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Old 10-11-2018, 05:46 AM
Debrah Debrah is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Chilliwack, BC
Posts: 387
Originally Posted by Gem
This thread is not about the merits of plant based eating, and it's a vege thread which is not about the merits of meat.

This is about healthy vegetarianism. There is such a thing as unhealthy plant based eating, and I have been down that road as well. I believed things which were not true and as a result of poor nutrition and a sedentary life, became weak and listless, had high body fat percentage, and I was continuing to degenerate.

When I saw myself heading toward a decrepit state, I started to do some exercise, and I read up on the nutrition I needed to support my training regimen. I have since read extensively about nutrition and exercise, and completed my education as a personal trainer. In the last three years I have become strong and vital because I get the appropriate nutrition and exercise for my particular fitness goals.

I eat a lot of meat, but I don't eat for health and/or longevity. I eat for strength performance and take the appropriate nutrition for that. This is not appropriate for those who are not trying to optimise their 1 rep max in the deadlift. I don't promote eating meat or any other particular dietary practice. I advocate nutrition according to individuals' lifestyles and/or performance goals. Nothing else.

This is the veg forum so I advocate plant based nutrition. I discuss calories and nutrients as well as the social and ethical implications of food - all in balance.

Being an athlete and fitness professional, most of my research is about fat reduction (body composition) and/or athletic performance. This is an example of the kind of literature I read It's very interesting and informative and includes references to the research studies it draws on. IOW, it is good information which is open to criticism.

To be discerning about research is very important in the internet post-truth era because 'diet gurus' populate the landscape like cane toads in far North Queensland, doing more harm than good.

The thread is being started because there are well informed individuals such a Debra, for one example, who are familiar with healthy plant based eating and have access to reliable information sources. There is valuable sharing to be had, and I hope our discussions together here empower people to enhance their happiness and well-being.

I'm getting really confused here. I thought this was a 'page' to discuss vegetarian and vegan issues.

And your comment Gem, well, are you a vegetarian or a meat eating body builder? And if you are the latter, why are you here? Would your thread not be a topic more suitable for the health section or exercise?
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