Thread: God and prana.
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Old 17-09-2018, 04:51 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by BigJohn
God? which God?

The Supreme God Trimurti?

The God people have mostly forgotten.

I only thought there was only one God, but many aspects of it.

In the beginning, there was Agama Hindu Dharma. The Trimurti was worshipped through the colours of Red (Brahma), Blue/Black (Wisnu) and White (Siwa) was a 'three-in-one" Deity, with each head representing one of the Gunas...Satyam, Rajas and Tamo respectively and there was the one God who performed the acts of creation, preservation and dissolution each season is just a microcosm of the great Pralaya and the reincarnation of consciousness up until that point.

In the beginning, Shivani was taught Hinduism in Bali, Indonesia....the exact way it was taught and practiced during the Majapahit Empire around the same time as the destruction of the Chola Dynasty...but Shivani did not feel comfortable with the Trimurti at all...she always thought "why have three Gods do the work of One?" then, of course she often wondered why Lord Shiva has a Trishula, Three-Eyes, Three lines of Vibhuti on His forehead...likes Bilva leaves and then Shivani thought..."why do I need any other 'God' when the 'three-in-one' God is right here, in front of me?"

....and that, my dear friends, is exactly how I became a Shaivite.

Aum Namah Shivaya
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