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Old 01-03-2024, 11:55 PM
undergroundsoldier undergroundsoldier is offline
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Physically Possessed by evil spirits after sloppy mistake - Need experienced guidanc

First of all, this is my first post, so hello.

I will try to make this as concise as possible but I want you to have as much information as possible. I want to be clear , there is zero question as to whether I am possessed or not, so I ask that you please do not reply to this if you do not have direct or indirect experience with spirit possession, this is my life on the line, and it is not a debate as to whether this is real. I can assure you without a doubt, it is.

I have spent EVERY minute that I have of free time while not at work, trying different methods to remove them, and none have worked. I am at the point now where I literally don't know what to do and pretty much one more mistake at work, and I am done. I was suspended for 5 days (before possession I was doing GREAT, and after it all started unraveling quickly).

For the curious and non-experienced users (Read this)

I highly recommend those of you who are on the fence as to what is truth and what is **, read this thoroughly and contemplate it. For those of you playing with magic , mantra, etc and are getting your feet wet (80-90% of you), I suggest you read this and take caution. I am not saying do not do certain practices, but this story will show you just how serious the consequences are once these entities actually get in for real (not just “attached”). However, ANYONE currently in the Left Hand Path or contemplating anything dark out of curiosity and desperation, I say this out of pure love and compassion for you, STOP. I cannot imagine what these spirits would be able to do if I had not already been at a more advanced (compared to 99% of population) stage of spiritual development (1,000 on the Hawkins Map of Consciousness).

The Problem

I am physically possessed by dark spirits / demons / entities whose mission it seems is to completely stop me on my spiritual path , as I was progressing rapidly and was at the point where I was aligning with my Life's Purpose, getting involved with a church (yes, this was the guidance I was given repeatedly).

  • Physically FEELING energies / entities inside my head, gut, chest, eyes (head and eyes especially), and all over the body.
  • Completely unable to sleep even with sleeping meds (benzos) because energies literally moving around inside my head while I have eyes closed, and cause all sorts of physical pain and symptoms to prevent me from getting sleep – the most effective way to quickly sabotage me (or anyone I would imagine) .
  • Physically MOVING my body - For instance when I am standing still and taking a ****, I can feel these thick energies “moving inside of me and my body jerks around)

    It was so bad last month that they were causing me to spill drinks on guests ( I am a server at a high end restaurant), they were shaking my head yes or no … which at that point I thought it was my higher self doing it ….before I realized I was completely under the influence of dark spirits)
  • By being physically in my head, they are able to cause intense pressure, complete and constant brain fog and confusion , serious memory lapses, inability to focus at all , inability to think . Period. This and the prevention of sleep have been the most devastating to my life.
  • Causing EXTREME forgetfulness of very simple things.

    This got me suspended for 5 days at work. For not greeting a table multiple times who had been sitting for 10-15 minutes, right in front of me basically. It is so hard to focus and make sure I complete one task, that I cannot take in and retain information all around me anymore. This is obviously devastating for a server and a high volume restaurant.
  • Isolation , convincing me not to do things (I was already very isolated, so they took advantage of this).

    I was just beginning to actively engage a social life again when this happened, after doing a year of INTENSE inner work.
  • Negative thoughts, complete blocking of my compassion, positivity, energy
  • Causing INTENSE digestive issues, to the point that I had so much gas in me I thought I was going to explode while at work every day for 4-5 days. Now I am bleeding inside.

    I already have major digestive issues and have had major surgery, so they are just attacking a weak point. But I have been eating WAY healthier, and taking whole foods supplements for a long time now that has kept any issues under control , this is 100% the spirits. I believe I removed the ones that were causing the majority of these issues because the intensity of that has subsided.
  • Using dreams as a means to exploit lustful thoughts and weaknesses

    I have been trying to eliminate lust from my being. I have resisted this much more easily now as I am in a literal battle, but they are still there on a subconscious level, base desires that I have not fulfilled in a long time, and they use dreams to exploit it.

    How they came in
My primary tools in inner work have been a pendulum, techniques I came up with to get guidance via pendulum from my higher self, releasing and integrating limiting beliefs, attachments, etc. Mantra has been the second most powerful tool I began using once I reached higher levels of consciousness permanently. I have techniques that amplify mantra when reciting to hundreds of thousands of times or millions, in one recitation. I am 90% sure sloppy use of this powerful tool/mystery is what got me here.

Once I started using a PENDULUM CHART with an alphabet, the whole game changed. I was getting very specific, very powerful answers. However, these charts apparently open up gateways to the lower realms. I would stay up late , very sleep deprived, trying to advance as much as possible and not taking care of myself life I should.

One evening in Mid January I made some profound discoveries and was given WHAT I THOUGHT were mantras to activate my full DNA potential. They were words I did not understand and in a language that I had been given before. Pay attention. This is where my ego got in the way and has cost me DEARLY. The first word was “ipotri” . Ignorantly and carelessly I amplified this mantra and recited it the equivalent of millions of times (rough estimate). Also the words “Feed” “fed” and “Food” . I did this for them as well. I believe there may have been one other word, but, looking at my notes, this is the moment, when the guidance I was given started to get hazy and was hijacked.

From this night onward and ever since I have completely lost all connection to my Higher Self / divine guidance I was getting. I was warned by my Higher Self (but not to the degree that I even thought this was a possibility) that doing these sessions at night was a bad idea, and being sleep deprived was not good either. Understatement.

Remedies tried
  • Church 4-5 times – This has an effect for sure, but it's not removing the primary “core” problem demons
  • Spiritual bath of fresh ocean water , fresh basil, vinegar during day – did 3 times , including a complete house clean with bath solution 3 times (full day for each ritual)
  • Mantra : Gayatri (had used before many times) , and several other mantras
  • Prayer + calling on Archangels / Authority of Christ- I have done this daily and nightly, intense, heart felt prayers, crying my eyes out begging God and Jesus to deliver me from these evil spirits , hours at a time

    - This helps and I believe has removed a lot of them, but not the primary ones preventing sleep and ability to think or remember things
  • Listening to intense deliverance videos / reading of the bible – This is the ONLY way I am able to sleep. I have to have these playing out loud in order for them to be subdued enough so that I am able to actually fall asleep , although they still keep me from getting a full nights sleep, I haven't had that since January.
  • Uncrossing bath
  • Salt Water Remedy
  • Chanting Lord Jesus while amplifying
  • Attending Cathlioc Mass
  • Attaining mantra-siddhi of Bhagvad Gita 5.4
  • A number of other techniques, such as reciting mantras like “I am unconditional Love and Compassion for all” recited repeatedly for hours.... while feeling that. This has powerful effects, but I do not think it will remove these spirits.
Once I truly realized how serious this problem was and it was getting exponentially worse by the day, I was lying in bed and just began singing lightly, mostly in my head
"Halleluiah to the Lord, Halleleuiah Praise the Lord, The lord is my savior" ... immediately these spirits started physically and INTENSELY darting around inside my body and my whole body started rumbling and felt like intense pressure, like their energy couldn't take it and they were going to pop. They moved my head left and right intensely as to say "No! No! STOP STOP"

.... This was a life changing moment for me. It wasn't Buddhist mantras, it wasn't anything ancient that did this. It was SONGS OF PRAISE to the Lord Jesus. It was poison to them. Playing worship songs on Youtube absolutely hurt them the worst. Trust me, I was trying everything I could think of.

If there is a silver lining to all of this, it is physical proof via experience that Jesus is THE power, more than any other. I had been disillusioned as to what was true and what was deception in regards to Jesus, now I know. I am not giving credence to all the claimed knowledge self-righteous Christians have with no real life experience, but you can take from it what you will...

Back to the Remedies...

Some of these remedies had powerful effects, and I have certainly removed many underling spirits. It was so bad at one point I literally felt like I was about to explode with spirits, they were physically tormenting me, burning , stinging, intense cramps, heart palpitations, non stop ringing in ears, etc.

I was sent on intense missions and spent hundreds of hours doing things I thought I was supposed to do. Then being told I failed tests, etc. I realized after a few weeks I was not speaking with my Higher Self and something had gone wrong. I thought I could still get through via pendulum chart with daytime use and intense prayer to God to prevent these entities in my mind from interfering. When trying to get answers on pendulum charts , the spirits inside of my were physically moving my mind (I can literally feel them ) and the pendulum, the answers were a battle between what I thought was my Higher Self and the spirits inside me, but apparently it was ALL them and my Higher Self wasn't coming through at all. It was a total mind ****.

I spent weeks doing very time consuming spiritual baths as prescribed by “Higher Self” to rid me of these spirits. I was then told to go to church and it will solve the issue, but I had to be a good person after that. Going to church definitely hurt them, as I thought I was going to fall down and have a seizure the first time I went on Ash Wednesday. The intense energies inside me were obviously getting “squeezed” (unless they were pretending, but I don't think so). My tongue went numb, throat closed, heartbeat literally beating so fast and hard I thought I was going to have a heart attack, but I enjoyed it because I thought it was over.

Identifying the spirits

I do not know what I am dealing with exactly. I asked in the name of Jesus Christ and in the Blood of Jesus Christ via a pendulum chart and was told that the primary , ruling spirit is a Goetic Demon. I do not know whether this is true as all other information has been bunk and strategically misleading. When I thought I was still speaking with my Higher Self and trying to figure out how to remove these evil spirits I was repeatedly told that I had the following types of evil spirits in me:

- Dieties of the Evil One
- Evil Spirits who hate God
- Evil spirits of the mind and body

Whatever the main , ruling spirit is, it is HIGHLY intelligent, very strategic, clearly has a mission, and is very powerful and can withstand intense , powerful deliverance, etc.

I have solely relied on the pendulum for a year now and with that being cut off, I literally lost my guidance completely. I have NO idea how to identify , for certain what they are, if it's necessary.

I have no idea of knowing if this is true. Like I said , going to a church did not work , and I have completely changed my thoughts and behavior such that I rarely sin anymore in thought, word, or action. That has been the case for weeks now.

Any advice or techniques (that I can easily do or you could do) would be great, in identifying them.

Another major mistake I made

Once I realized I had lost all touch with my Higher Self via pendulum, etc, I had no idea what to do. I do not meditate regularly and was just getting to the point where I was starting to try. I have activated my merkaba field permanently, and was going to start doing that meditation. Merkaba cannot remove spirits by the way, I tried installing a program to do that.

Anyways, I said in my head on way home from work “I am speaking to my True Higher Self and only my Higher self and give permission to my True Higher Self to help me correct my posture as I am walking ( one small thing I want to work on) and that my True Higher Self had permission to move my body to indicate to me what I should do or not do to prevent further misguidance. From this point forward , my posture was automatically corrected at all time, so I was constantly being moved, spine straightened as I walked, sat etc. Also My head started to shake “Yes” , up and down, or “No” , side to side. Not small movements either. For 4-5 days I thought this was my higher self. It was NOT. Somehow I gave permission to these entities now that they could move my body even though I specifically and clearly indicated True Higher Self – Apparently that is not a recognized term by God.

No idea where to go from here

I cannot afford a spiritual helper. IF I had someone remove them and they were gone, you bet your *** I would pay them. But obviously no one is going to do that. The one I did contact seemed way to flaky, gave me zero insight and basically was just selling himself. I know there is a solution I can do myself and it is likely simple. But these spirits / this demon, whatever it is, the main one (or ones?), it has repeatedly caused events to occur while I am doing deliverance, prayer , etc right in the middle of it to stop it. It has happened 3 times now. So no doubt this is a powerful entity.

I have been trying to approach it from a point of “God wants me to fix something about myself” that is allowing these demons / evil spirits to stay inside me. I am not sure if this is the correct approach. Doing inner work, of any kind, for true change, is hard , very hard , to do when you literally are not able to concentrate.

I do not understand the mechanics behind how the spirits came in , what vulnerabilities I may have, etc. However, I believe my developed light body and consciousness has kept me from having even more horrific symptoms. As I reached higher levels on the Hawkins Map of Consciousness, physical changes began to occur, intense magnetic and electric currents and fields felt throughout body, which I can adjust etc. I do not know the interplay of all these forces, how they work together, but if anyone does, this would be a huge benefit for me.

If there was a way for me to get access to my Higher Self again and prevent these evil spirits from moving the pendulum , that would be all I would need. But since they are inside of me , it is highly unlikely anyone knows this. If you do though, that would probably be the solution.

If the next remedy doesn't work (below), I have NO idea where to go from here. As I said , I have tools and techniques that weaken them, remove many weaker ones, but the primary one (or ones) are the ones that are going to cost me everything. My theory was that if I brought them in through powerful sound vibrations / a word (ipotri) , then I could likely get them out by the same methods if I understood the mechanics and what would work.

If I do not rid myself of these evil spirits inside of my body ASAP (like within a few days), I am going to loose my job, which will in turn, cause me to loose everything I have within a few weeks. That is how much they are affecting my life. They have already hired someone else at work, and I am certain if I do not fix this soon, I am gone (before I was possessed I was doing GREAT).

Next Remedy to try (Per advice from local Botanica)

I just contacted a local botanica and was told to buy:

Goat Milk
Florida Water
Spell Breaker Cologne
Spellbreaker OR Rue OR Go Away Evil Bath
Eggshell Powder
1 7 Day Candle

Take bath for 4-7 days and use bath on apartment. She said to call her back before I do it because there's something else I need to do (they were getting ready to close).

This is a highly involved, time consuming ritual that will take a week and a lot of time (cleansing an entire apartment, take minimum 5 hours, usually longer). I am more than willing to do this and have spent hundreds of hours already, but because my time is so limited I have to be strategic about what I do next because it's likely my last shot to keep my job.

If anyone has any info on this or knowledge on this bath let me know. I only told her it was for spirits actually inside of me, not just attached. Not all the details.
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Old 02-03-2024, 10:06 AM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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Well to answer your first question this is a Discussion forum so anyone can answer your post with or without Experience,
you say you have tried many things have you asked a Medium to cleanse you of these dark spirits,
you need to go into a spiritualist church if you have dark spirit attached to you they will be picked up
they will be your best bet.
Have you ever done a Ouija board ? because you have no control who comes through with them.

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
The Wind
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Old 02-03-2024, 07:27 PM
Podshell Podshell is offline
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Maybe offer food to Christ before consuming (food will contain alsorts of atatched karma,so hopefully offering it will purify),
Say grace and the Lords prayer regularly,
A smoke cleansing ritual may help,a friend I know burnt offered grains and passed through the smoke and burn offered incence regular, also check out ayurvedic diet that relates to body type, I felt at my best when I tried that. If you are aware of being attacked in dreams then chant 'Jesus Christ ' and really focus.
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Old 03-03-2024, 12:08 AM
undergroundsoldier undergroundsoldier is offline
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Originally Posted by Native spirit
Well to answer your first question this is a Discussion forum so anyone can answer your post with or without Experience,
you say you have tried many things have you asked a Medium to cleanse you of these dark spirits,
you need to go into a spiritualist church if you have dark spirit attached to you they will be picked up
they will be your best bet.
Have you ever done a Ouija board ? because you have no control who comes through with them.
Yes, I know anyone can answer my post, it wasn't a question. I am just trying to reiterate that this is a real situation happening to someones life and not a space to debate the reality of the situation, that is all.

I have done Pendulum chart (with alphabet on it) which is the same thing as a Ouija board. Honestly, starting to use an alphabet chart is what got me into trouble. I made MAJOR progress this past year without it, and it just opens you right up to the lower realms , even if you are spiritually advanced and at a very high vibration. Combining that with a super powerful technique for mantra that I use, and being careless and repeating words ("mantras") in unknown languages ,equaled the mess I am in now. I am not sure if you read the whole post through, I explained how this happened. At my level of progress, I had no idea this kind of thing was a possibility, I have been humbled to say the least.

I did a consult with a "spiritualist" who does entity removal. I do not have the money for it and even if I did it is just way too risky that I would waste that money and they are not experienced on the level I need and cannot truly see what I need them to see.

I am considering Dr. Wesley Phillips for a reading, it is $90, but , as I said, this is not just a spirit attachment, this is full on physical possession with constant physical attacks ./... while AWAKE. As I type this they are moving around inside my head, there is a high pitched noise.

I had not slept in literally 3 nights as of last night, I put on Bible audio while sleeping and woke up after 4 hours to an INTENSE attack of some sort, the entity or entities was creating a thick energy in all parts of my abdomen , that can only be described as the worst malice / sick feeling ever....pure utter darkness and poison feeling. It was an attempt to get me to turn off the Bible Audio, it worked. I dealt with it for another hour, then I had to turn it off. I was able to sleep after this for a few hours.

Anyways, I appreciate your advice, I am not sure what a Spiritualist Church is or exactly what I would be looking for.
I searched Spiritualist churches near me and the results are varied and not consistent.
Could you elaborate on what specifically I am looking for in a Spiritualist church ?
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Old 03-03-2024, 03:15 PM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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I'm just going to say on the thread --I can not believe you are so lucky to have a Spiritualist Church right in your own city!
I don't!! :(
And they say it right on their website!
(We've been pming)...I am so jealous and excited for you!

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 03-03-2024, 09:25 PM
Traveler Traveler is offline
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Have you tried the mega salt bath? You'll probably have to do it regularly. Also sleep with bags of salt around and on you too.


You can find the list of Spiritualist churches here in the US. If you don't live in the US, there is a contact link on the website, they might be able to help you find one where you live.
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Old 04-03-2024, 12:21 AM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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Hi Traveler - Well, If we are gonna talk about what to sleep with ---there is salt, camphor, sage,
copper, blessed Rosaries, crosses, Bibles and Holy water.
Constant prayer - asking Angel, Guides, Archangels and, Jesus, Krishna to protect you as you sleep...
I'd say off the top. Then looking into crystal necklaces!!
Also, then not having any fear...but rather powerful confidence.

But, looks like a Spiritualist Church has been found.
Also the Catholic Diocese can be talked to...saying this for others reading here. :)

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 04-03-2024, 12:13 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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A spiritulist church should not charge you anything it should be free

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