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Old 14-09-2017, 04:40 AM
shivatar shivatar is offline
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CO2 isn't dangerous, but it's also not in a natural state right now either. It's being artificially inflated, rapidly, by mankinds activities.

Also CO2 can be considered a pollutant when it's measured in it's relation to certain activities like the burning of fossil fuels and in relation to other environmental problems like acidification of the ocean.

I believe earth has a naturally build in balancing system. However I think the system of balances that earth has for dealing with historical highs or lows of CO2 is also irrelevant because such systems are setup for untold periods of time, ages for all we know. Maybe it will balance itself, given 10,000 years. Maybe it takes longer, 50 million, idk. I just don't think earth has a backup plan to balance the rapid destabilization of natures ecosystems that humans are having.

If you are a believer in darwin then you understand that adaption and evolution takes place over long periods of time. Maybe millions of years, maybe hundreds of thousands. But hundreds? In like 200 years we have done all the damage.

Maybe the point I'm making is unclear. Things are certinally good for humans right now, I'm not debating that. What I'm saying is for the rest of the species on the planet and the planets ecosystems as a whole, this is not a good time.

I have no doubt that life and nature will survive humans. However I would prefer if somehow people could find a way to survive themselves and live in harmony with other life forms and nature.

dominating a few species, genetically engineering a few, and letting the rest die en masse. that is not what I see to be "in harmony" with the environment.

Originally Posted by Lucky 1
Shivitar.....I don't want to make this thread about climate change either.....but simply have to say somthing because your information about CO2 is patently false (and often repeated by nitwits in the news media)

CO2 is not a polutant and it is not even close to being at historic highs..

CO2 is a naturally occurring gas that plants use to support there metabolism. ......currently it is average about 400 parts per million on total atmospheric volume. ....that's low! It has been much higher than that over the the benefit of plant life and humans!

Basic plant metabolism stops and plants begin to die when CO2 drop below 200 parts per million. .....plant life actaully does best and grows the fastest when CO2 is well above 1500 to 2000 parts per million. ....this why commercial growers pump CO2 into greenhouses. increases plant growth as much as 100%

That's get completely used up by plants!

Are there real environmental issues around the world???

Of course! Pollution. ...actual Pollution. ...not CO2.....deforestation. ....erosion. ....silting of rivers and estuaries from mining and construction.....

That being said most countries around the world are making huge efforts to address all thlse things.

In the U.S ....we've cleaned up our industrial messes to a huge degree.....our air is cleaner now than in decades!

Forestry services plant literally millions of trees every is a fact that there are more acres of forest in north America now then there were 100 years ago!

All these things are in fact waaay better than they were inpprevious decades. ....and we're seeing that trend worldwide!

So as I said earlier. ....we do in fact live in a golden age and things just really are not that bad!
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