Re Adrienne (SF Mod ) - Sad to Report her Passing
Hello Members
It is with a very heavy heart that I relay that I have received the very sad news that Adrienne has passed away from her battle with cancer. The last contact I had with her was December 17th and her tests were due to come back but it was not looking good. She passed away suddenly so it’s a blessing that she did not suffer long like sadly many do.
I know that she had a strong and positive outlook on this process but too knew that her cancer was advanced. She was someone I have known for a very long time here on Spiritual Forums and that we always got on very well. I too know that she was a private person and did not want others to worry on her.
It had been a while now that I have felt her trying to contact me, and I knew in my heart she had passed and made her crossing. I too could not share that without confirmations on her passing. I now have that blessed to someone that contact me via the E Mail here.
I know she is well now and happy we all know. Hold her in your blessings.
SF Admin
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