What Do Human Spirits Feel Like?
My husband and mom can sense ghosts, but I can't recall ever doing so. I can feel and even communicate with non-human spirits, and have done so numerous times with ease, and they all feel and "sound" completely different and unique from each other. Knowing what I do about myself and where I come from, this doesn't surprise me; it's like I'm tuned to a different 'radio frequency' if you will. And that's fine with me.
But, it does make me curious: what do human spirits feel like to you? I can describe different kinds of entities with metaphor; what "colour" they feel like, the quality of their "voice", where they stand around me and how. So to those who can feel them, how would you describe the presence of departed human spirits?
My mom says it just feels like the presence of any other person, but there's no one physically there. My husband said something similar, but that there's a "grainy, filminess" separating them. The particular spirits he encountered weren't the calmest either; he said it felt like he was interrupting someone's privacy when he stepped into the room.
This is something I think about a lot, I'm very intrigued to hear what other have experienced.