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Old 26-10-2016, 02:42 AM
Zoclora Zoclora is offline
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R.I.P Hammy

Well last night was the last night for my hamster named Hammy. She was a big hearted, loving and kind hamster who enjoyed her time with her sister and running on her wheel.
Her story started with the two. They had gotten into a fight one day and Hammy's sister bit into her causing a deep wound. I have looked up on what to do. The best thing was to keep it clean, put antibiotic ointment on it and separate the two. So I sadly did. Not long latter about four so days I started to see a growth but thought it was inflammation that was trying to heal the wound. Her wound looked good and started to grow fur on top of the scab. But two more days passed and the growth just kept growing. She was eating, drinking and was in no pain as I could see and looked very healthy. I just kept puting on the antibiotics and waited to see. Well it never went down so we took her to the vet. The good news it was not an infection bad news it was a tumor. The did surgery to remove it and gave us pain releaver and antibiotics to help keep any infection at bay. They said she will be soar and may not move much. I could imagine the tumor was half of her body weight.
Well we returned home and did as instructed. Three days into her antibiotics she begain to have wettail. The vet told us that it is normal because the amount of stress she went through and as long as she is eating and drinking she will be ok. Two days passed and she was worse. She barely moved and looked so... horrible that it pained me to look at her. We took her back to find out she was very dehydrated and underwait, which given her condition, was to be expected. The vet gave us a very strong antibiotic that helps with wettail and she help her not have so much dyreia. The vet said they did all they could for her and if she doesn't look any better we should consider her quality of life.
On the way home I was just thinking to go ahead and put her down. Experience from a run of deathly sick animals, I knew she wouldn't make it. My mom, the vet and every one told me "She may pull through this. You never know." But my instincts told me diffrently. It seemed like nature wanted to let us know just how true that is. On the way home, while waiting for the train, a bee dropped from the air and landed right in front of her and my mom. It was dying and struggling to walk. I told my mom that's not a good sign but just brushed it off. Then a girl came by and stepped on it, beheading it. I was thinking "maybe she will have a swift and peaceful death." On the way home as we walked we saw three huge crows which was never in the area befor. They landed in a row one on each tree top facing us, as if expecting somthing. I felt they were there for Hammy. I told my mom "yet another sign." She brushed it off. Then when we were almost home, we saw a huge dead squirrel. I knew deep down what it ment.
We returned home and I started on her treatment. I said a prayer to Arch Angel Ariel to help Hammy by finding her peace and for her to be happy and pain free. And if she died for her to guide her home. That night I had a dream of Hammy on the kitchen counter exploring around. The next day she was up and walking. She ate a bit and I did her treatment. As I was going to work a suggested video came up on YouTube and I watched it. It..was a scarlry re-play of Hammy but as a gaunipig. I felt that feeling of knowing. When I got home she was wores agian. This time she regressed back into a baby and just lay there. I was so depressed and I asked and prayed for her to die in her sleep that night so she wouldn't have to be put down by force.
Well last night I had yet another dream of her. This time she was hopping around in the living room and looked so happy. This morning I got up and saw that indeed she passed away and it seemed quick as well. I am grateful she is no longer in pain.
Even though people tend to see her as just a hamster, I saw her as a nother life, a nother soul. A creature with a huge heart and a strong spirit. She maybe a hamster but she is and always will be part of my family.

R.I.P Hammy and thank you for being born and thank you for being part of my existence. May Ariel guide you home and may you find peace and happiness where ever you go.
"Love comes in many forms and colors. So why should we put a label on them?"
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Old 26-10-2016, 10:03 AM
knightofalbion knightofalbion is offline
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So sorry to hear about poor Hammy. It's clear you loved her.

There are hamsters in Heaven you know! Lots of them! 'Where there is love ...'

You've not seen the last of her ....
All this talk of religion, but it's how you live your life that is the all-important thing.
If you set out each day to do all the goodness and kindness that you can, and to do no harm to man or beast, then you are walking the highest path.
And when your time is up, if you can leave the earth a better place than you found it, then yours will have been a life well lived.

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Old 04-11-2016, 07:57 PM
LPC LPC is offline
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Originally Posted by Zoclora

Even though people tend to see her as just a hamster, I saw her as another life, another soul. A creature with a huge heart and a strong spirit. She maybe a hamster but she is and always will be part of my family.
Yes, indeed. There is no such thing as "just a hamster". All souls have equal worth. If she was loved by you and your family, then she was indeed a family member.

I send you my condolences on the passing of dear Hammy. Run free, little one!

It is almost like it was meant to be that I logged in today (I don't come here as often as I used to do) and just happened to look at the "Loving Tributes" section. I usually just look at the animal and astral projection sections. Something drew me to look elsewhere on the forum today!

The Noble Knight has given you a very good answer above. Rest assured, Hammy is alive in another dimension and you will meet again later.
Do animals have souls?
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Old 05-11-2016, 02:52 AM
Tobi Tobi is offline
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Dear little Hammy.
Blessings to her Soul. She will always appreciate all the love and kindness she knew with you.
She will be fine in the next world. No more pain.

Bless you too for your love, and for all you did to help her.
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Old 15-11-2016, 02:45 AM
Zoclora Zoclora is offline
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I am sorry for the late reply. But thank you every oneone for your love :)
"Love comes in many forms and colors. So why should we put a label on them?"
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Old 15-11-2016, 09:47 AM
knightofalbion knightofalbion is offline
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Our pleasure!

PS: Happy birthday!
All this talk of religion, but it's how you live your life that is the all-important thing.
If you set out each day to do all the goodness and kindness that you can, and to do no harm to man or beast, then you are walking the highest path.
And when your time is up, if you can leave the earth a better place than you found it, then yours will have been a life well lived.

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Old 20-11-2016, 07:05 AM
Zoclora Zoclora is offline
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Thank you ^^;
"Love comes in many forms and colors. So why should we put a label on them?"
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Old 22-11-2016, 04:01 PM
linen53 linen53 is offline
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Just read of your account.
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Old 10-12-2016, 02:54 AM
SerpentSun SerpentSun is offline
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I know it's a bit late, but reading this made me cry so hard! I hate to say it, but all the antibiotics probably made her more sick....So many of the vets these days just like so many other academics and authority figures, are out to make money from the suffering of others. And the rest just don't know any better.

I hope you and Hammy are both at peace, because it's clear how dearly you love her; too many people these days couldn't care less about "just" a hamster. Rodents and primates are actually pretty close cousins relative to other animals.

I lost a couple baby mice a few months ago and I miss them so much....:(
Trigger Warning: I am neither FDA Approved nor USDA Certified. Certain subject matter is prohibited by federal law; I'm a good girl, so please don't publicly discuss such things with me. Privately message me if you'd like to ask personal questions.

My advice may contain words known in the state of California to offend people. Attempt any activities I discuss at your own risk. I ask odd questions and give answers you won't want to hear. Come to me as a last resort.
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