. I am locked out of chat ...same problem since SF rebooted, get one sentence and it freezes
. Its been awhile now since SF has been re- running!
My halo could not have slipped
as I dont have one ! (LOL)
Ummmmmm.... thought I say this..
HELP!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
Refreshing does not work
.. unless I did something I am unaware of???? Its so frustrating... whats happening???
I feel so rude to who-ever is in chat, as I get one sentence (got 2 or 3 tonight..thought wow after all these weeks working WOO HOO!!)and then nothing.. Again ! Also I have to try and read history "if" it opens?... to see if person or (s) still trying to chat.
love and Light
Merry Xmas to all u beautiful people.