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Old 06-03-2024, 05:07 AM
winter light winter light is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 307
Hi FairyCrystal,

I've got a lot of related things going on too. I read The Body Keeps the Score and it's very good. It really helped me to understand and accept that PTSD is what I was dealing with. And also set me on a path to find what I needed to move forward when I was at a very low point.

I think the book talks a lot about neurofeedback treatments and so I found a couple of places nearby where I could get sessions. They helped a lot and the best part about that is you don't have to go back and re-experience the traumas while they clear. Not quite a free ride but much less stressful than talk about it therapy. And I also found a therapist who practiced EMDR and I am still doing that along with EFT in the sessions. Both modalities are very powerful and complementary.

With regards to the vagus nerve, for years I have been practicing a healing modality based on acupuncture meridians and nervous system. But it is done purely with the mind and energy. It works by just looking for the energy blocks and clearing them. I have also found that the nervous system and the acupuncture meridians and emotions are all interrelated. These are precursors to physical health as well. As you described.

After a while as I learned it got more clear how to use the information from each to really focus in and clear issues. When I close my eyes now sometimes I can see the energy blocks light up. Or get clear intuition what to work on. And when I am working on myself or others I can feel in my own body where the blocks are as another point of reference.

So anyhow I'm very glad to hear that you found these types of energy work. It is life changing. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
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