My best friend from abroad, we knew each other for more than 10 years. You were always there for me to listen to my problems, and to give me a wise advice. I cannot express how grateful I am for everything you have done for me.
And then... your brain tumor... surgery went well...
Three years later...
"increased difficulty with walking "
Why, my friend, the message above had to be the last message sent by you to me, sent exactly on this day 1 year ago...
Those words and the sad emoji hurts a lot... I always cry
I never found out what happened with you, even though I tried everything... That hurts a lot. Please forgive me I couldn't help you somehow.
Please forgive me if I did anything wrong.
I know that the everyday "signs", I had during the next weeks after your last message, were related with you.
That's why I'm writing this exactly on this forum, because I know there are people here who are on a higher level, who understand these things well. The people I told about the "signs" either thought it was silly or thought I was crazy.
I just hope you are on a better place now, no suffering, no pain... I hope you are well and happy. I miss you a lot, my best friend.
Until we meet again!