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Old 21-02-2016, 07:36 PM
pearlswan pearlswan is offline
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Share your WORST supernatural experience!

So this is something that I just really need to talk about. I know that I first come here to talk more about spirituality and to feel fit in, but my whole life had always been about crazy paranormal stuffs lol. I've experienced the crazy insane things, but idk about you. I want you first to share what's your worst, or maybe best, supernatural experience ever?
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Old 21-02-2016, 09:36 PM
Clover Clover is offline
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Not too many. Sleep paralysis was the worse. One time during my early twenties when I was bumming on my parents couch, someone left a chair facing me while I was sleeping. In the few seconds I was waking up and my eyes were opening, I saw a old man sitting on the chair. Chubby or on the heavier side but clean cut, bald but white hair on the sides. He was wearing khakis, white dress up shirt. He looked like a grandfather. He was just watching me sleep. It looked like a nice grandfather though. Not mine. There was a white glow around him.It only lasted a few seconds. Thereafter, I removed the chair out of my way, turned the kitchen lights on, and put the blanket over my head
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Old 22-02-2016, 12:24 PM
falcor falcor is offline
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went to a graveyard in the middle of the woods and ran an echovox session and got mad evps. got a 4 min video of it on my channel. Cant post the link right yet. It was quiet freaky, cant explain it. Thought there were soldiers in the woods, but i really dont know what was going on. you can find the video by searching 'patterson rd Houston' and look for my comments posted on haunted places website. its all the way at the bottom
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Old 30-09-2021, 10:17 PM
Traveler Traveler is offline
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Originally Posted by falcor
went to a graveyard in the middle of the woods and ran an echovox session and got mad evps. got a 4 min video of it on my channel.

I saw a soldier walk across the road in front of us one night when we were coming home from looking at the Festival of Lights at Bull Run Park as we drove past the battlefield in Manassas Va several years ago around Christmas. It wasn't scary at all though. It may have been just a residual haunting because the soldier didn't look at us at all. The battlefield has a lot of ghost activity, I've heard.
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Old 22-03-2016, 12:46 AM
NowIam NowIam is offline
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I have a lot of encounters with spirits especially in my childhood.

In my childhood we used to grow up in a house with very high spirit activity.

My first memory was around 8. I was awaken because i could not breathe, and then i had see this spirit bow over me, my bed was moved away from the wall, i could not even move till it disapeard. I got downstairs scared and crying and asked my mum if she did a horrible prank and my dad was with her they both said no they where to whole time there and how the hell i come on such ideas. From then i had horrible sleeping disorders.

Other memory is that when my mum was locking me inside a small chamber to punish me. There was a child ghost, standing in the dark but it did nothing to me at all. I just rolled myself together and closed my eyes till the fear was gone.

Also there had been light sources around which seemed like open portals especially in my bedroom.

A more recent encounter was at last summer midnight. The lights started all to flicker and i was like, ok, isnt serious and continued to play computer games. Then all light bulbs burned out at once in the house. That moment it got dark it got freezing cold and i could feel like a wind is going trough the room. Then it tipped on my back and i heard how it was sit down right next to me. I touched the place and it was cold as ice. It stayd there for a while and then it was gone. Some days later i had let check the electricy and nothing was wrong with it.

I have alot such encounters during my whole life could tell much more...
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Old 06-04-2016, 02:48 PM
PeaceChic99 PeaceChic99 is offline
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One of the most shocking experiences actually occurred during my early teen years. I was in a study hall with one of my buddies (please note that he reported seeing glowing eyes in the spotlight area and even a young girl earlier). It was about the last few minutes when we chatted for a little bit. A few moments later, he pointed up to the spotlight area where he had seen the glowing eyes, and I saw red eyes staring at me.
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Old 14-04-2016, 12:25 AM
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Originally Posted by PeaceChic99
One of the most shocking experiences actually occurred during my early teen years. I was in a study hall with one of my buddies (please note that he reported seeing glowing eyes in the spotlight area and even a young girl earlier). It was about the last few minutes when we chatted for a little bit. A few moments later, he pointed up to the spotlight area where he had seen the glowing eyes, and I saw red eyes staring at me.

I have seen red eyes twice in my life time. The first time I was walking in the dark down a road with trees on both sides. I thought it was an animal up in the tree. Then 2 days later, my husband and I drove past the same area and both of us got extreme pain in the back of the neck where all of our nerves connect. The second time I saw them in my home (about a year later and across town from where I first saw them). They were in my bedroom hovering over my mattress in the dark glowing red. I have always wondered what they were.
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Old 14-04-2016, 07:42 PM
Delsol Delsol is offline
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Scary stuff. Red glowing eyes would frighten the bejeezus out of me.

My worst experience ever was having my astral body forcibly pulled out of my physical body, into my closet and down through the floor. I could see everything in detail - the carpet fuzzies, my shoes - then what the floor was made of as I began to pass through it. I had to struggle to get back to 'myself' - rather like swimming against a current of water. Absolutely terrifying. This happened in broad daylight while I was relaxing on my bed after a long meditation session. My back was aching from having sat up so long, so I decided to have a little lie-down - was resting in sort of a blank state of mind - feeling floaty and light - starting to sort of float just beyond my body, but in a matter of fact way. Nothing alarming; then I was suddenly snatched, yanked fully out and across the room. I've had sleep paralysis many times; that in between state where your body is asleep but you are fully conscious and awake. This was entirely different. I did not sleep in that room again for three weeks or so. In all honesty, it turned me off of my meditation practices for several years. I still kept it up, but often with a tinge of fear. This was a long time ago (I was around 30) and I no longer have that fear - suspect I was the victim of some kind of prank - maybe some tramp soul thought they'd have a bit of fun at my expense.
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Old 18-05-2016, 10:26 AM
dianamadalina dianamadalina is offline
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I wasn't aware of the fact I was eating so little that I've lost 20 kg in 3 months and was underweight. It felt luke dying.
I was on a sofa trying to sleep when I felt really scared and just heard a "boo" and I felt it was made by my entire being . Then I saw myself with long hair in front of me. I got up to look at the spot i was staying on and there was this ghost like gurl looking like me . Probably it was me.
There was also a smell of burning stuff. Maybe I went down to hell.

Last edited by dianamadalina : 18-05-2016 at 12:02 PM.
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Old 19-05-2016, 07:16 PM
PeaceChic99 PeaceChic99 is offline
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Originally Posted by Gracey
I have seen red eyes twice in my life time. The first time I was walking in the dark down a road with trees on both sides. I thought it was an animal up in the tree. Then 2 days later, my husband and I drove past the same area and both of us got extreme pain in the back of the neck where all of our nerves connect. The second time I saw them in my home (about a year later and across town from where I first saw them). They were in my bedroom hovering over my mattress in the dark glowing red. I have always wondered what they were.

It's so nice to know that I'm not the only one who had this experience...
When life gets you down and you think it's no use, when you don't know who you are and you have nothing to lose, just know you have friends who think you're worth the while, and they always tell you "Why worry, just smile."
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