Thread: Just curious.
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Old 22-01-2007, 11:04 PM
Luke Wolf
Posts: n/a
I challenge your statement. Nocturnal Wicca still adhears to the Rule of Three, I strongly believe in Karma, and follow the Rule of Three as a general way of life. Most that come to this path are not in it for true spiritual reasons. Rather, they value the shock value.
I can heal, cause good, and even cause harm and destruction. The latter being in dire situations, and my spirit guides strongly warned me about carelessly using such power.
On the other side of the spectrum, throughout history, thier have been many wars and needless deaths caused by those serving Light. It's debatable whether or not these people were really serving Light, or thier own greed, but it's also debatable about those who cause needless harm who claim to serve Darkness. Do they really serve it, or are they filling thier own greed?