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Old 26-02-2012, 12:54 AM
seeker89 seeker89 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 245
Hi Zarra,

I too have dealt with anxiety in the past. If I were you, I'd try something along the lines of: "I am confident, calm and collected. I have control over myself in all situations." You may want to finish it with an "Amen" or an "Om". I don't know a huge amount about affirmations but I do know you have to repeat them consistently for them to work their way into your subconscious and have an effect. You might want to say your chosen phrase(s) several times a day - Perhaps just when you wake up, in the middle of the day and when you're drifting off into a peaceful slumber at night. You can also write it on paper (fill the piece of paper front and back) to help it get it into your subconscious. Do choose your words carefully.

As a general rule, I prefer using my own affirmations (on the occasions I do use them) as I feel they're a very personal thing and only you truly know what works for you. I also know they work, IF you're consistent with them.

I hope this helps, even if just a little bit.

Good luck,

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