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Old 23-01-2013, 07:55 PM
Posts: n/a
and the Rh neg idea...

As for Rh negative- if you know much about genetics you might understand how difficult and convoluted this would be to study as an indicator of starseed (indicating simply, recent lives on other planets) origins or psychic abilities.

Rh is TOTALLY RECESSIVE and when it is overridden by a dominant Rh+ that is HARDLY and inidcation that dozens of other traits controlled or influenced by a bazillion other genes are just knocked out along with it - nothing could be further from the truth.

In other words, if you are Rh+ and your mother is Rh-, then you are from an Rh- bloodline, yet you are Rh+, just like billions of other folks. And most likely, VIRTUALLY EVERYONE has an Rh- relative.
I am pos as my mother is neg (and I was a later preg so my birth was induced early, jaundiced etc due to her antibodies); and I most certainly, absolutely, positively, have greater psychic abilities than she or anyone else in my family, Rh neg or pos. This trait simply does not lend itself to the rigid categorical interpretations some are putting forth.
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