Thread: What is God?
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Old 27-01-2018, 10:46 PM
Rayden_Greywolf Rayden_Greywolf is offline
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Munroe Falls, OH, USA
Posts: 153
Its interesting that you mention hypnosis. I'm quite familiar with it and actually practice it as a side job online. So yes, I understand how powerful belief and suggestion can be on the mind. However, such suggestions aren't necessarily the truth. They can lead to positive benefits, sure. I'm aware that I can reprogram my mind to think and act more positively. But is that the true nature of things? I could borrow energy from trees too, but that doesn't make that energy real.

Truth matters to me. I'm not satisfied with a world that has no benevolent God, and I refuse to allow my desperate mind to give in to a possible fantasy, even if it would allow me to be "happy". That's just who I am. And if there is a God, then I see no reason why it would allow completely avoidable suffering like that. It certainly doesn't seem benevolent.
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