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Old 07-01-2011, 08:37 PM
Posts: n/a

I had to divide Solara's surft report in three sections because it exceeded the character limit. And BTW, I'm back after my internet was disconnected due to an unpaid bill. =)



Welcome to the Monumental Year of 2011!

2011 is the final year of a three year phase birthing a new MUA or Major Evolutionary Cycle.


2010 was a brilliant year that gave us the long awaited opportunity to experience in-depth transformation on an unprecedented scale. Many of us were set free from our old coordinates which helped us disconnect from our old paradigm. In late October during the Activation of the 11:11 Ninth Gate in Bali, we finally aligned with our new coordinates and many of us emerged as True Ones. As True Ones stepped forth all over the world, it set off a massive trigger, like rows upon rows of dominos falling over in all directions, far beyond the most distant horizon, that changed everything in their paths.

Since then, the anchoring of the True One resonance has required thorough adjustments on all levels. First, we had to readjust our inner beings, releasing deeply embedded pockets of old behaviors, limiting patterns, ancient fears and emotional residue that had long been hidden inside us. These were things that we weren't even aware we carried within us and reached down to the deepest core levels. All the while, we became infinitely more free than ever before.

During the year, we felt increasingly disconnected from everything around us. At times, we even felt disconnected from ourselves. Sometimes we would look in the mirror and not recognize ourselves -- so different had we become. We traveled through innumerable Null Zones, but they no longer had the power to totally flatten us anymore. We rode through the raging tempests of our Perfect Storms with tremendous courage, not caring how intense they were. We looked backwards and saw the long line of burning bridges to our old ways of being. At times, the bridges that we were crossing were burning under our feet. But this didn't hinder us, we simply quickened our pace and moved onwards into the New and True.

We traveled right through the center of the spiraling centrifuge of Black Holes where everything was stripped off of us, even some of the qualities that we liked about ourselves. This was extremely painful at times and made us feel fragile, transparent and naked. But it did the job of making us more True and Real. It pulled us through, into a totally New World.

As our inner core beings were increasingly realigned to the resonance of Trueness, our outer landscape began to transform in numerous ways. This happened subtly at first. It was like slowly changing a stage set in a theatre from an apartment to a forest. A chair would disappear, then a tree would appear in its place. The sound of a clock ticking was replaced by the sounds of birds singing. The ceiling slowly morphed into a starry sky. The somber dark colors of a city began to transform into the vibrant colors of fresh new life.

The changes were so immense, so far reaching and life changing, that by the time we exited 2010, we had become a new person.... a True One.

We were being released from the old Map of the Known and we had experienced our first taste of an entirely New World. And this is where we are as we enter the Great Year of 2011.


In 2010 we started becoming unhooked from our old landscapes. This happened whether or not this was our intention or desire. Our old lives simply felt increasingly distant and meaningless. Many of our familiar activities were no longer fulfilling. Some of our favorite foods became unavailable or a favorite shop or restaurant closed down. Close friends moved away; we lost our job or a relationship suddenly ended. Our old ways of doing things no longer worked with the same effectiveness as before. Some of us even moved to new locations that were vastly different from what we had known.

In 2011, this feeling of disconnection from the past is going to multiply exponentially. In fact, our old Map of the Known is going to crumble in our hands and many of the memories of our past will be erased. Not only will numerous expired elements and old situations go out of our lives, but some of the elements of our personal lives that were really comforting, will also be leaving us. Many of us will find ourselves drawn to new locations, which could be in an area very different from the environment we have known. There will be a huge changeover of the people around us. This has already started to happen.

Throughout the year, our outer landscapes are subject to unexpected changes which may occur without any warning. Some of these may be due to the drastic climatic changes now occurring on this planet, such as snow in Australia in the summer or severe cold in India, while others may be caused by dramatic earth changes or shocking events created by socio, political or economic upheavals. These changes are necessary in order to clean out the old energies. 2011 is a year of profound shifts as the world of duality null zones all around us and a new world based on Trueness is born like a phoenix rising out of the burning embers of duality's ashes.

This is happening because we are being released from the old paradigm of duality and entering a new paradigm of Oneness. This shift in paradigms may occur as a gentle letting go or as a forcible ejection when we feel pushed out of old situations. No matter how it occurs, we are going to experience it. There is no way to avoid it, nor would we want to, for this is what is most needed. All of us chose to be here during this momentous changeover from duality to Oneness and we all have a part to play in this process.

All the while, our outdated spiritual concepts are fading away. Some examples are our old beliefs in Enlightenment and Ascension. That once we are "Enlightened", there is nothing more to do or that when the time of "Ascension" comes, we will be picked up and taken off the planet to somewhere better or easier. When we finally realize that this isn't going to happen, that we already are "Enlightened" and that we're not going to be "rescued" by some outside force, but that we are responsible for our own liberation, it can be shattering for those who've pinned their hopes on something that isn't true. Suddenly they are left to face the stark reality of their everyday lives with the realization that what is needed isn't to escape from the physical world, but to fully inhabit the EXPANDED HERE and NOW with our full beings. To be True Ones no matter where we are and no matter what is happening in the outside world.

As the old world of duality increasingly falls apart and we first enter our New Landscape, we may have the feeling that we have the wrong things with us. This is because the New World is vastly different than we expected and the things we have with us are made for the old landscape.

As we unhook ourselves from the dying paradigm of duality, we emerge into a totally New World. Each step that we take in the New World helps make the New Map clearer. Even Master Surfers are having a challenging time surfing on the New Map. Just when we think that we have reached a pinnacle of mastery, we are thrust onto the New Map and find that there is a vast New World to discover. The learning curve in front of is immense and far reaching. This is when we step into our true mastery which is the acceptance of not knowing while at the same time, trusting the true knowingness that we always carry deep within us.

It's essential that we learn to meet old situations with the new responses of a True One. Some people move to their new, rightful places, but they cannot let go of the old limiting patterns that have held them back. This keeps them from being open to the unexpected and from fully embracing their new reality. The place is new, but they are not. We also need to remain wide open to our New World, without any expectations of how things should happen there.

In 2011 we are being given the golden opportunity to totally recreate ourselves as True Ones and to create exactly the kind of life that we have most wanted to live. A True Life as a True One. It's an ultra blank canvas, as are we, but we don't need to be intimidated by it. It's exciting and inspiring.


When we get our first taste of the New World, it is gentle and welcoming. This happened to those of us at October's Ninth Gate Activation in Bali when we opened the door to the New World. Then when we step deeper into the New World, we experience a massive stripping away of the old which is similar to traveling through a Black Hole. This immersion into the New World is not gentle. It's more like being propelled through a time / space barrier. We are thrown off the Map of the Known.

Once we arrive on the shores of the New World, we are in a state of shock. It isn't because the New World is not a nice place or a place where we don't want to be. It's the shock of being in such a totally different environment and the shock of no longer being on the familiar old map where we knew how to apply our well developed skills and knowledge and where we knew where everything was located.

At first, there are not very many anchoring points in our New World. Sometimes it helps to create tiny islands of the familiar, especially when in vastly unfamiliar territory. We can find comfort in the small tasks of daily life such as making breakfast or washing clothes. We can create a tiny space with items that are personally sacred to us. Then as our New Life evolves, we will start making new friends, find a favorite restaurant and align ourselves with the nourishing nature of our new environment.

In the New World, our behaviors change and we start doing things that we never did before. As a personal example: I have never worn a watch regularly for my entire life. I only wore one when I was traveling by airplane. Now, I am living in Peru, where one would think that a watch isn't necessary, yet I am suddenly wearing one all the time! And finding it quite helpful....

As soon as we arrive in our New World, we need to be extremely vigilant that we don't fall into our old, automatic reactions and responses. For if we do, it will keep us from fully inhabiting the New World. We have to stop looking at things with the old assumptions and judgments because they simply aren't true anymore.

Some of us are moving to totally new physical environments in which nothing is the same as before. Don't be surprised if things don't immediately click into position when you get there. It may be uncomfortable and awkward at first, because our New Worlds require a whole new level of adjustments and skills. It's a very steep learning curve that we are thrust into. But it is also extremely helpful when our New World is so different that are unable to do almost anything in the same ways as before. Our New World may require that we speak a different language, that we interact with a very different culture, that we are unable to find the foods we are used to eating. This makes it much easier to step out of our old patterns, since our old patterns are impossible to maintain in such a different environment.

Others will change environments not by moving to a new location, but by changing the way they live in their present location. We will all be given opportunities to change our way of living. Some of these may come about by what we have previously judged as unfortunate circumstances, such as a loss of a job, a natural disaster, or a relationship ending. All of these events simply close a door on the old and give us the chance to open a brand new door to a more fulfilling life.

At times, this may bring up some fears that we will lose our old mastery -- and it's true that we will. Yet, we also have the opportunity to develop mastery in totally new areas. It feels like a continual treasure hunt, as we traverse the labyrinth we pick up necessary information, make helpful contacts and learn what we need in that moment. If we traveled in a direct, linear manner, we would miss these needed experiences.

We know that we need to keep wide open, but sometimes this just becomes a hollow concept and we don't put it into practice. My openness to the new and unexpected, to the things that stretch me far beyond my comfort zone, is being put to the test daily. I consider myself to be quite open, yet I'm continually finding ways in which I am not. This is a really good lesson. For example, I have been looking for the right house to live in since I moved to Peru in early November. I spent my first few weeks in a hotel, then found a temporary house rental. The owner of this house is returning in one week so I will need to find a new place to live very soon.

It's easy for me to see this labyrinthine journey to my new home as a hardship or to be confused as to why I wasn't led directly to it. At times, I have judged myself as doing something wrong. Yet, I now realize that every step of my journey has been extremely valuable. I've had to talk with so many new people in my search for a home. Along the way, I've made some dear friends and learned much from my experiences with them. If I had moved directly into my right home when I first arrived in Peru, I would have spent most of my time there and missed these valuable experiences, needed information and new connections.

This is why we have to remain wide open at all times and why we need to remember that as True Ones, we really are in the Centerpoint of RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE at all times, even when it doesn't feel that we are.
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