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Old 11-01-2011, 08:49 PM
Emmalevine Emmalevine is offline
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Odd lightbulb behaviour?

Is this normal for a lightbulb or not? I'm willing to accept it is, but just curious.

When I turned on my landing light earlier it was very pink and I thought it was about to pack it in and go out completely but it didn't, it stayed at a very dim level. Later in the evening I noticed it had brightened to its normal level (it's a high watt bulb, not one of those low energy ones) but it had taken well over an hour to do so.

Is this normal behaviour for a bulb even if its on its way out? I'm wondering because I'm omitting a lot of energy myself right now with buzzing ears, visions and whatnot, and wondered if I am having an affect on it. It may be a coincidence again but my kitchen light has practically died and is flashing on and off manically and has been since last Monday (it's one of those long ones).

I don't know much about bulbs but all this is a bit strange..

P.S I have to add, this is the first time I have noticed this and I've had the same bulb in for well over a year.
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Old 11-01-2011, 09:20 PM
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If I were you I'd get my electrical system checked.

It sounds like odd light bulb behavior to me, but not necessarily metaphysically related.

My house is old and I know the electrical are dodgy as heck. But one specific room in my house had a dimmer light and I watch someone turning the dimmer up and down on a regular basis. If I didn't know better I would have blamed it on the house.

Whoever it is is handy for when I can't be bothered to get up to turn the light up to read. Lol.

Though it does make for some odd impressions when I look at the ceiling and ask for the light to be brightened, and it happens "on its own," and then I say thank you as if it's the most casual thing in the world.

No wonder people think I'm a nutter. :p
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Old 11-01-2011, 09:35 PM
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Ok, my three light bulb related experiences are related to (1) poltergeist, (2) energy vampirism and (3) personal, quick energy increase.
The keys to these:
1. Show the poltergeist the way to Light through love and compassion.
2. Cut all possible connections, stay truly centered in your power, take care of protection, and take even a time-out from anything spiritual for as long as it takes to become firmly grounded and back in your strength and balance, and from then on, don't take anything by the face value.
3. Grounding. After we intake new energies, we tend to forget to ground properly. We are like floating lightnings, without grounding. This makes any electrical equipment around us act funny.
And with these, I wish you well.
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Old 12-01-2011, 09:37 PM
Kaere Kaere is offline
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If you're not sure, change the bulb - it could just be on it's last legs.

But...it's not unusual for lightbulbs and other electrical items to react to a person. Lightbulbs at my house pop all the time - well, the older kind did. The new halogen ones (which I dislike immensely) seem to last longer, but not as long as they say on the package (5 yrs my foot!). I agree with the grounding idea - might help.

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Old 12-01-2011, 10:51 PM
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Light bulbs used to go mental around me all the time before I learned to pull my aura away from the ceiling and ground my energy. Oh, and stop sucking the energy out of them.
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Old 13-01-2011, 01:50 AM
Elfay Elfay is offline
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Hi Starbuck ! Like most suggested, I'd check the bulb and replace it with a new one. Or have the light its self checked out, could be faulty wiring, sometimes the light socket gets loose and acts odd. Tho I have never seen a bulb turn pink. I've had problems with light bulbs before, they flicker, burst and act very strange around me, especially when my energy level is very high. The low wattage energy bulbs , which btw I hate too Kaere, don't seem to do that but break easily if you are not careful.

It isn't about karma. It is about love. Love is beyond karma. Karma can be very easily neutralized with Love.

I don't share my thoughts because I think it will change the minds that think differently.

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Old 13-01-2011, 05:03 PM
Emmalevine Emmalevine is offline
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Thanks everyone! It is okay at the moment but if it does it again I'll replace the bulb and see what happens. Funnily enough I was at an appointment today and the light in the building flashed- might've been a coincidence but lights are behaving oddly around me at the moment.
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Old 16-01-2011, 05:39 PM
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It's kundalini stuff; same thing happens to me, get tired of replacing bulbs.
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Old 24-01-2011, 08:41 AM
Emmalevine Emmalevine is offline
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Thanks Mouse, I'm very sure this is the case for me too.
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Old 24-01-2011, 08:59 AM
NightSpirit NightSpirit is offline
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You ever driven down the street and had one after the other street light go out as you move? Now that's eerie!!!

This is how I see it Starbuck. All is energy, moving at different rates, but all of the same source. When we heighten our awareness, our energy levels also rise and can affect lights and electrical goods we are near...even the PC lol.

It could be just a co-incidence that the light-bulbs are about to die. Only way you'll find out is to replace them with new bulbs and wait and see if they do the same thing.

Oh...and p.s......watch your thoughts!
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