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Old 05-11-2016, 07:25 AM
Lighthouse Lighthouse is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 8
This is the first time hearing about interfaith, but it can classify the direction where I have been leading. It seems to be a respect to all.

As beginning, you start to compare all religions uncovering the similarities. At first you are free to sample throughout all religion and let us not limit to just religion, but philosophies, symbols, world, societies and nature, etc.. Find where your heart leads you eventually leading to open your eyes and the multiple layers of our self. You are looking at the bigger picture. You uncover the many blinds of illusions scattered throughout our lives.

Thus, Listen to that inner voice.. guiding you.

Buddhism is very awesome as it can help you follow as focused guidelines reaching our higher nature. Buddhism also has a excellent community to help cultivate ourselves and with others to express socially and heartedly. Buddhism is very well developed and concentrated on key points to come into Being or our Buddha nature.

We could imagine the world as being a desert with oasis throughout. Some oasis's are great and others are small, but hidden beneath all leading and guiding to the same source. ^^
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