Thread: Life
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Old 03-02-2018, 06:39 AM
inavalan inavalan is offline
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 5,089
Atheists are believers too; they believe there's no God. Each religion has its own God; some of them have many Gods (e.g. shinto); from "zero" to "many". There are also those who believe in something much bigger than us that isn't an anthropomorphic God.

Exercise your free will, and let all others exercise theirs too!

Many of us try to find answers to big questions about us, about Universe, about where are we coming from, about why are we here, about where are we going after, about what are we supposed to do, and more.

We ask around, we read, we follow gurus, we try to get answers ourselves through prayer, meditation, channeling, regression, etc..

We filter the answers we get through the bias of our already formed beliefs; some of us are more open, others less.

A belief, that many reject, is that we create our own reality through our intentional and unintentional thoughts, and that if we learn to identify our "wants", and to direct our attention only to them, instead of to our "don't wants", we can create, each one of us, our own joyful reality.

No suffering is necessary, or useful. When we experience positive emotions we think, and create, in harmony with the purpose for which we decided to incarnate; when we experience negative emotions (all of them) we think, and create, in disharmony with that purpose.

Only when we're joyful we grow, which explains why we keep incarnating over and over.

We can try to influence others, as they can try to influence us, but each one can create only their own reality, and can't create anybody else's reality.
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