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Old 07-04-2012, 04:08 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi Starbuck,

Thanks for your reply. Am glad to know I'm not the only one to experience that. It's unfortunate that Kundalini is so unknown in the western world, but hopefully that will change in the future. Do you still have your abilities? I seem to go through phases with my awakening, different symptoms and abilities coming and going, but I suppose that is how it can be. I think if anything it teaches one to be very humble in the face of God and patient that all things take their time.

What is your view of the spiritual realm? do you believe there are many gods or just one? I believe in many gods, but that is due to the experiences I've had since the kundalini started, a lot of thoughts and theories going through my mind, some which feel like they come from the spirit world, others that seem to be created by my creative mind. A lot of knowledge still to be learnt.
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