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Old 24-02-2012, 03:52 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Occultist
I explained it before but sorry if I confused you. We are higher then Angels cause we have Free Will they on the other hand do not.
Fae is above angels because they do as they please angels cannot. Understand? Spirit guides to me are not Angels either but yes a human can do "fine" without a guide many people do everyday cause they blind there eyes to the spirit world. Blocking there Guides.
If you had all the mystical powers in the world but cannot choose what or who to worship or have any freedom what powers do you really have?.

I like you as a person but, can not agree with you.. so I guess this is where we spiritually maturely agree to disagree.

"our will" in my opinion is the problem thats why we learn to convert our will.. Our will - our real self.. thats what is being fixed in each lifetime.

Im not hushing you in anyway so if you have anything you want to share further of course you will have all my attention. Oh and I said I like you because you are smart..

All The Glory Belongs To God Forever!
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