2 Old Friends Who Left Too Soon
About 2 years ago, I found out that an old friend of mine, Karen, had passed away at the age of 48. We had a falling out many years earlier and the last time we spoke was when she called me at my work but the anger and hurt I felt was still very raw so I was very cold to her. I was just about to marry my fiance, she found out from a mutual friend, and called out of the blue. The conversation went something like, "Hi, it's Karen." "And...?" "Well, I heard you were getting married..." I cut her off, mid-sentence and said, "If you want to speak with "M", call back in the morning." And then she very softly said, "Oh...okay. Well, you take care." That was the last time we spoke but I never forgot her or our very last conversation. I cried when I found out about her passing. Deep down, it hurt so much to think that she tried to reach out to me and I pushed her away.
I recently found out that another old friend, John, had passed away this year. He was only 51. We met when we both attended an after school foreign language class as children. I was 8 and he was 9. We played together, argued and fought, but he was and will always be my friend. He attended the class for about 1.5 years and then left. I never saw him again but I never forgot him.
My dear old friends - maybe when my time on this earth if over, we'll meet up again and have a good laugh once more. God bless.