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Old 14-04-2021, 05:48 PM
jgross4573 jgross4573 is offline
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RE There are evil spirits that won

I only had a quick read of your first post jgross4573 - you said he comes to you when angry, that IMO is because anger/fear lowers your personal 'vibes' as in energy vibrations - and makes you eat... beef I recon, low in energy vibes - what you need to do is increase the energy vibrations of the house, make it a happy positive house, and increase personal vibrations 'vibes' more fruit/veg, happy thoughts and actions - override any words with I am love I am light - or recite in mind before going to bed 'lovely'gorgeous'beautiful'light' or similar...
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Old 14-04-2021, 05:48 PM
jgross4573 jgross4573 is offline
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RE There are evil spirits that won

I only had a quick read of your first post jgross4573 - you said he comes to you when angry, that IMO is because anger/fear lowers your personal 'vibes' as in energy vibrations - and makes you eat... beef I recon, low in energy vibes - what you need to do is increase the energy vibrations of the house, make it a happy positive house, and increase personal vibrations 'vibes' more fruit/veg, happy thoughts and actions - override any words with I am love I am light - or recite in mind before going to bed 'lovely'gorgeous'beautiful'light' or similar...
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Old 14-04-2021, 06:19 PM
jgross4573 jgross4573 is offline
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RE There are evil spirits that won't leave me alone

Sorry ignore my last post but I am replying to One-Light because you helped me out before and I had knew things come up that these evil spirits are doing and I was wondering if I can talk about it more with you because I am really hurt by what humans spirits are doing and it feels like they are attacking me still but not as much as they were but I really want them completely gone and now they are keen on forcing me to believe stuff that they think about me but it isn't true and it doesn't have anything to do with me and it doesn't make sense to me and these ghosts and or humans spirits don't even know me so I don't know why they are doing this to me. I feel like I am being set up for something because every time I talk to people I get spirits and they are mean and they say mean things to me. It isn't fair. Now people are mentally abusing me and so are the spirits and they are trying to convince me their something wrong with me now and now spirits are saying they are concerned about my mental health and I am not doing anything to anyone. I mean I say nasty things about people but not to their face so I don't know why I am getting attacked and I am minding my own business but spirits are now saying I am a big nose but they are following me around and I have human spirits come up to me and say hurtful things about me they try to force me to believe it and then they judge me for not believing in what they believe and they think I am feeling badly when that isn't true. They are saying that I am unhappy when I am and they are saying that I need to get some help. I don't want to talk to people anymore and avoiding people does help the most because if I don't then it keeps happening to me. Strangers, people at work, customers and people on the internet are saying these things to me too like how they think there is something wrong with me and also this guy is trying to convince me that I am all alone and by myself when I am not. He is bullying me and they think I do things and say things because I am unhappy but that isn't true at all like I said and I have no idea why people are doing this to me and it feels like they are being mean and if they were really concerned they would show it. Maybe they were talking about themselves but at the same time they are saying it to my face and it really hurts me and same with the ghosts and spirits and they are saying it to my face too because I don't like being around toxic people but they are everywhere and I can't move to another state but the only solution is that I have to ignore people and pretend they aren't there and I feel like they are telling me they are unhappy but they are blaming me. It is not my fault and they are making it my problem when they are saying it to my face and but the thing is I can't talk to many people about this. I feel like I have my blog because if someone responds to me online and or face to face they criticize and judge what I write about and that kind of behavior makes the spirits come and I don't want to put up with that and they also think they are older and wiser than me because of what I talk about and same with the spirits and it is like they are being like the people that hurt me and they even said this and they think they are better than me. No matter what I do they still bully me and they don't respect me and they don't leave me alone. One of the spirits said there is something wrong with my mental health and they said they were concerned but they just came up to me and then they ruined my life after that because ever since they said that it feels like living humans are following their lead and being influenced by these mean spirits and they didn't even care about me they were mean to me and they didn't even listen to me and they kept on talking and saying stuff and giving me commands like I was a dog the spirits were and same with the living humans. I can't avoid the toxic people and I tried believed me but they are everywhere and if I hang out with my mom, dad, and sisters they are just like everyone else and I don't know who to turn to.
I know it has been awhile since I messaged people on this forum but one-light when I read what you wrote I wanted to reach out to you. This is really hurting my soul badly and I am not sure how to fix it because it keeps coming back. I think the combination is that I am sleep deprived and that I am getting nightmares a lot. I don't know for sure I guess my mind is playing tricks on me a lot. I guess I felt a psychic attack or something like what someone else said. I was around a lot of toxic people and I still am and I guess I absorb it and I don't know what to do with it.

I am not really sure but this was when people were mean to me. Well people are mean to me all the time and I guess it took a toll on me. I don't really know for sure what is happening because I don't have a clear picture at this point. It takes me a while to process things and sort things out. I think like I said before that I was sorting through so much information that it was hard to process what was going on. I am out of myself when I am around people and I know you said raise your vibration or something like that and I do that but when I go out in the world I am not my self anymore and I get out of the self love frequency and was reaching towards hatred because I was picking it up from other people. Those hatred thoughts are gone but when I am around people they come back just like all the bad thoughts I get. I don't want to go into it.

I felt they were being mean instead of helping. It is hard to forgive and love other people right now and people treated me like there was something wrong with me and no one wants to get close to me. I am not sure if I did something but random people treated me and acted like there was something wrong with me. The minute I walk in places people treat me like there is something wrong with me and they turn to me and start treating me badly and they watch me. People keep a close eye on me like I am a criminal. I guess people don't like I am different. So they think I am mentally ill because I am different?

Whenever I talk to people I am always judged, criticized, scrutinized, and condemned. I feel like that was the plan for humans to torment me. I don't know. I feel like I am being set up for something because I am constantly hated by humans. I don't know why this is happening and what is going on. And the spirits are doing the same thing. Spirits and humans don't listen to me and they ignore me and they don't understand what I am talking about. I tell people normal things and I get dismissed and then the spirits do the same thing and people think I am talking nonsense but I am not. People already suspect there is something wrong with me like everyone else does. I was talking about people being mean and bullying me and I was reaching out for help and when I do people don't believe me they were dismissive, rude, and they didn't help me. Instead they hurt me and made me angry. I felt they were turned against me. What am I supposed to do conform and believe it because everyone else does? That is not right but I am not sure why they are forcing me and if I talk to others about anything they always argue which I don't understand because this is me we are talking about not them.

I can't tell my family because they thought I had something wrong with me and they don't believe me and they think I lie a lot and how they act towards me has hurt me. I get made fun of a lot and people yell at me and raise their voice at me a lot.

But anyway, I have this thing where it seems like humans don't believe me and they want to tell me what they think but I never asked them. I am telling them what I have and they need to listen but they don't. I know myself more so I don't know why people are doing this but then spirits mock them and I feel like a lot is going on.

I wanted to reach out to you about it because you helped me so much in your post. I just want to know why people and spirits and ghosts are coming after me and telling me there is something wrong with my mental health. I didn't plan this. I feel like I am being set up for something. I don't understand why this is happening to me. I just don't understand why people think I am crazy and they watch me like I am not human or something. I want another opinion from people on this forum.

It seems like humans think there is something wrong with me. I am just curious and I am not taking it personally. But this was a huge thing that made me concerned about what is going on because it happens a lot. I am not sure what I am doing to make myself treated like garbage and why people are saying I am alone and making fun of me and judging me for it. I don't believe there is something going on with me and there is something going on with them instead and they are blaming me for it but at the same time something they said hurt my soul badly and it is hard to forget. It made me afraid and scared. It made me not want to talk to humans that much anymore because when I talk to humans I feel like I am always seen as the person with issues and that is all they will look at. People don't take my side but they take the other persons side that said those things about me but they aren't there speaking to them but I am.

I feel alone and I feel like I don't have anyone that understands me because most of them want to believe there is something wrong with me. When I talk to any human they reject me instantly and they don't want to be my friend they just hate me all of sudden. Maybe it is because they hate themselves but that means because they hate themselves that I have no one to talk to.

Also I have humans and spirits and ghosts keep telling me that I am lonely when I am not and it hurts me they are telling me this because it is like they are forcing me to believe it and it is not true.

I feel like I am being forced to believe what they believe and I don't want to. I don't let them and I won't but at the same time I am not sure why they are doing this.

People don't even ask me and how did they know what I was talking about? They didn't know and that is why I am hurt because people jumped to conclusions about me like that.

Also I don't believe in God and heaven and things like that. I don't think I ever have and I never will I know I talked about it in the last posts but it was a huge mistake because when I focused on that kind of thing that is when my mind went crazy and that is when I thought I was hearing voices but when I didn't focus on that stuff anymore that is when all that craziness went away. I don't know what that was but I realized that whatever I was focusing on was dangerous because it did something to my mind. I felt bad about it and it hurt me. Also I feel like humans are forcing me to believe in God and Heaven again but I never did even thought I talked about it before in my previous posts and I said I was a Christian but I was wrong and I made a mistake and I realized that that stuff was dangerous and part of the problem and other things people talk about sometimes to my face are dangerous. I don't believe in anything unless I see it myself. I see ghosts and spirits and I hear them.

So it is hard to know what others are talking about now because I don't see it or hear it and I before I don't know what I was thinking before and I don't know what I was I talking about in my posts before. I am not sure what others are talking about either now that I think about it some parts make sense and some don't. If I don't believe what they believe they think there is something wrong with me and that they are accusing me of feeling unhappy when I never said I was unhappy. They accuse me of needing to fix something else about myself. I feel like I am not getting a break and I want to be left alone for once and I feel like for me it is safe to not interact with people and spend time alone. But then if I do I get bullied for being by myself and they say I am all alone. When I know I am not alone and I know I am not lonely.

So it is hard to know what others are talking about. I am not sure what others are talking about. If I don't believe what they believe they think there is something wrong with me and that they are accusing me of feeling unhappy when I never said I was unhappy. They accuse me of needing to fix something else about myself. I feel like I am not getting a break and I want to be left alone for once and I feel like for me it is safe to not interact with people and spend time alone. But then if I do I get bullied for being by myself and they say I am all alone. When I know I am not alone and I know I am not lonely.

These are the things that are going on in my life and I am really upset about these events. I don't know if I brought it on myself or what but I feel really bad if I did. I didn't mean to and I just want to know what is going on so that I can be at peace for once. I am not sure why people are being mean to me still and forcing me to believe in certain things when I don't want to. I don't know why people think there is something wrong with me.
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Old 14-04-2021, 06:19 PM
jgross4573 jgross4573 is offline
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RE There are evil spirits that won't leave me alone

Sorry ignore my last post but I am replying to One-Light because you helped me out before and I had knew things come up that these evil spirits are doing and I was wondering if I can talk about it more with you because I am really hurt by what humans spirits are doing and it feels like they are attacking me still but not as much as they were but I really want them completely gone and now they are keen on forcing me to believe stuff that they think about me but it isn't true and it doesn't have anything to do with me and it doesn't make sense to me and these ghosts and or humans spirits don't even know me so I don't know why they are doing this to me. I feel like I am being set up for something because every time I talk to people I get spirits and they are mean and they say mean things to me. It isn't fair. Now people are mentally abusing me and so are the spirits and they are trying to convince me their something wrong with me now and now spirits are saying they are concerned about my mental health and I am not doing anything to anyone. I mean I say nasty things about people but not to their face so I don't know why I am getting attacked and I am minding my own business but spirits are now saying I am a big nose but they are following me around and I have human spirits come up to me and say hurtful things about me they try to force me to believe it and then they judge me for not believing in what they believe and they think I am feeling badly when that isn't true. They are saying that I am unhappy when I am and they are saying that I need to get some help. I don't want to talk to people anymore and avoiding people does help the most because if I don't then it keeps happening to me. Strangers, people at work, customers and people on the internet are saying these things to me too like how they think there is something wrong with me and also this guy is trying to convince me that I am all alone and by myself when I am not. He is bullying me and they think I do things and say things because I am unhappy but that isn't true at all like I said and I have no idea why people are doing this to me and it feels like they are being mean and if they were really concerned they would show it. Maybe they were talking about themselves but at the same time they are saying it to my face and it really hurts me and same with the ghosts and spirits and they are saying it to my face too because I don't like being around toxic people but they are everywhere and I can't move to another state but the only solution is that I have to ignore people and pretend they aren't there and I feel like they are telling me they are unhappy but they are blaming me. It is not my fault and they are making it my problem when they are saying it to my face and but the thing is I can't talk to many people about this. I feel like I have my blog because if someone responds to me online and or face to face they criticize and judge what I write about and that kind of behavior makes the spirits come and I don't want to put up with that and they also think they are older and wiser than me because of what I talk about and same with the spirits and it is like they are being like the people that hurt me and they even said this and they think they are better than me. No matter what I do they still bully me and they don't respect me and they don't leave me alone. One of the spirits said there is something wrong with my mental health and they said they were concerned but they just came up to me and then they ruined my life after that because ever since they said that it feels like living humans are following their lead and being influenced by these mean spirits and they didn't even care about me they were mean to me and they didn't even listen to me and they kept on talking and saying stuff and giving me commands like I was a dog the spirits were and same with the living humans. I can't avoid the toxic people and I tried believed me but they are everywhere and if I hang out with my mom, dad, and sisters they are just like everyone else and I don't know who to turn to.
I know it has been awhile since I messaged people on this forum but one-light when I read what you wrote I wanted to reach out to you. This is really hurting my soul badly and I am not sure how to fix it because it keeps coming back. I think the combination is that I am sleep deprived and that I am getting nightmares a lot. I don't know for sure I guess my mind is playing tricks on me a lot. I guess I felt a psychic attack or something like what someone else said. I was around a lot of toxic people and I still am and I guess I absorb it and I don't know what to do with it.

I am not really sure but this was when people were mean to me. Well people are mean to me all the time and I guess it took a toll on me. I don't really know for sure what is happening because I don't have a clear picture at this point. It takes me a while to process things and sort things out. I think like I said before that I was sorting through so much information that it was hard to process what was going on. I am out of myself when I am around people and I know you said raise your vibration or something like that and I do that but when I go out in the world I am not my self anymore and I get out of the self love frequency and was reaching towards hatred because I was picking it up from other people. Those hatred thoughts are gone but when I am around people they come back just like all the bad thoughts I get. I don't want to go into it.

I felt they were being mean instead of helping. It is hard to forgive and love other people right now and people treated me like there was something wrong with me and no one wants to get close to me. I am not sure if I did something but random people treated me and acted like there was something wrong with me. The minute I walk in places people treat me like there is something wrong with me and they turn to me and start treating me badly and they watch me. People keep a close eye on me like I am a criminal. I guess people don't like I am different. So they think I am mentally ill because I am different?

Whenever I talk to people I am always judged, criticized, scrutinized, and condemned. I feel like that was the plan for humans to torment me. I don't know. I feel like I am being set up for something because I am constantly hated by humans. I don't know why this is happening and what is going on. And the spirits are doing the same thing. Spirits and humans don't listen to me and they ignore me and they don't understand what I am talking about. I tell people normal things and I get dismissed and then the spirits do the same thing and people think I am talking nonsense but I am not. People already suspect there is something wrong with me like everyone else does. I was talking about people being mean and bullying me and I was reaching out for help and when I do people don't believe me they were dismissive, rude, and they didn't help me. Instead they hurt me and made me angry. I felt they were turned against me. What am I supposed to do conform and believe it because everyone else does? That is not right but I am not sure why they are forcing me and if I talk to others about anything they always argue which I don't understand because this is me we are talking about not them.

I can't tell my family because they thought I had something wrong with me and they don't believe me and they think I lie a lot and how they act towards me has hurt me. I get made fun of a lot and people yell at me and raise their voice at me a lot.

But anyway, I have this thing where it seems like humans don't believe me and they want to tell me what they think but I never asked them. I am telling them what I have and they need to listen but they don't. I know myself more so I don't know why people are doing this but then spirits mock them and I feel like a lot is going on.

I wanted to reach out to you about it because you helped me so much in your post. I just want to know why people and spirits and ghosts are coming after me and telling me there is something wrong with my mental health. I didn't plan this. I feel like I am being set up for something. I don't understand why this is happening to me. I just don't understand why people think I am crazy and they watch me like I am not human or something. I want another opinion from people on this forum.

It seems like humans think there is something wrong with me. I am just curious and I am not taking it personally. But this was a huge thing that made me concerned about what is going on because it happens a lot. I am not sure what I am doing to make myself treated like garbage and why people are saying I am alone and making fun of me and judging me for it. I don't believe there is something going on with me and there is something going on with them instead and they are blaming me for it but at the same time something they said hurt my soul badly and it is hard to forget. It made me afraid and scared. It made me not want to talk to humans that much anymore because when I talk to humans I feel like I am always seen as the person with issues and that is all they will look at. People don't take my side but they take the other persons side that said those things about me but they aren't there speaking to them but I am.

I feel alone and I feel like I don't have anyone that understands me because most of them want to believe there is something wrong with me. When I talk to any human they reject me instantly and they don't want to be my friend they just hate me all of sudden. Maybe it is because they hate themselves but that means because they hate themselves that I have no one to talk to.

Also I have humans and spirits and ghosts keep telling me that I am lonely when I am not and it hurts me they are telling me this because it is like they are forcing me to believe it and it is not true.

I feel like I am being forced to believe what they believe and I don't want to. I don't let them and I won't but at the same time I am not sure why they are doing this.

I feel like I am being forced to believe what they believe and I don't want to. I don't let them and I won't but at the same time I am not sure why they are doing this.

People don't even ask me and how did they know what I was talking about? They didn't know and that is why I am hurt because people jumped to conclusions about me like that.

Also I don't believe in God and heaven and things like that. I don't think I ever have and I never will I know I talked about it in the last posts but it was a huge mistake because when I focused on that kind of thing that is when my mind went crazy and that is when I thought I was hearing voices but when I didn't focus on that stuff anymore that is when all that craziness went away. I don't know what that was but I realized that whatever I was focusing on was dangerous because it did something to my mind. I felt bad about it and it hurt me. Also I feel like humans are forcing me to believe in God and Heaven again but I never did even thought I talked about it before in my previous posts and I said I was a Christian but I was wrong and I made a mistake and I realized that that stuff was dangerous and part of the problem and other things people talk about sometimes to my face are dangerous. I don't believe in anything unless I see it myself. I see ghosts and spirits and I hear them.

So it is hard to know what others are talking about now because I don't see it or hear it and I before I don't know what I was thinking before and I don't know what I was I talking about in my posts before. I am not sure what others are talking about either now that I think about it some parts make sense and some don't. If I don't believe what they believe they think there is something wrong with me and that they are accusing me of feeling unhappy when I never said I was unhappy. They accuse me of needing to fix something else about myself. I feel like I am not getting a break and I want to be left alone for once and I feel like for me it is safe to not interact with people and spend time alone. But then if I do I get bullied for being by myself and they say I am all alone. When I know I am not alone and I know I am not lonely.

So it is hard to know what others are talking about. I am not sure what others are talking about. If I don't believe what they believe they think there is something wrong with me and that they are accusing me of feeling unhappy when I never said I was unhappy. They accuse me of needing to fix something else about myself. I feel like I am not getting a break and I want to be left alone for once and I feel like for me it is safe to not interact with people and spend time alone. But then if I do I get bullied for being by myself and they say I am all alone. When I know I am not alone and I know I am not lonely.

These are the things that are going on in my life and I am really upset about these events. I don't know if I brought it on myself or what but I feel really bad if I did. I didn't mean to and I just want to know what is going on so that I can be at peace for once. I am not sure why people are being mean to me still and forcing me to believe in certain things when I don't want to. I don't know why people think there is something wrong with me.
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Old 16-04-2021, 09:36 PM
jgross4573 jgross4573 is offline
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I meant I never have believed in God and heaven* I just was trying to recollect my memories. I don't know why I wrote that I just can't go back and edit. I made a mistake and that is why I said I think instead of I never. It came out wrong when I typed it out. LOL

I don't know why people on here are so picky about how long you have to write a response. I mean I can do whatever I want. It just seems that others are so controlling of others and I don't like that at all. That is weird and you can't control other people. I am just voicing my opinion that is all. You can only control yourself.

That brings me to something else that I don't get is why others are so keen on trying to force me to believe in God and heaven because that is evil. It is evil to force someone else to believe in something because they do themselves. I just don't get it and it is creepy. I am finding that the more people who believe in God are the evil ones. I am being attacked by people who believe in God everyday and that proves that they are evil. Now the ones that believe in God force you to be loving now too? Why is it always about love when the same people that preach love aren't loving themselves? It doesn't make any sense and I never met anyone who believed in God who was genuinely loving.

I am not human so I am not sure why others are trying so hard to convince me and why they treat me like I am any other human out there when I am not. I am an individual. I just don't get it. I don't expect anyone to understand what I am talking about. Because no one ever does but at the same time they aren't supposed to so why bother even trying.

I didn't come from God. I know that for sure. I don't know why someone said that the evil spirits came from God. That is just evil. It is not my job to be loving like all you people because I didn't come from God. But you guys believe you did so that is your job. Not mine. I don't know why suddenly it is my job because it is yours. I am not connected to humans because I am not human. I know in my heart I am not and it makes me sad and breaks my heart that I am being forced into something that doesn't have anything to do with me but it has more to do with other people and to be quite frank it is quite messed up.

That right there proves how evil God is. And that proves that people who believe in God are evil. What is also evil and messed up is telling someone to love evil spirits who want to do harm to you instead of help you and that is a sick thing to say and that is evil and God is not good and he is not loving. I don't care what anyone says but it is my post and I decided to write this because this is for me and I don't care who comments and who sees this and I don't care if no one comments. But I felt like I wanted to be honest for once because before I wasn't honest and I felt bad for it so I am trying to change things around but I guess I can't really do that. I don't know. This is in response to my previous post that I made.
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Old 16-04-2021, 09:36 PM
jgross4573 jgross4573 is offline
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I meant I never have believed in God and heaven* I just was trying to recollect my memories. I don't know why I wrote that I just can't go back and edit. I made a mistake and that is why I said I think instead of I never. It came out wrong when I typed it out. LOL

I don't know why people on here are so picky about how long you have to write a response. I mean I can do whatever I want. It just seems that others are so controlling of others and I don't like that at all. That is weird and you can't control other people. I am just voicing my opinion that is all. You can only control yourself.

That brings me to something else that I don't get is why others are so keen on trying to force me to believe in God and heaven because that is evil. It is evil to force someone else to believe in something because they do themselves. I just don't get it and it is creepy. I am finding that the more people who believe in God are the evil ones. I am being attacked by people who believe in God everyday and that proves that they are evil. Now the ones that believe in God force you to be loving now too? Why is it always about love when the same people that preach love aren't loving themselves? It doesn't make any sense and I never met anyone who believed in God who was genuinely loving.

I am not human so I am not sure why others are trying so hard to convince me and why they treat me like I am any other human out there when I am not. I am an individual. I just don't get it. I don't expect anyone to understand what I am talking about. Because no one ever does but at the same time they aren't supposed to so why bother even trying.

I didn't come from God. I know that for sure. I don't know why someone said that the evil spirits came from God. That is just evil. It is not my job to be loving like all you people because I didn't come from God. But you guys believe you did so that is your job. Not mine. I don't know why suddenly it is my job because it is yours. I am not connected to humans because I am not human. I know in my heart I am not and it makes me sad and breaks my heart that I am being forced into something that doesn't have anything to do with me but it has more to do with other people and to be quite frank it is quite messed up.

That right there proves how evil God is. And that proves that people who believe in God are evil. What is also evil and messed up is telling someone to love evil spirits who want to do harm to you instead of help you and that is a sick thing to say and that is evil and God is not good and he is not loving. I don't care what anyone says but it is my post and I decided to write this because this is for me and I don't care who comments and who sees this and I don't care if no one comments. But I felt like I wanted to be honest for once because before I wasn't honest and I felt bad for it so I am trying to change things around but I guess I can't really do that. I don't know. This is in response to my previous post that I made.
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Old 24-04-2021, 01:58 AM
GlitterRose GlitterRose is offline
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 375
Simple banishment works. You can use something from your own belief system, or you can find the LBRP on youtube.
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