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Old 26-06-2021, 09:10 PM
WeiYing WeiYing is offline
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Voices, Presence, and more

hello all.

1. I hear voices from time to time. This happens when I'm fully awake. They usually just say "Hey" and most of the time the voice uses my partner's voice.

i almost never answer, but make sure it was indeed my partner calling me - it almost never is.

Last month or so, i was napping, and all of a sudden i hear my partner saying "hey" in my left ear. It was SO loud i woke up to see there was nobody there.

My brain seems fine, I'm due for a brain scan, but I'm sure it's fine.

2. Last year i felt a presence in the bedroom quite a few times. i think the first time i felt it, was when one evening i prayed to God to stop my thoughts from going wild when i go to bed. That evening, a tall dark and skinny figure came in the room and sat on the bed next to me.
I mostly sensed it (spiritually) rather than physically. It didn't scare me, and it felt peaceful -luckily.

After that, i seldomly felt another presence in the room. it usually gives me the impression it opens and closes the door and then comes in the bed next to me, like my partner would - my partner comes to bed way later than me. This presence felt so real at times that i was very confused when I tried to reach and touch my partner only to realize nobody is there.

The first presence is quite definitely different than the one that made me think it's my partner.

3. about 2 or 3 weeks ago, in the morning, after sunrise, i briefly woke up and faced the door. the door to the room is can;t be seen from where the bed is due to how the room is built. Let's just say there's a bit of a hiding place where the door is, if the person hiding there would be standing.
We sleep with the door closed and my partner WAS in the bed at this point. So, it was pretty much daylight, and i look towards the door, and i saw a chalk-white hand retracting rather quickly. the fingers looked pretty long and thin.

What are all these presences and how do i make them go away? i tried prayers and telling it to go away. It stopped for some time.
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Old 26-06-2021, 09:48 PM
Hologram8 Hologram8 is offline
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I just rebuke the spirits in the name of jesus christ silently in my head without saying anything out loud and they hear me just fine ~ and then they go away ~ if they come back I tell them again
if I hear them I rebuke them
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Old 27-06-2021, 06:16 AM
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I recognize lot of what you wrote in my own experiences. Do you meditate alot? (they see you as a glow I've been told) Do you do other things to have these doors open? I pray directly to God. You could too try to do and if it don't work call in a medium to help you make the spirit go to the light if it is a spirit that is willing. Or if too negative energy and it won't work then rebuke?
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Old 28-06-2021, 06:15 PM
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Can person die with spirit, live in spiritual company. In hell. That can attack planet Earth, our dimension but mind and intellect to be in hell, there can be a bad person.Just an energy that doesn't want to leave.
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Old 01-07-2021, 02:36 PM
desert rat desert rat is offline
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It sounds like a spirit trying to get your attention.
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Old 01-07-2021, 11:09 PM
Traveler Traveler is offline
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Ok, this is my 2 cents, for what it is worth. I'm not a medium, but it sounds like to me that you're attracting spirits. The way it was explained to me by another medium was that you stand out like an enormous beacon, emitting a white light that draws them to you like moths to a porch light. If you want to help them with whatever it is they need (like forward a message to a loved one, or cross over) you should set strong boundaries like not bothering you when you're sleeping, for instance. If you don't feel that you want to take this on then tell them that you can't help them and they must leave you alone.

You can also try calling on the Arch Angel Michael to escort these spirits into the light if they won't leave you alone.

You can also try smudging your place and placing salt in the window sills and over door frames to clear the area.
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Old 02-07-2021, 12:32 AM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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Originally Posted by WeiYing
What are all these presences and how do i make them go away? i tried prayers and telling it to go away. It stopped for some time.
Every thought that has ever been thought, still exists. What you are experiencing are mostly thought forms, which are thoughts which have been thought about longer and more people, that you are picking up on. But not every single thought and thought form, that exists, is supported by Source Energy, and thus they cannot manifest into reality. They don't have this pure positive energy behind them. And they are therefor, mostly just thought forms. They cannot do any harm, so there is no worry about them.

However, it is helpful to recognize the difference between a thought form which is supported by Source Energy, which feels like good feeling pure positive emotion, when you think them, perceive them, receive them, tranceive, translate them, vibrationally.
And a thought form which is simply nothing but a thought form, and self contradictory to the extend that it cannot become more than just a thought form, and these feel like negative emotion when you give them too much of your attention, or no emotion, when you simply focus on something else and let them just be what they are.
Sharing perspective.
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Old 03-07-2021, 06:19 PM
GlitterRose GlitterRose is offline
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You can scrub everything clean using the LBRP, and you can find it on youtube.

(Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram)

Use the Middle Pillar meditation to get things back in balance.

I could get into the reasons why it works, but the really important thing is that it works.
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Old 04-07-2021, 02:22 AM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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Originally Posted by GlitterRose
I could get into the reasons why it works, but the really important thing is that it works.
Every tool and technique that one feels drawn to, using their own imagination, is a good permission slip, to allow the self to realise their own evermore natural and effortless greater allowed realisation of all that is being and becoming evermore here and now, where and when all that exists exists, and is being and becoming evermore here and now.

But it is also just that. A permission slip, that we feel we need, to allow the self to be more of who one truely is. In the natural and effortless evermore joyful and unconditionally worthy greater allowed self realisation of all that we are truely being and becoming evermore naturally and effortlessly and unconditionally joyfully and worthy here and now. Evermore unconditionally loved and supported, to be, do or have anything we so desire to be, do or have. For the joy of being any and all of it we may so desire to be, do or have.
Sharing perspective.
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Old 04-07-2021, 02:37 AM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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Originally Posted by madalina_diana
... Just an energy that doesn't want to leave.
That is not spirit. That is the remnants of human thought forms, of which every thought that has ever been thought, still exists. It requires one to tune into those self contradictory thought forms to experience them, to translate and receive and transmit them. But they are self contradictory thought forms. And they do not have spirit or Pure Positive Source Energy flowing behind it. And that is also why they have no power and cannot manifest. They cannot become more or expand into real reality. But tuning into them, can cause one to feel discomfort and lessen/blurr their own consciousness and lose their own clarity. And suffer.

But it is also not comfortable to focus on these negative self limitting and self contradicting thought forms, because it is not in alignment with your natural nature and your spirit of boundless joyful inspiration and appreciation. And so, that should be enough reason to stop focusing on those thought forms, that have no power. Because you and your true nature cannot ever become as one with them. And the more one tries, the more uncomfortable their experience becomes. Because it is unnecessary. And that discomfort is perfect. It helps distract the individual from all these irrelevant thought forms and information that has got nothing to do with who they truely are, that does not allow them to realise their own true nature and joyful purpose and reason for and of being all that they truely are being and becoming evermore naturally and effortlessly here and now, where and when all that exists exists and is being and becoming evermore here and now.

Including your spirit. It is being right here and now. And when one focuses on self contradictory thought forms that do not allow their own spirit from being more fully and joyfully and clearly realised in the naturally and effortlessly and joyfully inspired moment, then one simply feels worse emotionally, to indicate that their perspective is not in alignment with what their Source of Being Knows about the very same subject of their attention. It is simply an irrelevant misunderstanding. And that it is irrelevant thus, to focus further into it. For it does not hold any real foundation, no alignment with the soul and spirit. No joy that indicates its accuracy of being in alignment with the energy which creates worlds and the ever abounding stream of well-being that flows unconditionally to all in evermore unconditional love evermore and more and more. Forever more.

Then it would be so easy to simply let that go, stop worrying about it, and drop it as just a self contradictory thought form. Of which there are many. And they are always simply irrelevant. Not necessary for the natural continuation of life with the natural ever abounding stream of well-being that is at the basis of all that exists and is being and becoming evermore naturally and effortlessly and joyfully here and now.
Sharing perspective.
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