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Old 23-10-2018, 03:32 PM
Eyenight Eyenight is offline
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 627
Originally Posted by Baile
Eyenight, a step one can take in order to become clearer regarding the meaning of life and why we are here, is to examine one's tendencies and way of being in the world. In this case, one's views and outlook.

I can create the meaning and purpose of my life, simply by changing that which I choose to focus on. It's here one truly begins to understand the meaning and alchemical power of Be the change you wish to see.

I really like your message and i think you're totally right, Baile. Thanks! Personally, during the first 20-23 years of my life, my idea of the world was inclusive and infinite... like i had 1000 doors infront of me and i could choose and attain everything i desidered and wanted to experience. By opening the door and entering in the room. Back then, I was used to attract magical events in my life and i can't complain.
But in the present and during the past years, i've been dealing with a reality that i didn't expect. Now i know what it means to depend on other's choices. What it means to find those doors closed, locked, or reserved exclusively to people who have the right keys to enter. An easy example would be my current difficulties in finding a job. I DO WANT to work, but i can't work if nobody hires me... And this concept can be extended to every single area of existence. This is my personal situation right now and it inevitably contaminates my outlook on spiritual subjects at 360degrees- I feel a certain resistance on my part, to be honest with you.
No intention to go off topic with my personal experience but it was the easiest way to reply.
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