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Old 08-03-2019, 06:56 PM
taurus taurus is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: Geelong, Australia
Posts: 150
Drawing in light for healing can have a cleansing and detoxing effect on the body. It's almost like the energetic version of a massage where afterwards you're meant to take it easy and drink plenty of water.

I don't mind doing a self-treatment before bed and does put me in that sleepy mood. You could try around that time and see if you wake up refreshed.

You could also try keeping some crystals that help with the physical symptoms of fatigue, bloodstone is one example. And if not look into grounding stones that strengthen the root chakra.

If you're not already it helps to eat as cleanly as possible as that'll reduce the strain on your body.

Best of luck M.Tesla

Heal yourself and you heal the world

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