New matrix film and twin flame power.. spoilers
I watched the new matrix film last night : The Matrix Resurrections…
It’s basically about neo finding trinity after she’s still plugged in- they haven’t seen each other for a long time but he goes on a mission to unplug her as he’s freed him self from the pod; he’s woken up in the real world…
He finally saves her but no before she chooses to walk away until she realises she is trinity not the identity she’s been given- they go on to create a lot of power and their magnetic fields surge near each other so they have pods next to each other- they both have glimpses of what happened when they are near - they create big power.. trinity is so powerful with neo love - that she can fly and save them both-
What’s apparent here that twin flames or soulmates create energy that can be consumed and spent in the realms and dimensions as we are on the journey of reincarnation…
It was a great film:
Just shocked at how it all came together: twin flames and soulmates and how that’s projected in the real world and fiction..
Im a firm believer im plugged in and technology took us in time and put our higher selfs in pods not for the electric but because everything is a simulation of ones and zeros - the matrix code is real we just need to plug in- one day in the future when it’s uncovered…
Vampire speed..
Arabic first language (English)—- bear with me and please be patient)