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Old 11-10-2010, 06:03 PM
Posts: n/a
Hello annonafox

It is well known that People left behind after the loss of a Loved One are deeply saddened sometimes angry and often emotionally devastated.
Spiritualists consider that after Death our consciousness goes to a realm of Love and Light, even Joy. This is considered to be a higher plain of existence, which makes sense as the atoms of a vapour move much more freely than those of a Solid. From this we can deduce that deceased loved ones consciousness occupy a plain of higher vibrational resonance than that of solid matter.
The bereaved, left behind loved ones occupy a plain of slower vibrational resonance, and also one of sadness and loss.
These Two plains are separated by dint of emotion and vibration. A Spiritual Medium is unencumbered by that sadness and loss, which is why they are often consulted to bring forward messages from the realm of love and light into the material world. This is achieved through the raising of the Mediums vibrations , usually through meditation. They ascend their consciousness to a point where those we have loved and lost can come to meet them , usually through a process called Mental Mediumship. This involves Images and Audibles being received by the Brain of the Medium commonly called Clairvoyance and Clair audience.

It can be concluded that Sadness is very far away from feelings of Joy and Happiness and do create then a gap between us the grieving and our loved ones who have stepped into the next part of our life. It is fair to assume that any loved one would not wish to see you unhappy.
So what can we do to save ourselves visits to mediums?
We could start by remembering the good times we had together when both of us occupied the physical plain of existence. This should produce feelings of happiness and a feeling of bond with our passed over loved one, that bond being a very real connection to that person. A bond that brings you closer to their energy in Spirit,
Taking note of Dreams is also a good idea, as Spirit very often communicates with us in our dreams.
Doing things we knew they enjoyed in life here, This could be cooking, Gardening, any hobby they had perhaps . You involving yourself in this activity will draw their energy to you as they remember the pleasure such activity it gave to them in life. A personal example of this ;
My Father in law , Loved Gardening, Whenever I visit a Garden Centre I feel his presence with me. looking to see what I am buying.Whenever I am Gardening ,once again his essence draws close by.
Meditation, Usually a few deep breaths and a closing of the eyes. Your day to day thoughts may well distract you at first, or as I did. you may develop an itch or a tickly throat to distract you. The key is to allow these things to happen and not resist them , because they become more persistent if you fight them.
This kind of Meditation does not require complete mental silence, It encourages you to form in your mind , Meeting Places in Peaceful idyllic environments ,constructed by your own imagination that facilitate someone from Spirit being able to come and meet with you.
In conclusion, If someone lives on in our hearts, they do indeed still live and we never totally lose anyone we love. as a closing point I should add that our pets can be contacted this way too.

Neville x
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