.
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