Its hard to get motivated just now its your birthday in 11 days but the past 3 birthdays its been a visit to a stone and i dont believe your there so as usual ill head down the beach with the lovely scottish weather as my companion and sit in your favourite thinking spot and think of you!! This is the first year ill be ok though cause ive learnt a lot now and i believe with all my heart now that you still live on i know you will sit beside me! I no longer blame myself for your death i know it was your choice i know it was your time but please know my besto that i love you as much today as i always have and i shall be thinking of you every day until our souls are reunited. With all my love and admiration you were the strongest girl i have ever known oh and give a big hug to your crazy mum from me and tell Gary thank you for visiting i love you all with all my heart!!
All my love my Angel xxxx