SUPERPOSITIONING Life Into Perspective series SLIPS
This thread today entitled SLIPS is about mapping out the series that takes place in order for Absolute stillness to become motioned into an IDEATIONAL
thought form and therefore become the Primordial mover that gave birth to this
universe. This universe is a primordial thought form that has expanded into
infinity from within the Absolute MIND of the SELF and produced a universe
from ONE SINGULAR thought INTENTION WAVE an infinite number of other
"WAVES" have been SUPERPOSITIONED within this one primordial thought
Life as it is expressed is an infinitely diverse wave of billions of differing life
form expressions, which also includes all the planets and stars as well. ONE
Life WAVE SUPERPOSITIONED within an infinite ways of being presented within
this universe. All life is totally connected and interconnected within the ONE
LIFE WAVE series.
tbc Blessings michael.