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Old 15-10-2023, 10:33 PM
weareunity weareunity is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 796
Pilgrims pondering on the great and mysterious power of love.

Looking back over a long life of pondering, Pilgrim saw pondering upon the great mystery of the power of love quickly became the focus of that pondering.

That already long life could not be expected to last for a great deal longer, and so Pilgrim reasoned that setting down in as few words as possible some sort of personal conclusion which might be taken as even just a temporary stepping stone for others following with their own pondering and questions might perhaps be welcomed.

In the event, the conclusion reached by Pilgrim seemed so very simple.

If we choose to do so we are able to participate in the great and mysterious power of love and need never understand the mystery, and when do choose to participate, and do so with no intent for personal gain,then we begin to catch glimpses of being one with all which is, and has been and shall be.

Pilgrim still ponders upon the understanding of the mystery of the power of love, and believes, --but does not claim to know--that such understanding will only emerge as the glimpses merge into clear sight.

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Old 15-10-2023, 11:14 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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Old 16-10-2023, 03:46 PM
weareunity weareunity is offline
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Hello FallingLeaves. Smilies to you too. Been reading you. Sound. cheers.
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Old 19-10-2023, 12:50 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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thank you wearunity

it is only recently I became aware that a lot of the stuff I always thought necessary to progress, just isn't. So the idea that I don't have to know all the answers to this mystery is pretty new to me too...

but in my experience it is true, to the extent you can open up and love others, to that extent things you can be open to learn things that maybe wouldn't have been available to you before...

and meanwhile love for others is something desparately desired and needed by many people...
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Old 20-10-2023, 10:27 PM
weareunity weareunity is offline
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Hello Falling leaves.
No fawning praise this, but personal opinion that I think your ability for objective self appraisal and your willingness to share that appraisal in public to be both a considerable gift and also--for me, as I cannot speak for others--an inspiration. Cheers.

As regards "understanding", it seems that there may be a paradox in the process of understanding if it should be the case that the power of the need to understand somehow overwhelms the ability to understand. Perhaps it is flashes of sudden insight/ inspiration which manage to sidestep such a needy barrier.

Re the need for love for others--self appraisal and understanding of our own needs will help us to then understand more about what motivates our behaviour. We may then be in a better position to make a value judgement regarding the personal and social consequences of continuing previous behaviour or deciding to change behaviour.
If we do not do so, as remaining choices become fewer, the means of avoiding any inevitable detrimental consequences of our behaviour also become fewer. Xx
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Old 22-10-2023, 04:36 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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i worked hard to be able to be honest with myself even when it doesn't feed my sense of vanity... And it was really hard at first, accepting that if I say the things I say publicly people will think badly of me... I so much want the good will of others even now I guess lol... but I also think having it in any big way wouldn't do me any good either.

a lot of my own problem is I get lost in interacting with my thoughts 'about' things... as opposed to interacting with the actual things.. it took me a long time to distance myself from that even a little bit... flashes of insight would be one of the 'natural' things that kicks one out of it for a moment...

yeah i eventually concluded it is much better to just attend to my own life and fix the things that are obviously wrong with me... kinda like not attending to splinters in other's eyes but rather the mote in my own... I also got more compassion for others this way once I started thinking along the lines that everything I'm attracting is just what I put out in other times/places...

and yeah you've hit the nail on the head I think, this is about choice. The natural order of things right now seems to be that we continually limit our own freedom of choice and that of others until there is nothing interesting we will allow ourselves to choose any more and it is time to die... which I think also is why a lot of 'bad' things can happen to us if we just wanna play karmic games, forces us to make choices we wouldn't ordinarily decide to make...

anyway from my reading the powers that govern us don't approve of that way of life and didn't approve of it even before we chose it and even asked us not to choose it. But once we chose it there was really no direct way to tell us what they think that wouldn't just lead to more of the same only in a different direction. so it just a matter of arranging our reality so that we can't take this to the extreme and maybe there is also a long term plan for how to jog us out of this i dunno...

well at least that is the way I feel, I wonder sometimes if I'm just sick and everyone else is fine and I'm just spinning my own wheels anyway?

but thank you for the compliment!
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