Thread: NDE and STE
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Old 26-01-2019, 09:28 PM
Saved65 Saved65 is offline
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nde and ste

I experienced an NDE that transended to a STE 9 days later. From that time until present, my life has taken a completely different path. I am in the same body but am no longer the same person I was prior to that night. My view of people and things has changed 180 degrees to one of unconditional love, respect and genuine caring for everyone I come into contact with. It has been at times difficult to come to terms with what I now feel, but I know that the goodness and love I exhibit toward my fellow man and woman will have a great impact on them all. At first I thought the changes were medically related, but soon found out that is was 100% spiritual. I have focused on that aspect going one 1 year, and am now convinced I was chosen like so many others. I have an overwhelming desire to help others who are close to death and will use this gift in a hospice setting. Believing in him is your acceptance of God's grace. A place was created in the kingdom of heaven for everyone on the day they were born. When the master architect of the universe cradles you in his arms, you need only to simply to look into his eyes and say you are ready.

Last edited by Saved65 : 26-01-2019 at 09:34 PM. Reason: duplicate post
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