Thread: lower planes
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Old 13-02-2012, 06:01 AM
Astral Explorer Astral Explorer is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
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In my adventures in the Lower planes I have gone to very brightly lit empty warehouses, run down cities, A huge ballroom with lit chandeliers except it was very dark in there somehow (That never made sense to me). A completely dark weirdly shaped boxy room and the walls had glowing white pinstripe lines in them, sorta like a grid. I ended up onetime falling through the ground and landed in this huge fun zone looking place it had huge like blocked letters like children play with and all kinda weird block shapes that were huge and were dimly glowing neon colors (pink, yellow, green, etc) and the floor was checkered and glowing as well. Last one I can remember is I ended up in another weird glowing place but this place seemed like some type of Planetarium and had huge scale models of planets that I have never seen and maps of star systems. It was pretty dark in there and that is when I made my first true encounter with another Astral being. That is about where my experiences end because every time I leave my body an Astral Hitch-hiker attach's to me and pulls me down into the lower planes (Which I don't wish to really go to anymore to be honest). I am getting to the point I am just going to let it take me wherever it wants, maybe there is something I am supposed to be learning from the experience.
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