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Old 07-06-2014, 06:16 AM
Brobian Brobian is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Brewster, Ohio
Posts: 224
To you, my beautiful grandmother.

On the eve of Christmas morning, the year of 2002, as I wrapped my children's Christmas presents on the living room floor, that's when the infamous phone call came in.

Though before that phone had even rang I had known you had passed. I felt it inside me when you had left. That connection I had always felt there disconnected and I then knew you had left. Though even knowing it I cried after dad told me it.
The words of my father had hit me hard and I lost my strength and feel to the floor. I knew you were in a much better place, I knew you weren't suffering anymore, and it didn't matter though because you were no longer there. For a half hour I cried with all my will, sobbed with all my everything because I had lost the only person I had ever known whom understood me.
Here it is now, June 7th, 2014, my birthday and I've just turned 37. You have been gone now for 11 years and 5 months. Yet, still goes no day by that I do not miss you.
I still have not found another person who understands me grandma, not like you had. You are the only person that I've met in my life who I connected with and since your passing, I have walked alone and have taught myself. Everyone is always so different then me and I always seem to just rather be alone. I get lost sometimes, unsure on where I should go and other times I get scared because I hate walking alone.

I've had an amazing year this year, grandma. You, be so proud of me. I've done so much and in the face of such doubt and betrayal from others. I stood taller though and took the moment. It's like you'd always said and I did want it more.
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Old 08-06-2014, 12:27 AM
Tobi Tobi is offline
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Blessings to your grandmother.
Your post really touched me. You have a lot of love in your heart.

She knows, and in a secret kind of way will watch over you, be proud of you, and will always love you.
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Old 08-06-2014, 01:42 AM
SomewhereInTime SomewhereInTime is offline
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What a beautiful tribute to your Grandmother. Indeed, she would be proud of you and from the sound of it, she'd be super proud of your strength that you've had going through whatever hardships you had to endure.

It is so hard to lose someone that close to you and with whom you have a strong soul connection. It literally feels like a part of you is missing. I'm sorry for your loss.

I hope you managed to enjoy your birthday.
Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends ~
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Old 10-06-2014, 09:22 AM
Brobian Brobian is offline
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Yeah, I do have a ton of love within me. Actually, you don't even know the half of it. This might have been about 1/1,000,000,000 of the amount I have. The compassion is twice that amount. It's not a good thing really, because it's hard to be around people or the public when your tears are always brimming your eyes and the slightest sight will open the flood doors.
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Old 10-06-2014, 01:59 PM
linen53 linen53 is offline
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Thank you for sharing your tribute to your precious grandmother with me. It was touching. I'm sure she is proud of you and is around you all the time helping.
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