Thread: ADCs
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Old 18-08-2018, 05:57 PM
inavalan inavalan is offline
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Originally Posted by blue102
In the last few years, I have been having ADCs from dead relatives quite frequently. They are ABSOLUTELY ADCs and not regular dreams (though I do have those as well, so I can tell the difference). Each of my deceased grandparents have communicated with me at least once at some point.

The last one I saw was my grandmother. She came through the day before my sister's wedding. My grandfather, who I was very close with, communicated with me in many ways after his death. I've seen him in dream form several times, mostly within the first few months of his death.

My mother says she has similar experiences. How common is this?

What did they tell you? What was their reason to contact you?

What is the difference between your after-death communications and your regular dreams?
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