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Old 07-11-2021, 05:24 PM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
Join Date: Oct 2021
Location: Greater London
Posts: 944
As some of the other responders have said, 2nd August is the 214th day of the year. Does that date mean anything to you? Has it been a special date in the past?

What you could do is also ask the Universe to send it to you as a sign or omen. So you could intend the Universe something like “ if this cancer situation works out well for me, show me the number 214. “ Or if you are feeling nervous about something, like going for radiotherapy, you could ask it to send you the number 214 as a reassurance.

The white feather also means that your angels and spirit guides are near and that they are with you. They will help and protect you if you give them you ask, so give them your permission to act on your behalf, and intervene in things.
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