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Old 15-05-2019, 01:52 PM
Posts: n/a
My writing is wholly inadequate though. It manages to hint at reality but falls short in every area. This is a sure sign, when it is observed, of some limited ability. It's OK. All we can do is to keep trying.

I suppose writing will always be inadequate when trying to convey thoughts about such topics. But then language is inadequate, as are thoughts in general. It reminds one of the old explanation of additional dimensions that scientists try to use when they try to explain what a two dimensional being would experience if they encountered (or someone tried to explain to them) what a three dimensional world was like. Our current physical reality is one of four dimensions, no matter what I try to conceive of in higher (or lower) dimensions, my mind will always want to represent it in the four dimensions.

That said, while language and thoughts will always fall short, I believe we can grasp, at some level, what you, I, or others are trying to convey, but not directly from the words, but perhaps from the larger story. Any story is larger then the sum of its words. It is like the saying about zen. "Zen is the finger pointing to the moon, not the moon itself." Or another analogy might be the 3d stereograms. One must relax the eyes and look beyond the page to see the image appear. One must blur the vision of the two dimensional image to experience the 3 dimensional image encoded within.

BTW, the talk about the different "planes" of existence always reminds me of the different dimensions in the various string theories.
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